Boumediene: A supremely problematic court decision


Veteran Expediter
By Fred Thompson

As I pointed out last week, and as legal scholar John Yoo did earlier this week in the Wall Street Journal, the “Boumediene Five” have done our nation and our Constitution no great service. But beyond the rhetoric, we really need to understand the real world impact of this ruling on the war we are waging against our enemies.

First, the Court left total confusion and uncertainty as to what rights these habeas petitions will vindicate. What will be the nature of the review under these new habeas rights? Will the Court review the constitutionality of the detention hearing procedures? What will be the burden of proof in these new proceedings? Will they have a factual hearing in order to try to recreate the circumstances in the field at the time of the detainee’s apprehension?

The answer is no one knows. It will all be dumped into the laps of some federal district judge and his or her law clerks. These are unprecedented circumstances and there is no way to predict what some judge might see as his or her new mandate under the constitution.

Again, it will be a federal judge — not the President or the Congress or a military tribunal — who will decide the appropriate extent to which the detainee will have access to classified military information, as just one of the more troubling examples. In other words, the branch of our government least qualified to make determinations on national security and foreign policy will now do just that. One other thing is certain. Whatever comes out of this new habeas corpus mish mash will generate a new round of appeals and our avowed enemies will work their way deeper and deeper into our court system.

Second, the majority opinion throws into question whether the tens of thousands of detainees in Iraq and the more than 1000 in Afghanistan are now entitled to habeas. Is the Court going to extend habeas protection to all foreign detainees held in foreign territory over which the United States is not sovereign, but has de facto control? We could be looking at tens of thousands of military detainee habeas cases in federal court.

Third, the Court’s decision encourages al Qaeda to continue in violation of the Geneva Conventions. The Geneva Conventions are designed to protect civilians and to reward combatants with certain protections if they abide by the Conventions. Al Qaeda specifically targets civilians and wears no uniform to distinguish themselves from the civilian population. Our policy now is to give al Qaeda combatants privileges that exceed the Conventions in terms of access to our court system without requiring al Qaeda to abide by these conventions themselves. This, of course, is an incentive for them to violate the law of war. They receive no penalty for not doing so, and by not wearing uniforms, makes any standard of proof requirement with regard to enemy combatant status more difficult for the United States. We are literally giving the enemy the means by which they can do us great harm.

Unfortunately it is not uncommon for a majority of the Supreme Court to make new law based not upon precedent but upon policy preferences of members of the Court. But this time it’s part of a much bigger picture. It is about power, and who gets to exercise it in an area that is vital to the security of this nation. This time it’s not only wrong, it’s dangerous.

It should also be noted that Senator Obama thinks that the decision in Boumediene v Bush is an excellent one. I don’t know what’s worse: that he doesn’t understand what the Court has done … or that he actually does and still thinks this was a sound ruling. Good luck to all of us.


Expert Expediter
IF Obama is elected...I doubt he will use this as a justification for raising your taxes. lol He will come up with something real flowery and gives you a warm fuzzy. :)


Veteran Expediter
I read this the other day and sided with Mark Levin, this is not as big of a deal as other cases, specifically Kelo v. New London which essentially pulled our rights as property owners out of our hands and in to the hands of the state and cities who can now take our land for private use. The overreaching effect of the Gitmo issue is no where close of that with the horrible decision of Kelo v. New London

I keep harping on this as a real serious issue not just because it is bu because of the history behind the court case, the fact that New London ousted families who lived there for some 200 years and appointed a non-elected body, Pfizer of all things to make the determination what compensation will be offered and how the condemnations will proceed. Unlike other cases that I comment on, I KNOW the company side of this case and the history really well, I read the memos and the internal docs of the company and be it as it seems that they were the villain in the case, they did what any company would have done so the real villain who took a chunk of the foundation of our country is the city of New London.

AND for those who just don't get this issue, Congress should have told the courts not to hear the case and left the power of property rights in the hands of the people. But instead the democrats want to enslave the people even more and the decision was along ideology lines. AND since then, they have done little, well nothing to correct this serious issue and it shows that even if you hate Bush, the congress is the real problem. What that all means is if you are dumb enough to fall for Vote for Change bit and expect things to actually change in Washington, you are going to be shocked!