Captain John Smith "He who shall not work, shall not eat."


Veteran Expediter
Ah yes, the old "if you can't actually discuss things, revert to insults" ploy.

You do get the whole Jesus / Pharisee conflict that permeates the entire New Testament?


Veteran Expediter
Jesus pretty much summed up everything with Mark 12:31. I'll take His word about how we should behave toward others over everything else, including the rest of the Bible.

The two are inseparable. It's all or nothing. Anything else is ****able heresy.


Expert Expediter
You guys brought up a bunch of irrelevant stuff showing you aren't familiar with the whole council of God, just the stuff you like.

Captians Smith use of "Those who don't work, don't eat" is a biblical principle.

You fake chrisians want to ignore that because Jesus said love your nieghbor. Rather than, come up with a coherent doctirne that works the 2 together you just punt the verse you don't like.

No wonder, unbelievrsthink the bible I full of mistakes and contradictions.

Its not, but the world is full of so called christians who ignore the full council of God, be cuase they don't like it.

God sent a bear to eat a bunch of children for making fun of a bald guy!


Expert Expediter

The reasn you reject the whole council of god is because you are dead in your sins.

Be thankfull God sent me here to warn you, another chance has benn thrown your way.
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Expert Expediter
One other thing,

God destroys the earth in the end and creates a "new heavan and new earth where righteousness dwells"

But you'd have to read somethingother than J 3-16 to know that.


Veteran Expediter
I'll put my faith in Jesus, not the Bible. Now that might not make sense to you, and that is a shame. But then again, the very Apostles who walked the earth with Him for over three years, just never got it either.


Veteran Expediter
I'll put my faith in Jesus, not the Bible. Now that might not make sense to you, and that is a shame. But then again, the very Apostles who walked the earth with Him for over three years, just never got it either.

How do you know what Jesus said, unless you read about it in THE BIBLE?


Veteran Expediter
It sounded as if you opposed the opening assertion, which was "He that shall not work, neither shall he also eat." Is that the case? Because the governor was writing St.Paul.
It might be not that I oppose the premise ... but only what some are doing with it ...

Perhaps somewhat along the lines of Gandhi's famous quote:

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."


Veteran Expediter
It might be not that I oppose the premise ... but only what some are doing with it ...

Perhaps somewhat along the lines of Gandhi's famous quote:

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

The churches should be feeding the deserving poor, but they are conditioned to believe it's the gummint's job. In some places, notably in Florida, they are prohibited from doing so. After Sandy hit New York, the idiot Bloomberg demanded that food donations stop because the gummint couldn't police the nutritional quality of donations.
In these cases, the Church should tell the gummint that we will obey God rather than men and continue feeding the poor and needy. Bottom line, if we oppose gummint interference in poverty relief, with the concomitant theft that enables it, we must be ready to step in and take over.


Veteran Expediter
How do you know what Jesus said, unless you read about it in THE BIBLE?

I guess my point is that too many (in my thoughts) get hung up on "The Bible" and not the message. Jesus is much more than just what's in a book. (And I apologize, as I have never been able to properly articulate this thought.)

The Bible tells us the story. I just think we get too caught up with the "book" rather than the message contained in it.


Expert Expediter
The only information you hbave about Jesus in in that book.

Incidently, Jesus appears several times in the Old Testament. You maligh him as a socialist douche because you have formed your whole oppinion of his personality from the Sermon on the mount.

Your Jesus is not Jesus at all, just another IDOL.

Which I guess is my point. If you really KNEW christ it wouldn't be a surprise to learn he appears in the OT several times.

Anyway Jim ur last post made my point beautifully, you don't wanna get hung up on the 'book', you just want to believe whatever it is that makes you feel good.

"Those who don't work, don't eat" doesn't make you feel good so you reject it and replace it with a false notion of neighbor loving, at least on paper.

This socialised wealfare crap didn't start in the US until this last century, and it coincided strangley enough with the death of the church and the utter destruction of personal morals. What is so disgusting is the twisting of CHrists teaching to justify it all.

The end must be near because we are in a time when evil is called good.

So in the famous words of Brooke Shields, "check yourself...before you wreck yourself"


Expert Expediter
The church does help the deserving poor. In the US there just isn't that many of them.

The vast majorty of the 'poor' in the US are there because of drugs, alcohol or just plain laziness.

"The good samaritan" didn't find a man lying in the road with a wiskey bottle in his hand and a foodstamp book in his pocket. Or did he?

I have broke relatives right now, fully capable of driving a truck to earn a decent living, but they won't do it. "I don't wanna drive a truck" Good stay broke then.

SSI and MediCare and Food Stamps are all EVIL.


Seasoned Expediter
Yes Jim how dare you not read the Bible, you know the one that's been edited revamped translated from dead languages then edited and revamped again, and not follow it word for word...or not see that love and peace are so overrated! :eek:

)O( ~ Namaste ~ )O(


Expert Expediter

Very ignorant, there are more ancient copies of "the bible" than all other ancient works combined. Except for the 1611 king james, which nobody reads anymore anyway. The modern translations are done directly from the ancient texts. Yes there are "word fr word" translations available.

You might reasonably say that Jesus was a deludded crazyman But its not reasonable or even intelectually honest to say, that the bible isn't historically accurate as far as we can test, it even more incredulious to say our modern translations are bad.

Ignorant observations are not as valid as informed conclussions.
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Seasoned Expediter
That's not an observation it's fact.
The Old Testament is body of literature spread over what 1200 years 1400 to 200 B.C.E. No original complete text exists only fragments of them written in
Aramaic and classic Herbrew. This Hebrew had no vowels Rabbis later added vowels that they thought gave the words proper meaning. Around the 2nd century Rabbis compiled a text of everything together which incorporated the mistakes of previous people not to mention later errors, this text is the basis for most modern translations of the OT. The NT has even less fragments that survived and most scholars believe it wasn't until years after Jesus died that the gospels were even written. The oldest text comes from Paul who never saw Jesus alive on earth and there is absolutely no evidence any of the gospels came from an original apostle or anyone that had allegedly seen Christ. In Paul's letters there is no mention of the existence of the gospels but the oldest copy of the NT does have a tiny snippet from John so that's possibly debatable. And if I remember most fragments of the NT were written in old Greek.

But I forgot I'm just making ignorant observations based on no factual evidence...where's my dunce cap?!?
)O( ~ Namaste ~ )O(


Expert Expediter
Yes pan,

Most of that was BS. Its no great secret the gospels were written after Jesus died. That's like saying Shelby Footes "Civil War" is fiction cause all the characters in it were dead when he wrote it.

As for the OT it is true there is less documentrary evidence for it than there is for the NT, but what else would you expect it predates the NT.

You seem to think that the obvious is some kind of historical problem. Well it not. We don't have any original manuscrpits for any ancient document. Nor is it reasonable to think we could.

We do know the books in the NT are accurate, because of the overwhelming ammount of manurscipts and extra-biblical qoutes. The whole of the NT could be accurately re reated just by assembling the extra biblical qoutes of the church fathers.
So yeah your just plain wrong there.

As for the OT, there are less ancient manurscripts, bujt the ones we have agree with each other. Not to mention the works from qumran which substantially quote the OT works an predate thed christian eara by 100's of years.

So your just plain out to lunch.


Expert Expediter

The first extrabiblical manuscript that talks about Alaxander the Great doesn't show up untill 500 years after his death we don't have an original of that either.

But noboby questions it.


Seasoned Expediter
Actually we have more evidence of the OT not the NT...anyone who did not have an agenda (church fathers) back up historical proof you claim of the bible?
I'm not out to lunch I choose this pesky thing called factual evidence not someone else's ramblings.
If the bible is so historically accurate then the earth is only 5000 yrs old, was created in 6 days, dinosaurs never existed and every animal alive today is only bc they were on a boat with some old guy. Next you'll be telling me Santa isn't real, I can't fly and my imaginary friend is lying...go easy I might fall off my unicorn.

)O( ~ Namaste ~ )O(