It's a Team's Life

Mid America Trucking Show 2010

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Mar 30th 2010 3:07AM


Brett Blowers - Lilly Williams - Henry Albert - Linda Caffee - Bob Caffee - Rick Ash - Dr. Sleep

We once again had to dead head a pretty good distance to attend MATS. We arrived on Tuesday afternoon and we not the first in the Papa John's parking lot. Wednesday was a day of freedom with friends rolling in, friends getting booths set up, and staking out our corner of the parking lot.

Thursday started with a bang as our Group, The Trucking Solutions Driver Health Council, was recognized and appointed to be the Driver Advisory Board to the Healthy Trucking Association of America (HTAA)during the press release brunch.
We met with Dr. Jeff Durmer, better known as Dr. Sleep. Also pictured is Brett Blowers chairman of HTAA.

Next came stuffing the goody bags for the Driver Health Walk which we had great fun doing. The weather was not very promising as it rained most of Wednesday and through the night. On Friday, the weather for the walk was cold, windy and chilly but we still had over 125 walkers which I thought was fantastic for our first walk. Some of the drivers had to walk over a mile to participate in our walk as the shuttles were not running from the Papa John's parking lot where many were parked. The walk went very well where everyone chit chatted and networked amongst themselves. After the walk there were several drawings for giveaways.


The next day was the Women in Trucking (WIT)  //

gathering. This event was really amazing as each woman was wearing a red WIT T-Shirt and there were over 250 woman CDL holders present. President Ellen Voie planned a great event. there were over 100 women who had driven over one million miles, 16 of them drove over three million safe miles. I was able to meet a couple of the women who are on the Wal-Mart road team and they were inspirational not only in their attitude but what all they have done.

There were also many other events we attended that kept us hopping from one building to the next!