It's a Team's Life

Labor vs. Work
Labor vs. Work
This week we all had the opportunity to enjoy a holiday that allows us to reflect on the work that we do. While we were home over the Labor Day weekend we still were working. Dave was working on the truck. I was working on end of month reconciling and planning future work. We both were doing laundry, grocery shopping to supply our truck for the next several weeks and visiting with friends too. It seems that we are always working.
In our case, I will honestly say that our work is a labor of love. We enjoy what we do. We feel blessed to be able to work in an industry that accepts us for who we are. We enjoy meeting old friends and making new friends along the way.
I was watching the news this weekend and learned that our Labor Day holiday was started years ago in Europe. It was celebrated in the month of May and was called May Day. I had no idea! Back in the late 1800’s our forefathers began to celebrate Labor Day in the beginning of September and was enacted into law in 1894 for federal employees only. It wasn’t until the late 1930’s that unions were encouraged to strike so that all workers could have the day off. While I do not want to make this a political post, I do find the history very interesting.
What did you do this Labor Day weekend? Did you work? Was it a labor of love? Were you mowing your lawn as I saw some people doing? Were you cooking out while on a camping trip or at home with family or friends that you invited over? Do you see this holiday as the end of a season? Summer is over and Fall is waiting in the wings. Days are getting shorter and temperatures will soon be dropping. A friend actually posted on social media that they were anxious for the first snowfall. I replied, “Be careful what you wish for!”
Whatever you did this Labor Day holiday, I hope that it was a labor of love and not work that you dread. We have all been in a J.O.B. that is work. If you are in such a place now, I hope that you can find labor that gives you joy. Life is too short to be so unhappy.
Here’s to million of safe, prosperous and JOYFUL miles!
Kelly Plumb