It's a Team's Life

Diets just do not work for the long term

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Sep 28th 2009 12:15PM

We had a hint of a wake up call at the end of 2008  when we had our annual physicals.  We have always both been in pretty good shape and pretty active.  We had settled into the sedentary lifestyle of a truck driver really well but we did not slow down our eating.  We have both always had very low blood pressure but this was slowly going up, we have both been active enough weight was not a problem but this was rapidly changing, we had always ate healthy and had not problems with Cholesterol but this also was changing.  We either had to change our lifestyle or plan on having plenty of health problems as we age.  We decided to go with a healthy lifestyle which meant a lot of changes starting with our diet.  I now cook most of our meals in the truck and am constantly trying new healthy recipes.  We have taken all sugar snacks out of the truck and now eat fresh fruit and vegetables.  When stopped you will most often find Bob out polishing on the truck and I am out walking or biking.  We are both slowly losing weight and our blood pressure is back to a low figure.  Bob's cholesterol numbers are back in reasonable range and we have more energy.

At the first of 2009 one mile was a very painful event with knees and shins hurting and complaining the whole way.  Now I can easily walk 5 to 7 miles with my longest walk this year being almost 11 miles.  The walking and biking has improved my mood and my thoughts to being very positive.  Both of us have lots more energy and a better outlook on the days events.

Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 5 years been out here on the road ten years
[email protected]