It's a Team's Life

118th Congress Trucking Bills Expired (2022-2024)
As, some of you know we like to keep you informed of legislation that is introduced and moving through Congress. In this article we want to cover those that ended up expiring in the 118th congress.
We like to pass along these so if you feel they were important to you that you can contact your representative or the person who introduced it (if they are still in congress) to ask them to reintroduce in the 119th congress.
1. H.R. 915 – Establishes a standard of care in carrier selection for brokers and other entities that contract with motor carriers for the shipment of goods. This legislation did make it to the House calendar on November 26, 2024 but was never voted on. Sponsored by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wisconsin). See House Bill 915
2. H.R. 2367 – Provides competitive grants for projects that provide public parking for commercial motor vehicles. This legislation did make it the House calendar on December 19, 2024 but was never voted on. Sponsored by Rep. Mike Bost (R-Illinois). See House Bill 2367
3. H.R. 2948 – Authorizes the operation of stinger-steered combination automobile transporters with gross weight of 88,000 lbs. or less on the Interstate System. This legislation did make it the House calendar on December 19, 2024 but was never voted on. Sponsored by Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas). See House Bill 2948
4. H.R. 3013 – Provides statutory authority for waivers of training, testing, and other requirements for commercial driver's licenses that were issued by FMCSA to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. This legislation did make it the House calendar on December 12, 2024 but was never voted on. Sponsored by Rep. Darin LaHood (R-Illinois). See House Bill 3013
5. H.R. 3318 – Allows commercial motor vehicles transporting dry bulk goods on the interstate highway system with up to 110% of the maximum allowed weight on any axle or axle group. This legislation did make it the House calendar on November 26, 2024 but was never voted on. Sponsored by Rep. Rick Crawford (R-Arkansas). See House Bill 3318
6. H.R. 3365 – Directs the Department of Transportation to prioritize grants under certain programs for projects that improve or build resiliency in the supply chain, including multimodal projects. This legislation did make it the House calendar on November 26, 2024 but was never voted on. Sponsored by Rep. John Duarte (R-California). See House Bill 3365
7. H.R. 8505 – Expands the authority of the FMCSA administrator to assess penalties for violations of laws and regulations relating to the shipping of household goods, and for other purposes. The bill more broadly would have clarified FMCSA’s authority to enforce commercial regulations and would have required the agency to ensure that regulated entities have physical principal places of businesses before receiving authority. This legislation did make it the House calendar on December 19, 2024 but was never voted on. Sponsored by Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) See House Bill 8505
All of the above legislation did make it to a committee and one or more subcommittee. They all got voted on in the subcommittees to make it to the House floor. Majority of these bills were introduced in 2023.
Sandy & Stephen
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