You'll have more than 2 choices


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
At this point in history the worst thing that can happen. A lot of people will vote for the 3rd candidate who has ZERO chance of winning and in doing so will allow the greater of two evils to win. Just look at what happened when Perot ran.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Seasoned Expediter
The heart is in the right place, but yes, it will be a wasted vote.
We need to get some solid realistic prospects. Under a war footing, we need a war Prez. Will Colin change his mind? Never say never, Bama and Hil said they would NEVER consider running in '08.
How 'bout Newt? Anyone think he's beyond consideration for an R ticket?


Veteran Expediter
Well The republicans can win again but it will take a party (er village?) to pull it together in time. The republican party must get rid of the idea of being the middle of the road and focus on issues that got them in in the 90's and that help the country. Also they must apprear as one voice without these idiots who side with the dems when it gets tough, cut them off and kick them out (McCain comes to mind).

At this point the republicans are marginally better than the dems and they have fallen into the same old trap they have been in for the past 8 years.

I got a book the other day, Somebody's got to say it by this unknown radio guy Neal Brootz. I would say it points out a few important things that are wrong with the two parties and mentions a third - the libertarian party. I would recommend the book because he makes sense on a bunch of different subject and if you don't like him, it is good entertainment to read.


Veteran Expediter
I heard someone on the radio say - You waste your vote when you vote for someone you don't believe in.

How can you ppl say you waste your vote when you don't vote the status quo? Ross Perot? He was the best thing that happened to politics in generations! If enough ppl voted their conscience, he would've won, then given DC the stir it needed.

Ppl who are complacent like that remind me of the mindless zombies looking for brains. Sorry, you won't find it on CNN. Try thinking outside of the two party box.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Boortz has some really good proposals about the flat tax. That book is one that everyone should read, especially between now and April 15th. Regarding the third pary vote - remember what happened when Ross Perot ran with Bush 41 and Slick Willie. If there's going to be a third party, it needs to be a really strong third party capable of winning a majority of the electorate. Unfortunately, we're not there yet.


Veteran Expediter
If we do not vote for who we believe in why don't we just flip a coin between the two chosen candidates from the two behemoth machines that control all that is political..... no dilution of the pool that way. Oh, and how about this.....we let vegas set odds on who is going to win and then bet on it! All the proceeds can go to paying down the deficit...


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There is evil and there is EVIL. Being pie in the sky and voting for Perot, his being the most logical choice aside, was casting a vote for EVIL. We could have had 4 years of evil and a new choice. Instead we got 8 years of EVIL. I wanted Perot to win but I took off my rose colored glasses and saw it was never going to happen. Each vote for Perot was a statement of "I don't care about the nation and what is best for it. I only care about feeding my own ego to say I made a difference and was a voice for change." What a difference! Voting for EVIL by wasting a thrown away vote. If Perot had been polling at least 45% it could have been different. As it was it was a bunch of wasted votes and we paid a heavy price for it.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Pilgrim... that's exactly what the two parties are wanting you to think. They will do everything they can to keep what they have... a two party system.

Leo... if you're a Republican, that's one thing. But if you vote for one evil to prevent an EVIL from getting into office, you can't exactly complain if your evil ends up EVIL.

The only time I've seen common sense reign in congress was when the Repubs first got into office with their contract with America. Since then, the Repubs got a taste of the tax and spend, and outdid the Dems on that point. They found that they loved control, and got away from the smaller government ideals the conservatives stood for. Now they're out of power and can't do a damm thing. We need to go back to the constructionist/constitutionalist period of the mid 90s. Could you imagine if Reagan had a congress like that?

We have several million voters who are OO/IDs with no one to represent them in office. Neither party truly stands for the small businessman, and especially the betterment of the trucking industry. So why would I vote for someone who doesn't represent me? If you aren't for me, you're against me. Anything else is EVIL in my book.

To me, what you're saying is... "Letsrock, why do you rout for the Browns when they never win?" It's that mentality that never gives the underdog third party a chance. Everybody wants to cast the winning vote.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Expert Expediter
I wish I had Perot's info mercials on dvd. "With Clinton economics...we all will be plucking chickens for a living!". (talking about the only industy in Arkansas that has grown in last few years, poultry) I also loved that voo doo stick he had. Said some woman gave it to him while on some trip or something. :p


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Didn't Perots enemies from both sides of thaise start a rumorthat his daughter was a Lesbian or some crap like that and thats why he droped out. I voted for him anyway.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I was very tempted to vote for Perot because I wasn't crazy about Bush 41 and I REALLY didn't like Clinton. In the end I held my nose and voted for Bush 41 because the reality is that Republicans and Democrats had the control over our political system and the polls at that time reflected that. Unless and until the country has an extremely strong candidate that has literally Billions of dollars at his disposal for a campaign fund we won't see a viable third party choice. This candidate would have to be a moderate - maybe someone like Colin Powell - who could draw the support of minorities as well as moderates from both parties to have enough support to significant. However, T-hawk is right about the current two party system. With the power they have right now, a strong third party won't be around for the forseeable future.


Veteran Expediter
Does that mean it's right to only look at the main two candidates? I'll probably be dead before a third party makes a real run for power. Doesn't mean I have to be a lemming and follow my fellow voters to the same-o.

You can say I'm throwing my vote away. But if there's no one I like, I just don't vote.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Even if there's no one you like you must find one more objectionable than the other. Not voting against an evil like Hilary is the same as voting for her if no vote is cast.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Seasoned Expediter
Neal Boortz is not unknown to those of us who listened to AM talk radio. He is dead on on many issues including the Libertarian party and a National Sales Tax.

I disagree that you are wasting your vote. I understand your point and it is indeed valid. I ask you, how long do we put our faith, future and hopes in the "lesser of two evils" and not in what we truly believe in. As we know, the definition of insanity is continueing to do the same things and expecting different results. How can we, in good conscience, continue to elect lame ducks we know will never follow through with the ideals and beliefs we share? If we don't demand a change we can't expect one. The last time I checked the only way I can voice my demands are with my vote. It may be time for this country to see where someone as evil as Hillary (and I believe she is truly evil) will lead us to jolt and shock us into demanding the change we know is needed. This country is being led toward ruin by both the parties in power. I say it is time for a major change.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm all for change and in certain circumstances I would waste my vote as a statement toward it. Clinton, in either evil incarnation, isn't such a circumstance. If the dems found some brains and ran Lieberman I'd very likely vote 3rd party, provided they ran a candidate worth having. Lieberman isn't nearly evil enough to mandate voting against. Clinton is far too evil to vote for by either voting 3rd party or not voting at all.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Seasoned Expediter
I think the term "waste" is inappropriate as well. The only time you waste your vote is when you don't cast it in my opinion.


Veteran Expediter
Regarding evil,it's in our face!!!It is W,Diky,Scooter,and on and on.How can you even put out that Hillary could be,by any strech,more evil then the current bunch of liers and thieves.These guys reinvent evil day after day!Just read the liberal press Leo(or Fox if you want BS).