Ya really gotta wonder why they're all tryin' soooooo hard ....


Veteran Expediter
After examining your comments further, I can see the confusion is even worse than I initially thought.

Say what you want but if you are against something then you are against it.
Yup ..... only problem is: if you are not against something then you aren't against it:

Ron Paul on Earmarks

Ron Paul, Don Young and Joseph Cao Ignore GOP Earmark Ban, Risk Reprimand

The problem with earmarks is they help run up the need for a larger budget the next year.
..... 'splain it to me ..... like I wuz a child .....

If RON PAUL really has no problem with using earmarks why does he always vote no on any spending bill.
Because if he did, he'd have to give up the rather snappy-sounding honorary title of "Dr. No" ?

Why not just vote yes. Bet it has nothing to do with the fact he could no longer claim to be a fiscal conservative against big wasteful government spending.
Yeah ..... you got him all figgered out dontcha ? :rolleyes:

You are not gonna change my mind about a guy who claims to be one of the only real fiscal conservative republicans in congress, yet is one of only four republicans to request earmarks in the 2011 in the amount of $157,093,544 after pledging along with the rest of the republicans not to.
Ahhh ... now you've gone and done it: using a total falsehood and complete misrepresentation of his actual position .... all to achieve political ends .... tsk, tsk, tsk:

"Paul is one of a handful of Members to publicly challenge the House GOP leadership by going forward with earmark requests just two weeks after the Republican Conference adopted a one-year moratorium on the spending practice. …

[Ron Paul] defended his decision to request projects, saying he needed to make sure his constituents benefited from their federal tax dollars. …

Paul said leaders were well aware of his opposition to the ban and his belief that earmarks increase transparency because the public can see where their federal dollars are being allocated.

They asked me whether I would sign on to the moratorium, and I said no, it doesn’t fit my philosophy because I think we should designate every penny that we spend,” he said."

For bonus points, your false assertion above about Ron Paul's "pledge" (remember - the one that never occurred ?) would be ______ ? (this one is multiple choice ;))

A. An accepted, if fairly scummy, political tactic (at least in some circles)
B. Not a very bright move on your part
C. A blatant lie and perversion of the actual truth of the matter
D. Obama's fault
E. All of the above


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Could you please expand on your post a little - as to how you see Alex Jones exactly - and how does the article you linked to, relate to that ?
Simply an introduction to Alex Jones for the benefit of those not familiar with him. His name came up in an earlier post.
BTW, the article you linked to is an expansion on, and quotes liberally from, an article written by Matt Cover of CNS News. The article was actually written by Paul Joseph Watson - not by Alex Jones.
My post did not identify Jones as the author.


Veteran Expediter
Say what you want but if you are against something then you are against it.not its wrong on the federal level but ok for the states to tell you you can or can not,its that simple.

It's called the 10th Amendment. Try reading it sometime. Ron Paul, like all constitutionalists, take the Constitution at face value... ie, the federal government has certain things it CAN do; and everything else it CAN'T do. But the states CAN do most things the federal government CAN'T.

Ron Paul is also a libertarian. IE, he's against abortion; but believes it's up to the states to make the laws on it... not the federal government's. It's called liberty... look it up. It means that even tho I don't agree with what you do, I believe you have the right to do it if: 1) It harms no person, 2) It damages no property, and 3) It doesn't involve fraud.


Veteran Expediter
On the age thing, check out Buddy Roemer - I caught a little bit of him on CSPAN the other day (haven't fully researched his record yet though)

I was watching O'reilly two days ago and Laura Ingrham is filling in for him. I can't stand her, so I figured I would see what was on MSNBC. It was the Lawrence O'donnell show with someone filling in for him and I caught his interview with Buddy Roemer. His campaign finance reform is what every American should be demanding in Washington. Here is the interview, I suggest everyone watch.

msnbc.com Video Player

I too will be doing more research on the guy.
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