Would Barry agree or.......


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I wonder. Would Barry would agree with the statements below? I wonder if he would consider such ideas as radical? I wonder if he would SUPPORT the very things that these people are standing up against?

He DID take an oath to protect and defend our Constitution. He does NOT appear to be willing to do that. It seems to me that he as almost NO regard for out Constitution and is doing all he can to abolish it.

Don't get me wrong, this is NOTHING new. It has been going on for a VERY long time. Just look a Lincoln. I call out Barry because he is the putz we have now.

I believe that ANYONE serving in the military, police forces, FBI etc etc etc who does NOT agree with the ideas below should lose their job. ANYONE who would NOT agree to defend our Constitution and our People should NOT be in a position of power.


Declaration of Orders We Will NOT Obey

1. We will NOT obey any order to disarm the American people.​

2. We will NOT obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects -- such as warrantless house-to house searches for weapons or persons.

3. We will NOT obey any order to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to trial by military tribunal.

4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state, or to enter with force into a state, without the express consent and invitation of that state’s legislature and governor.

5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which that state entered the Union.

6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.

7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.

8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control” during any emergency, or under any other pretext. We will consider such use of foreign troops against our people to be an invasion and an act of war.

9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies, under any emergency pretext whatsoever.

10. We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

Oath Keepers » Oath Keepers – Guardians of the Republic


Veteran Expediter
Nope barry wouldn't and won't support the "Oath Keepers", as a matter of fact, his minions are coming after them:

State snatches baby when dad accused of being 'Oath Keeper'

'You could be on 'the list' and then child protective services might come'

October 08, 2010
11:35 pm Eastern
State snatches baby when dad accused of being 'Oath Keeper'
By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

A 16-hour-old newborn was snatched from her parents by authorities in Concord, N.H., after social services workers alleged the father is a member of Oath Keepers.

* You can finish the article at the link above...