Why'd July to dispatch ??


Veteran Expediter
75N Lexington. Just passed Load 1 cube van and a V3 Sprinter. EO Expo is over right?

Lol...just poking:)


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Getting rid of them individually by hand was taking for.ev.er, but they can all be deleted at once in one go. But that requires direct access to the server and doing an SQL Query command to delete them. Josh will do that from home today it he can, otherwise he'll do it on Monday when he gets in the office.
All of Gidgit's ratings given have been deleted.


Retired Expediter
this is 6 weeks off the road, not by choice! Pay checks are getting slim. Maybe OVM can send me some Redwood Bark to put some fibre in my diet! Man cannot live on wieners alone!
I be off over 6 weeks my paychecks are almost out...starting all over again..
Lots of companies in the Elkhart area...there are still some companies that find it cheaper to use expedite as a form of regular shuttle as opposed to the cost of hiring an employee and buying/maintaining a van themselves...

BUT Johnson controls now builds their plants where possible in the assembly plants area and uses their own company van for a shuttle..Example JC in KC....they shuttle to the Ford and GM plant....hence fewer loads for us...


Veteran Expediter
Hmmm a XPO Sprinter just showed up at our customer??

He's loaded and gone and I still sit and wait while production is stopped for a free lunch!
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