Where's that Republican pride?


Veteran Expediter
One more time, Doug:

Several questions for you, Doug.

1. What do you understand to be the GOP stance?
2. How do you define being a Republican?
3. What are the GOP koolade (sic) lines? See kool-aid (Kool-Aid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

How DARE you ask pointed questions of Doug! You should know moveon.org didn't prepare him to answer that! You should be ashamed of yourself! :eek:



Not a Member
How DARE you ask pointed questions of Doug! You should know moveon.org didn't prepare him to answer that! You should be ashamed of yourself! :eek:

I have never visited moveon.org, at least as far as I know. Unless it came up and I read something from a google search.


Not a Member
HAHAHA- So you did vote for W! probably at least 3 or 4 times. I believed you before when you said you didn't:D.

W. was the lesser of the evils?? is that what you are saying??

C'mon Leo man up did you or didn't you?

Not a Rep. Didn't vote for W.- Stick by those convictions shout it to the world.



Veteran Expediter
Now Hawk,you just listen up for a minute here.I have never been to moveon.org,not one single time. I have made that clear many,many times.Not one my friend
You raked me over the coals more times then I can count for my positions on this forum regarding the war and w in general. I was correct and was vilified by the complete stomping of every red state turn around,

I've been hangin around this place long enough to understand the mind set here.Don't try and run from the truth about the facts regarding how I was dissrespected as the ONLY detractor for so many years.Don't assume Doug or I are moveon.orger's for not having the required right wing affiliation for membership in the hate Obama glee club.It's your thing,I'm here to point out when your singing off key,thats all.

Doug can chart his own course through this thing,I'm just making sure the history of my time here is not mis represented.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I voted for Bush for governor although it was about 51/49 for Bush but against Richards. Depending on the day and time asked for an opinion I would have voted against Richards, not for Bush.

I voted against Kerry and Gore for president. You can say I voted for Bush if that will give you the thrill in the leg but I was significantly more against Gore/Kerry than I was for Bush.


Seasoned Expediter
The Truth !

Thought this a very interesting story and something
for everything to think about and pray about.......PRAY FOR
AMERICA, she has problems.......

Catching Wild Pigs

A chemistry professor in a large college had some
exchange students in the class. One day while the class was
in the lab the Professor noticed one young man (exchange
student) who kept rubbing his back, and stretching as if his
back hurt.

The professor asked the young man what was the
matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his
back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his
native country who were trying to overthrow his
country's government and install a new communist

In the midst of his story he looked at th e
professor and asked a strange question. He asked, 'Do
you know how to catch wild pigs?'

The professor thought it was a joke and asked for
the punch line.. The young man said this was no joke.
You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the
woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and
begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are
used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of
the place where they are used to coming. When they get used
to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put
up another side of the fence. They get used to that and
start to20eat again. You continue until you have all four
sides of the fence up with a gate in The last side. The
pigs, who are used to the free corn, start to come through
the gate to eat, you slam the gate on them and catch the
whole herd.

Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom.
They run around and around inside the fence, but they are
caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are
so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the
woo ds for themselves, so they accept their captivity.

The young man then told the professor that is
exactly what he sees happening to America . The government
keeps pushing us toward socialism and keeps spreading the
free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental
income, tax credit for unearned income, tobacco subsidies,
dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare,
medicine, drugs, etc.. While we continually lose our
freedoms -- just a little at a time.

One should always remember: There is no such thing
as a free lunch! Also, a politician will never provide a
service for you cheaper than you can do it yourself.

Also, if you see that all of this wonderful
government 'help' is a problem confronting the
future of democracy in America , you might want to send
this on to your friends. If you think the free ride is
essential to your way of life then you will probably delete
this email, but God help you=2 0when the gate slams shut!

Keep your eyes on the newly elected politicians who
are about to slam the gate on America .

"A government big enough to give you
everything you want, is big enough to take away everything
you have"

~Thomas Jefferson~


Not a Member
I voted for Bush for governor although it was about 51/49 for Bush but against Richards. Depending on the day and time asked for an opinion I would have voted against Richards, not for Bush.

I voted against Kerry and Gore for president. You can say I voted for Bush if that will give you the thrill in the leg but I was significantly more against Gore/Kerry than I was for Bush.

Its not American Idol you don't vote against someone you vote for someone.
Are you sure you even voted?
There is no NOT KERRY vote.

At least 3 votes for W.

Then complain things are messed up jeez Leo look in the mirror you will find the problem.


Seasoned Expediter
I posted most of them in this thread already, read back

I read back. Your explanations about the GOP, Republicans, and Republican koolade (sic) must be deleted or typed in invisible ink. Not being a secret agent with a magic ring, I can't make the invisible ink visible. I truly am interested in how you define being a Republican, whatever Republican koolade (sic) is, and what the GOP talking points are.


Veteran Expediter
Bravo, Duramax! Do these drones who continually vote for more goodies think the government will keep delivering once the gate is shut? Government healthcare is a great example... once it's there, it isn't going away; and the feds will determine whether you live or die, depending on your ills.


Veteran Expediter
I read back. Your explanations about the GOP, Republicans, and Republican koolade (sic) must be deleted or typed in invisible ink. Not being a secret agent with a magic ring, I can't make the invisible ink visible. I truly am interested in how you define being a Republican, whatever Republican koolade (sic) is, and what the GOP talking points are.

Like I said... his handlers didn't teach him to answer this.


Veteran Expediter
Leo,look in the rear veiw mirror,in a pigs eye Doug. Reflection on the w years is simply not allowed,to much to ask for. But Carter,now that SOB really stunk the place up,just get Greg going on Carter. Hell,he was chummy with Osama's uncle. ooops,that was w' father, the other bush President.
"And the beat go's on..........


Not a Member
Bravo, Duramax! Do these drones who continually vote for more goodies think the government will keep delivering once the gate is shut? Government healthcare is a great example... once it's there, it isn't going away; and the feds will determine whether you live or die, depending on your ills.

You are dead wrong Hawk.
Obama supporters were not voting for goodies, unless by goodies you mean the playing field being tilted back level where under Bush's trickle up economics the wealthiest got wealthier at the expense of the middle class.

As far as the goodie thing I remember W. sending out some socialist goodie checks of 400 to a whole lot of people me included.


Veteran Expediter
Leo look in the rear view mirror ? In a pigs eye Doug.I love the "voted against" thing.He's been spouting that line for years. In fact, nobody in Texas voted for w,just against the other guys.

Reflection on the w years is simply not allowed.Having to admit to those two votes is too humiliating.But Carter,now that SOB really stunk the place up,just get Greg going on Carter.Hell,he was chummy with the Osama's uncle, ooops that was w's father, the other bush President.Sorry I get them mixed up sometimes.

"And the beat go's on..........
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Veteran Expediter
You are dead wrong Hawk.
Obama supporters were not voting for goodies, unless by goodies you mean the playing field being tilted back level where under Bush's trickle up economics the wealthiest got wealthier at the expense of the middle class.

As far as the goodie thing I remember W. sending out some socialist goodie checks of 400 to a whole lot of people me included.

Those 'goodie checks' were OUR money to begin with! Ever hear of TAX CUTS? Only when forced to give them to everyone (in particular, those who don't pay taxes) were they goodies.

As far as the rich getting richer at the expense of the middle class... what's the difference with what's going on now, where the poor get richer at the expense of everyone else?


OVM Project Manager
Here is the big 4 you can add the Iraq war to them.

1. Obama is simply a puppet for the real powers that be. He was just more manageable than McCain and that's why he won the election.

2. I as a Republican also believe in a woman's right to choose...in the case of rape, incest or danger to the mother's health, but not as birth control. That's a personal opinion and not a politcal one.

3. No ONE is going to tell me I can not have a weapon!

4. I'm NOT in the closet and I rather suspect you're not as much of a democrat as one would suspect. I think you are misquided and should listen...and truly hear...what we are truly all about!
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Seasoned Expediter
Here is the big 4 you can add the Iraq war to them.

Ah, the invisible comes to light. Thank you. A thought question for you. If a registered Democrat believed in and actively pursued the following:

1. After 9/11, was 100% for the Iraq War, as was 80% of the country
2. Was pro life, perhaps, a staunch fourth generation Catholic whose family has always voted Democrat
3. Was interested in lowering taxes not only on the wealthy but on all taxpayers because he/she is a Democrat and a business owner.
4. Voted for Hillary Clinton and was vehemently against Barack Obama because he/she didn't feel a 1st term Senator with little executive experience was ready for one of the most difficult executive jobs in the world.

Would that be all right in your world? I am sure we can find hundreds, if not thousands, of Democrats who fit that description. Just look at the PUMAs. Would you welcome them as fellow travelers or blast them because of their views?


Veteran Expediter
Nothing like food stamps to give an unemployed bread winner a feeling of power and wealth.
I know,w wanted to do away with the food stamp program,"Get a job at Burger King"?
Many are glad after his adminsitraions financial implosion he was not able to "get er done brownie"