Where is Bill any one seen Bill what happend to Bill?


Seasoned Expediter
Bill and Hillary to hit the trail this week. I am voting Obama. A few reasons, but my main reason is that my whole working life I have paid taxes, just like everyone else, no one has ever asked me "Elizabeth would you like to pay for space travel, or studies on the mating cycles of fish (other ridiculous stuff) but I pay them and move along quietly. But now there is a canidate who is pushing for health care for all americans... I agree with that, and feel health care for profit is a all around bad deal and needs to be done away with. We have socialized police, and firemen, and our military have socialized medicine- and he is for education ( have a son in college) so he hits home with me. I heard one story on the radio this year that made me cry- and I am not a crier... it was about older women living in Santa Barbara and in the midst of the housing crisis they are living in there cars, sleeping in parking lots, but then have to clear out for the day- and come back at night to sleep. They had jobs, and homes, and then nothing. This last administration has been very much out of touch with whats happening in America, I want someone who knows our struggles, understands them, and I do believe will do some good.


Veteran Expediter
I think it is funny people get to the point that they vote for things that will put the country in a deeper hole.

I am sorry but I will be voting for McCain, I don't like the guy but what is better? Obama is a Marxist, he has covered up his relationships with a terrorist, a felon, voted to kill kids and if that isn't bad enough, his VP pick has little experience with real issues, being on the wrong side of things more often than not.

McCain, even though people point out that he was a POW, he has been more middle than right on many issue. He has prestent for a vote a very distructive immigration bill, and he has insulted the american worker. Palin has been liked by the people who put her in office. I think that she will learn how to do the job better because she has not been part of the falseness of politics like McCain, Biden, Obama and Hillary have.

So I would rather vote for the old f*rt with the young girl than the Marxist who is a freind of a terrorist with the crazy senator from a state smaller than Detroit.


Not a Member
Me personally I am dicusted at all of them. I really do wonder if Obongo would actually get our troops home where they belong not the worlds policeman?
I don't watch TV so I really don't know if his adds are geared that way..Maybe I will watch it when the debates come on.. I would tend to think they are all just puppets anyway.
Right now Paris Hilton gets my vote..She actually seems smarter and much better looking.....Lets face it they are all windbags at least we could a good looking one..........:)


Not a Member
I think it is funny people get to the point that they vote for things that will put the country in a deeper hole.

I am sorry but I will be voting for McCain, I don't like the guy but what is better? Obama is a Marxist, he has covered up his relationships with a terrorist, a felon, voted to kill kids and if that isn't bad enough, his VP pick has little experience with real issues, being on the wrong side of things more often than not.

McCain, even though people point out that he was a POW, he has been more middle than right on many issue. He has prestent for a vote a very distructive immigration bill, and he has insulted the american worker. Palin has been liked by the people who put her in office. I think that she will learn how to do the job better because she has not been part of the falseness of politics like McCain, Biden, Obama and Hillary have.

So I would rather vote for the old f*rt with the young girl than the Marxist who is a freind of a terrorist with the crazy senator from a state smaller than Detroit.
I say why vote for McCain he is a Nazi war criminal, who killed little puppies ripped their heads off and drank their blood, while chanting to Alla and fornicating with farm animals, after dropping LSD. Ok that is just a plain lie. My point being anyone can just say anything like Obama is a Marxist, with these ties as stated above, and when exactly has he voted to kill kids. Was this senate bill "KILL666KIDS". Please enlighten us on the Obama voting to kill kids thing, because I am quite sure the McCain camp would love to use this! Another blanket statement was Biden has been on the "wrong" side of issues more often than not. Please tell us all O' wise one what is the right and wrong sides of issues.

I have no problem with positions right, left, or middle of the road but PAAHHLEEASE use common sense and some semblence of the truth when stating facts.


Seasoned Expediter
I think it is funny people get to the point that they vote for things that will put the country in a deeper hole.

I am sorry but I will be voting for McCain, I don't like the guy but what is better? Obama is a Marxist, he has covered up his relationships with a terrorist, a felon, voted to kill kids and if that isn't bad enough, his VP pick has little experience with real issues, being on the wrong side of things more often than not.

McCain, even though people point out that he was a POW, he has been more middle than right on many issue. He has prestent for a vote a very distructive immigration bill, and he has insulted the american worker. Palin has been liked by the people who put her in office. I think that she will learn how to do the job better because she has not been part of the falseness of politics like McCain, Biden, Obama and Hillary have.

So I would rather vote for the old f*rt with the young girl than the Marxist who is a freind of a terrorist with the crazy senator from a state smaller than Detroit.

Why greg would you vote mcCain?
Your not being logical at all. I believe it will just be another 4 years of Bush.
I believe Our sons and daughters will get drug into somthing that is very wrong. I dont want to out live them.
I believe in one thing get the SOB that started the 911. Not start a war with a bunch of other countries.
I believe that all americans should have affordable health care and be able to pick there own doctors and dentist and Optomologists ect.
I think that every one should be able to get a college education just like all the Japanese Kids ect.
I think that American jobs should stay here not be farmed out to sweat shops over seas.
I think that if the big automobile companies want to go overseas and then ship there stuff here then they should pay high tarriffs.
I think this crap with with economy and the Fanney May Freddie crap is just that crap. The govt had to bail them out.
Help to be politicaly correct.
I think that america should take a good look at its self in the mirror and say its time to shape up, and once again become the lean and mean industrial machine it was.
check this out my friends, For wheat production India China and Russia have us beat in the farming sector and what do we use wheat for , yes of course Bread and what else Beer. ect.

Any way, greg U vote McCain and tell me when the election is over and if he get President and all is said and done in 4 years if this country is better off then it is now I admit you were right all along. But if 4 years if nothng has changed for the better and we are in a war or this country is deficit is at all time high U admit your self that if you voted for the man for change you made the wrong choice that should be fare enough.

I think seriously like most Republicans You vote just becasue and not on the real issues.

Just a hint too Ya I have always voted Rep but not this year not unless McCain can prove to me he not going to give this country anouther 4 years of the same crap we have had.
But then again The President is just a puppit and the Congress and Senete are pulling the strings.
BTW leave my spelling out this.


Veteran Expediter
IceRoad Trucker I mean Subzero I thought you wanted McCain back in? The way you can run around aboard ship in your dungarees again.


Seasoned Expediter
IceRoad Trucker I mean Subzero I thought you wanted McCain back in? The way you can run around aboard ship in your dungarees again.

1st off marine my last years I wore cammies and just to let you know U dont bother me.

Shame on you for even thinking that I was blue water Navy my last years.

Ships my good friend I did Escourts and Patrols, a far cry from running around on ships.
Now marine U can laugh all U want I dont care. If it makes U feel better great. Just remember somthing I wore cammies and I got all sandy and dirty and wet just like You. I did alot of things U didnt do or werent qualified to do.
It dont matter I Eat Marines for Breakfeast and Mud puppies too.
Ill give your Recon attitude credit a little credit that is. :)

Now dont get mad and dont tell me no tales, Im sure Ive herd them all.
U have a safe one Marine and Ur just as crazy as my brother he was in the marines for 4 years.

When he left the core he joined the National guard so they couldnt get there sticky fingers on him (THE MARINES) but to this day each time Im At the Home Front he wears that Marine Coat and Hat of his and say to me once a Marine always a Marine.
I laugh and tell him Dino I still Eat Marines for a Lunch, We both laugh.
If im there for any time we go out to the farm and have a shoot off. whos better.
Well any case I have not lost yet to him.
How ever if Dad is to Challenge its a no contest he is the best.

Any way Marine U have a nice day.:)

OH YAAA By The Way My Vote has to be earned not given.

He who gets it will have to have Earned it.
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Veteran Expediter
My point being anyone can just say anything like Obama is a Marxist, with these ties as stated above, and when exactly has he voted to kill kids. Was this senate bill "KILL666KIDS". Please enlighten us on the Obama voting to kill kids thing, because I am quite sure the McCain camp would love to use this!

OK first thing Doug abortion is a big business, it has zero to do with women’s rights, because you don’t read much, there is a lot more going on than some protest or someone complaining that their rights were violated.

I worked at a Medical Lab, they took the remains of abortions from clinics to see if they were actually alive at the time of the abortion so Medicaid (insurance) pays the doctor. I have seen what most don’t ever want to because I had to spend time in each department when I moved up to management and the department that handled this, Histology, was one of the last. If you want me to describe things in detail, I can but won’t. I am neutral on this subject as far as ‘rights’ because there is not much I can do, I don’t like my tax money going for this like I don’t want my money used for welfare to people who drive better cars than I do but I pay attention to the laws when it comes to medical issues on this subject.

Got the back ground on both?

You can all confirm this for yourself because I won’t annotate it, but you will find that what I am saying is well true. I may not get the details in this but I don’t have time to chase things for your entertainment.

So back in the late ‘90s there is a hospital that was letting partial birth abortion children die. These kids were placed in a storage closet and cleaned out latter on when they knew the kids were dead. The abortion of this type is induced labor abortion and is really violent for the child. I understand 15 to 30% of the children survive this type and usually ‘terminated’ outside. In reality this is called Infanticide and there are a lot of laws that are ignored because of the ‘rights’ issue that abortion has provided to some.

Well I read (and heard in a few interviews) that one of the nurses on staff at this hospital brought this to the attention of the Cook County DA and he came up with an opinion that there is nothing that can be done unless the Illinois legislator outlawed the practice.

So this ended up in the Illinois senate with a bill Illinois SB230 at the same time that Obama was there, 1997. He was the only one to speak up (notice I did not yet say vote), against this. When the vote was taken he and others with him voted present which in effect means that he voted against it because of the procedures of the senate. He and others listened not to the people he represents but the lobbyist and ‘abortion groups’ that supported him and gave him money. But the problem is, he spoke up against this bill and has been the only one who has.

The next time this came up, 2000, the same result happened. A large number of them voted present and it failed again.

In a different form, the late term abortion bill hit the US senate, and I am remember that it was Fienstien who said that there is no excuse that this bill can not be passed in the US congress. Now I have not found the bill, haven’t looked for it either but for some reason it is talked about on the left blogs a bit, so I would think that it is true, it did pass the senate and the house and became law.

So I think that you need to understand that this is fact, I just put it plainly – Obama voted to kill kids, which is true.

About him being a Marxist, yea he is. His mother was one, he was ‘brought’ up with communists and Marxist and you can even read it in his books. The pattern is clear, he just not leans that way, he is a Marxist. He is not a Leninist, he is not a communist, he is not a Stalinist but I am thinking he lands right into the form of structural Marxism from Althusser school of French thought. Maybe you know more about this than I do, because honestly he speaks like a d*mn Marxist to me – tax the rich and give it to ‘you’.

His latest by the way, scare commercials in Spanish is really a low thing for any candidate to do just like his McCain can’t use Email so he is out of touch with the people commercial. It is in line with the play book. Create class warfare, play on that and show the people that the rich are the cause of all their problems to convince them you can lead them out of the mess they are in. Well replace the word rich with republican and it has the same effect and this is what he wants to do, pander to a group who has no real reason to fear a change in Washington.

The important question is do you want a president who can’t face things but has to use tactics like this?

I have no problem with positions right, left, or middle of the road but PAAHHLEEASE use common sense and some semblence of the truth when stating facts.

Well Doug, you must live under a rock if you haven't been paying attention. Just kidding, I am tired from all the fun in the Hamptons I had today. It only took me 8 hours to get loaded and out of there.

Biden has been on the wrong side of many issues for example Iraq and the 'surge'. According to his predictions, we would have been deeper into a mess 6 months after we increased troops in Iraq. They, Biden and others in the democratic party, have deflected the issue by saying that now we must need more troops in Afghanistan and shut up on the issues of Iraq.

If you want specifics, go learn how to read the congressional record and the news but don't make fun of what I am saying.

My point being anyone can just say anything like Obama is a Marxist, with these ties as stated above, and when exactly has he voted to kill kids. Was this senate bill "KILL666KIDS". Please enlighten us on the Obama voting to kill kids thing, because I am quite sure the McCain camp would love to use this!

I believe it will just be another 4 years of Bush.

No it won’t be Kevin, and are you Kevin or who are you?

Learn about McCain, he is nothing close to Bush which in some ways it’s great, in a few others, it isn’t.

I believe Our sons and daughters will get drug into somthing that is very wrong. I dont want to out live them.

Sorry the people who will drag us into something, will be the dems. They have weaken us, too bad too because it seems none of you are listening.

I believe in one thing get the SOB that started the 911. Not start a war with a bunch of
other countries.

Well learn what 9/11 is all about than look at what we have done to ourselves since. Talk about pandering to the left, talk about a country run by courts and not the constitution?

Just remember that 9.11 was a direct cause of one memo, from one person who went on to run Fannie Mae and sat on the 9/11 commission and who may never spend any time in jail for her actions.

I believe that all americans should have affordable health care and be able to pick there own doctors and dentist and Optomologists ect.

So do I, so lets have tort reform, lets have some semblance of accountability with insurers, let’s force people to take responsibility for themselves. The problem is not the insurance, it is the people who don’t get one simple thing – health care cost money and they need to be involved with their health care.

I think that every one should be able to get a college education just like all the Japanese Kids ect.

OK I am all for that too, lets go to the Japanese education system and watch the suicide rate increase by 1000% in 5 years. I think we need education reform first, I strongly feel that we let the institutions of higher learning be run like businesses, one university by me makes a billion dollar profit and it’s charter says that it is there for the state citizens but I can’t attend, and even if I can, I can’t afford it. By the way, increasing access to student loans and that cr*p shifts the burden off the schools and onto the people, it should be the other way around.

I think that American jobs should stay here not be farmed out to sweat shops over seas.

Me too but the only way to do this is to get companies to stay and the only way to do this is to fix the tax system – the Fair Tax is the solution.

I think that if the big automobile companies want to go overseas and then ship there stuff here then they should pay high tarriffs.

No I don’t agree, see my above statement and I will add this – we do not need to loan a dime to these companies, they need to fix their own problems. When Ford’s CEO tells the public that they need a loan to up date their manufacturing plants and design a new car that “the world needs”, it is time to tell them to go to h*ll. They got cars other places, but refuse to fight to get them here, and to beat all VW has cars here already that get better mileage than Ford does. Oh I thought the world needed these cars – opp there they are.

I think this crap with with economy and the Fanney May Freddie crap is just that crap.
The govt had to bail them out.

Fannie and Freddie are the Dems at work. they are denying everything but the records are there for anyone to see what was done and said. I think that overall the move has to come with some accountability and really really hard punishment dealt out at the congressional level. Gorelick and Rheams needs to be in jail, nothing less.

I think that america should take a good look at its self in the mirror and say its time to shape up, and once again become the lean and mean industrial machine it was.
check this out my friends, For wheat production India China and Russia have us beat in the farming sector and what do we use wheat for , yes of course Bread and what else Beer. ect.

No I don’t agree, what we need to do is stop being idiots and a**holes and get back to where we were 40 years ago - Arrogant with a Can Do attitude. I don’t mean arrogant to tell others what to do but tell ourselves to get off of our a**es and get moving.
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Not a Member
OK first thing Doug abortion is a big business, it has zero to do with women’s rights, because you don’t read much,

Well Doug......

So you don't read much ? Don't you find it amusing that someone that doesn't know you can somehow analyze your reading habits ? At least you weren't called IGNORANT.

OK...... so abortion has nothing to do with womens rights ? If I were to agree with a statement like that ? :then I'd be the IGNORANT one:


Veteran Expediter
Funny how when a pregnant woman gets killed, it's a double homicide. But nada when a perfectly formed baby gets killed inches away from the outside world.

Women's rights? That's a naive, typical response. Here's mine... get the FEDS out of the equation, and let the states decide for themselves. Nothing in the Constitution that says such... unless you distort this Amendment and that Amendment. If you do that enough, you can make it say CO2 is poison. Oh wait... the Supreme Majesties already have.


Not a Member
Well Greg you are quite the long winded typist. I cannot argue with you. I mean you win sir! Obama is the Devil, I bet if he were to see a child in the street he would probably run him down!

I'll just stay out of this forum, and leave you to keep spreading your right wing propaganda.

But before I do, I should probably clear up some things on the Born Alive Bill that you misrepresented.

Obama voted against the bill because it "did not contain a provision protecting the Roe v. Wade decision."

Once that provision was added, Obama then supported the identical bill (with the addition to protect abortion rights) that you mentioned and seem to be so worried about. So fear not, Obama does not want to kill "kids." He did not approve of the wording of the Illinois bill and believed it needed to be more clear to protect women's rights.

Read it yourself: http://www.nysun.com/national/obama-facing-attacks-from-all-sides-over-abortion/84059/

Instead of bringing up all these old talking points and distortions (Obama linked to terrorism, his faith, this bill, etc) why not talk about the real issues? You don't seem overly supportive of McCain so why not compare these two candidates logically and see how they compare to each other.

You should also consider that if you vote for McCain you are voting for Sarah Palin. McCain is 71 years old and has also had cancer. This statistic may not be up to date, but I believe the life expectancy for an American male is around 75. This means if McCain is elected it is more than just a possibility that a person with ZERO foreign policy experience will be Commander in Chief. We are at war with TWO different countries. How is this not more of a concern to you than an 11 year old Illinois senate bill?

You mentioned Biden having little experience with real issues? He is the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. Foreign Relations is not a real enough issue for you?

I could go on forever, I haven't even stated the case against McCain. But I will stop here because I'm sure I have not actually changed your opinion. I would highly recommend that you read Obama's actual plans for this country before stepping into the voting booth.
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Veteran Expediter
Sorry but that is an stupid comeback.

1 - it don't matter, true. my first comment was thrown in as joking around.

2 - as dispatched didn't get, and you may not Abortion is a business behind the scenes, it has little to do with rights when you come down to the real facts. the right is given by the feds, not speaking of the procedure but the money that is spent by the insurance companies and the federal government is the real issues. Doctors and clinics make millions and so do the groups that protect the rights and they want to keep it going. There is no excuse for a kid being born, whether it is induced labor or natural birth to be stuck in a closet to die, that comes down to infanticide, not abortion.

3 - a senator does not require any leadership to be a leadership just because Biden was on the senate committee means nothing, his foreign relations has little to do with the executive position. a governor has more to do with meeting and negotiating on a diplomatic level than any senator because senators don't deal directly with foreign powers in negotiation or problem solving.

4 - hate to break this to you, but we are no longer at war with the two countries you may be referring to; Iraq and Afghanistan. We are occupying them at this moment, about to leave Iraq within the next year and may end up leaving Afghanistan in less than two. From what I heard Obama broke the law when he was in Iraq, most likely that will be ignored but if it is true, then he should pay the price for it in the election. Anyone to consider stopping negotiations to get us out is an equally horrible politician and if true shows what a lot have been saying. which all goes back to my last point, senators don't negotiate with foreign powers. Now if you are talking about Iran or some other country, when did we declare war on them?

5 - ignorance is getting him elected, he isn't the devil but most ignore his background and how he got there and especailly who supports him.

Sorry if you don't agree with me, I don't really give a sh*t lately to add details or annotate with sources. But I, with many others feel that he is the same old washington with a chicago twist.

He has yet denouced his relationship with others, including a terrorist and he has had little experince to be a leader, his rhetoric is Marxist. If it comes down to having what most of the DNC talking points consider 4 more years of Bush with an inexperinced VP or 4 years of Obama with more fricken taxes and more PC crap and all he is talking about, I take the former anytime. It is not right wing crap, if Hillary was up there, I would vote for her instead of McCain.


Not a Member
I'll just stay out of this forum

I'd tend to agree with you in regards to getting out and leaving him
to his self-righteous, self appointed domination.[of his forum]
I have absolutely no respect for openly pompous folks that feel the
need to degrade others with words like :stupid:ignorant:
To tell another person "you don't read much" & "you need to learn"
is just downright rude and a true indicator of a serious
personality flaw. [Which might just after all, explain why he's
driving truck]


Not a Member
Sorry but that is an stupid comeback.

1 - it don't matter, true. my first comment was thrown in as joking around.

My comeback is AN stupid one? Sorry but I AN still laughing at your 1st sentence!

#1:Now you were joking around? Which part the name calling, slandering, or the bending of facts to fit your attacks. How is calling someone a baby killer and unpatriotic funny?

2 - as dispatched didn't get, and you may not Abortion is a business behind the scenes, it has little to do with rights when you come down to the real facts. the right is given by the feds, not speaking of the procedure but the money that is spent by the insurance companies and the federal government is the real issues. Doctors and clinics make millions and so do the groups that protect the rights and they want to keep it going. There is no excuse for a kid being born, whether it is induced labor or natural birth to be stuck in a closet to die, that comes down to infanticide, not abortion.

#2 Abortion is a business: Here is a newsflash for you Greg:
ALL MEDICAL PROCEDURES ARE BUSINESS BIG BUSINESS! If you want it outlawed for your religious beliefs that need to be crammed down everyone elses throats that is one thing, but you want it stopped because it is a business. Just so you know I am not pro abortion I really have no opinion on it. I have no Uterus I will never have an abortion. I have never asked a woman to have an abortion. I really believe it is a sad thing to do. With all that said, if someone wants to have one it is NONE OF MY BUSINESS. (Remember freedom of religion is also freedom from religion.)

3 - a senator does not require any leadership to be a leadership just because Biden was on the senate committee means nothing, his foreign relations has little to do with the executive position. a governor has more to do with meeting and negotiating on a diplomatic level than any senator because senators don't deal directly with foreign powers in negotiation or problem solving.

#3 The man you are voting for, John McCain, is a Senator. If you use these standards, then I guess you also think Palin has more "experience" than McCain?

4 - hate to break this to you, but we are no longer at war with the two countries you may be referring to; Iraq and Afghanistan. We are occupying them at this moment, about to leave Iraq within the next year and may end up leaving Afghanistan in less than two. From what I heard Obama broke the law when he was in Iraq, most likely that will be ignored but if it is true, then he should pay the price for it in the election. Anyone to consider stopping negotiations to get us out is an equally horrible politician and if true shows what a lot have been saying. which all goes back to my last point, senators don't negotiate with foreign powers. Now if you are talking about Iran or some other country, when did we declare war on them?

#4 We are not at war? We are spending $10 billion dollars a month "occupying" Iraq. Call it what you want but we still have troops coming home in body bags tell their families "It's just an occupation"

5 - ignorance is getting him elected, he isn't the devil but most ignore his background and how he got there and especailly who supports him.

Sorry if you don't agree with me, I don't really give a sh*t lately to add details or annotate with sources. But I, with many others feel that he is the same old washington with a chicago twist.

He has yet denouced his relationship with others, including a terrorist and he has had little experince to be a leader, his rhetoric is Marxist. If it comes down to having what most of the DNC talking points consider 4 more years of Bush with an inexperinced VP or 4 years of Obama with more fricken taxes and more PC crap and all he is talking about, I take the former anytime. It is not right wing crap, if Hillary was up there, I would vote for her instead of McCain.

#5 You would vote for Hillary but not Obama. Wow that says a mouthfull, their platforms are very similiar. By the way, unless you are making millions of a dollars a year driving a truck, you would not be taxed more under Obama's plan. It really makes me wonder what is the real underlying reason you attack Obama. There's a pink elephant in the room or maybe I have the color wrong.

I really didn't want to get into a big political debate about this. I just thought the attacks you made against Obama were so ridiculous something needed to be said. If you disagree on the actual issues, that's one thing, but since you'd vote for Clinton your opposition to Obama makes no sense.


Expert Expediter
Voting for McCain for the following reasons, and maybe a few others. :)

1. Obama isnt ready.
2. Saying Obama will only raise taxes on people making >$250k a year is BS. Isnt enough money to operate the liberal programs he wants just by increasing those taxes.
3. If Obama thinks we have an economic problem and an issue with our national debt...why is he proposing more spending???
4. I still dont like the fact that he sat in that church almost 20 yrs listening to Jeremiah Wright's sermons of hate.
5. I resent the media's attempt to brain wash us into thinking that Obama is the 2nd coming...
6. Bitter people clinging to their guns and religion?
7. McCain doesnt seem to like Barbara Streisand either. lol
8. Since the Democrats took over congress in Nov of 06, gasoline prices have gone up by $1.65/gallon. (< 2 yrs) Gas prices only went up $0.71 during the previous 6 years! (Nov 2000 - Nov 2006) According to the Dept of Energy.
9. I think McCain and Palin seem more down to earth than Obama and Biden.
10. Repbulicans dont get thrown in jail for protesting the Democrats convention.
11. McCain didnt run to Canada during the Vietnam war like our last Democratic President...
12. Sick and tired of how Obama supporters talk over everybody else during news interviews.
13. I remember when the notion of "Tolerance" was ushered in during the early 90s. We was suppose to accept blacks, asians, gays, athiest, etc. I wont put anybody down. But, I do remember the high degree of Intolerance for anything that looked like or sounded conservative, religious, or traditional.

That should about do it. LOL


Not a Member
Voting for McCain for the following reasons, and maybe a few others. :)

1. Obama isnt ready.
2. Saying Obama will only raise taxes on people making >$250k a year is BS. Isnt enough money to operate the liberal programs he wants just by increasing those taxes.
3. If Obama thinks we have an economic problem and an issue with our national debt...why is he proposing more spending???
4. I still dont like the fact that he sat in that church almost 20 yrs listening to Jeremiah Wright's sermons of hate.
5. I resent the media's attempt to brain wash us into thinking that Obama is the 2nd coming...
6. Bitter people clinging to their guns and religion?
7. McCain doesnt seem to like Barbara Streisand either. lol
8. Since the Democrats took over congress in Nov of 06, gasoline prices have gone up by $1.65/gallon. (< 2 yrs) Gas prices only went up $0.71 during the previous 6 years! (Nov 2000 - Nov 2006) According to the Dept of Energy.
9. I think McCain and Palin seem more down to earth than Obama and Biden.
10. Repbulicans dont get thrown in jail for protesting the Democrats convention.
11. McCain didnt run to Canada during the Vietnam war like our last Democratic President...
12. Sick and tired of how Obama supporters talk over everybody else during news interviews.
13. I remember when the notion of "Tolerance" was ushered in during the early 90s. We was suppose to accept blacks, asians, gays, athiest, etc. I wont put anybody down. But, I do remember the high degree of Intolerance for anything that looked like or sounded conservative, religious, or traditional.

That should about do it. LOL
Although I disagree with many of your statments, I respect them. Well stated without the personal and idiotic attacks lashed out earlier in this thread by Greg. I would argue where I disagree with your views but we are not going to change anyones minds here.
1 thing I noticed and wonder if anyone else has drawn this comparison with media coverage. It is how similiar the rises of George W. and Obama were.
A couple of years before George W. ran for prez, I keep seeing his name in the news and I was pretty sure he would be the next Rep. candidate. It seemed like he was always in the news. I noticed the same thing when Obama won his U.S. Senate seat. In fact I told my wife at the time this guy seems to have the media really behind him.
I'm not a real conspiracy theory type of person but did anyone else notice this? It seems like the media has way too much power these days.


Expert Expediter
1 thing I noticed and wonder if anyone else has drawn this comparison with media coverage. It is how similiar the rises of George W. and Obama were.
A couple of years before George W. ran for prez, I keep seeing his name in the news and I was pretty sure he would be the next Rep. candidate. It seemed like he was always in the news. I noticed the same thing when Obama won his U.S. Senate seat. In fact I told my wife at the time this guy seems to have the media really behind him.
I'm not a real conspiracy theory type of person but did anyone else notice this? It seems like the media has way too much power these days.
Yes, it was noticed. The media and the partys themselves plan things out well in advance. I am sure they have a few different scenerios in mind as well.

Speaking of the media...one thing that really bugs me is the bias you see on networks like CNN and MSNBC. I guess they dont realize that they turn a lot of people off. Kind of counter productive, in my books.


Not a Member
I agree that CNN and MSNBC are slanted to the left, but don't forget the other side with FOX News, they have their agenda as well.