What's Going on in the US House of Representatives?


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Retired Expediter
My point was they would lie about what they are doing or teaching without something like this to force transparency on them. But the truth I'd like them to tell is phonics, history, civics, citizenship, reading, writing, math, cursive and all the other things they taught 70 years ago when we were among the top 5 globally if not first, before they switched to teaching genders, two mommies, two daddies and anything and everything other than the actual academic studies and disciplines and dropped us to barely within the top 50, if that.
Good points. Today, I will be interviewing a job applicant. Since moving to Florida, I have learned the hard way that before I hire someone with a high school diploma, I must test their ability to read, write, do basic math and type. That diploma has become meaningless for our employment purposes. I cannot rely on it to say anything about a student's education or abilities.

And it is not uncommon to see young new gym members who do not know how to write their name because they did not learn cursive in school. Our members who are teachers confirm this. Cursive is no longer taught in our county's public schools.
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Veteran Expediter
Now imagine them seeing a rotory phone or even a phone booth.....
common core math.....
The me! me! me! Entitlement crowd....
Yes what are they doing in the schools.


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Retired Expediter
No Budget Bill Yet; Clock Ticking

This was the budget bill news yesterday:

Prospects for the sweeping package were buoyed by a nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office analysis showing the Republican plan would reduce federal deficits by $4.8 trillion over the decade if the proposed changes were enacted into law. The House Republican plan would lift the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion into 2024 in exchange for steep budget cuts Democrats and even some Republicans oppose. President Joe Biden has threatened to veto the bill.

McCarthy declined to say late Tuesday whether he had the 218 votes needed from his slim majority in the face of Democratic opposition.

Below, is the news this morning. It seems McCarthy does not have the votes he needs to pass his prized budget bill, and he never did. This is not Biden's doing. This is Republicans trying to agree on a bill to pass in the Republican-majority House. The only thing that is keeping House Republicans from agreeing on a budget bill is House Republicans.

Personally, I like (even love) the idea of reigning in spending toward the goal of balancing the federal budget. The US has been caught up in its spendthrift ways too long and the country is in danger because of that. The cuts will be harsh for some, but we must take our medicine to get better. But if the Republicans can't produce a budget bill from their own ranks, thereby enabling real, bi-partisan negotiations to begin, the idea of a fiscally responsible budget bill is a meaningless pipe dream.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The more responsible thing to do would be to cut a lot more than the current number. The Dems won’t go for that though.
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Veteran Expediter
Mccarthy has tried to get a sit down meeting with biden but guess what dippy Biden refuses.....even though he said he was wanting a meeting.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Mccarthy has tried to get a sit down meeting with biden but guess what dippy Biden refuses.....even though he said he was wanting a meeting.
In fact, McCarthy had a sit-down meeting with Biden. It was on Feb 1 at the White House.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
In fact, McCarthy had a sit-down meeting with Biden. It was on Feb 1 at the White House.

Feb 1 was 54 days ago. Biden has never had any intention to work with McCarthy on a budget.
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Retired Expediter
Feb 1 was 54 days ago. Biden has never had any intention to work with McCarthy on a budget.
I think it's more like Biden has every intention of working with McCarthy on a budget. Biden knows how the budget process works and there is no way a deal can be struck without working with the House.

McCarthy has made it known he is willing to produce a debt-ceiling crisis. I think Biden is simply and calmly sitting back, waiting to call McCarthy's bluff. And he may not even need to do that. There are a whole lot of Republicans, especially business-oriented Republicans that want nothing to do with a debt-ceiling crisis and the risks such a thing present to the economy.

Additionally, McCarthy can't even get his House Republicans to agree on a bill. If you're going to generate a debt-ceiling crisis to gain leverage for your bill, it's probably a good idea to have a bill. McCarthy is trying to play a very weak hand, and Biden knows it. That's why Biden is sitting back.

That said, I much prefer McCarthy's budget priorities to Biden's. But McCarthy is inept and Biden is going to prevail because McCarthy is inept.
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Retired Expediter
Our economy is calmly imploding too because of Biden so there will be less money coming in to work with.
It is an oversimplification to say the US economy is doing well or poorly because of any US president. The massive debt we now carry exists because of what both parties have done over the years. Geopolitical developments that no president causes have huge economic impacts in the US. There is a long list of variables that affect the economy and the president, whoever he may be ... Biden, Trump, others ... is but one.
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Veteran Expediter
I think it's more like Biden has every intention of working with McCarthy on a budget. Biden knows how the budget process works and there is no way a deal can be struck without working with the House.

McCarthy has made it known he is willing to produce a debt-ceiling crisis. I think Biden is simply and calmly sitting back, waiting to call McCarthy's bluff. And he may not even need to do that. There are a whole lot of Republicans, especially business-oriented Republicans that want nothing to do with a debt-ceiling crisis and the risks such a thing present to the economy.

Additionally, McCarthy can't even get his House Republicans to agree on a bill. If you're going to generate a debt-ceiling crisis to gain leverage for your bill, it's probably a good idea to have a bill. McCarthy is trying to play a very weak hand, and Biden knows it. That's why Biden is sitting back.

That said, I much prefer McCarthy's budget priorities to Biden's. But McCarthy is inept and Biden is going to prevail because McCarthy is inept.
Blame Mccarthy right.....it is the policys set forth by Biden in the last 2.5 years as well as the reckless spending the Democrats have done that has caused the inflation. Mccarthy wants a balanced budget and the Democrats want the green new deal. Do the math on the green new deal.
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Blame Mccarthy right.....it is the policys set forth by Biden in the last 2.5 years as well as the reckless spending the Democrats have done that has caused the inflation. Mccarthy wants a balanced budget and the Democrats want the green new deal. Do the math on the green new deal.
McCarthy may want a balanced budget but he can't even get his fellow House Republicans to agree on a bill that would provide it. Without that, McCarthy is armed with only wishful thinking and empty rhetoric.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Someone better produce a debt ceiling crisis sooner rather than later or the destruction of the nation from within will be completed by the wasteful spending of most (all?) of the left and many of the right. Nothing else is going to curtail them.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
There's no substantial evidence that McCarthy is inept. He goes into the budget process knowing that he won't get a single Democrat vote because they vote as a block - especially when it comes to spending. They all seem to be locked in on the Green New Deal, a financial time bomb. Coupled with that is the fact that he's dealing with 221 other Republicans, most of whom talk about cutting spending everywhere except in their districts. Consequently, a consensus is nearly impossible with such a narrow majority. By contrast, Nancy Pelosi had no problem controlling her Democrat majority; they were like the Borg on Star Trek, and still are.

The most glaring example of ineptitude currently sits in the Oval Office, and his litany of executive orders and policy decisions have turned out to be a record of failure across the board that's unmatched in our lifetimes. From budgetary matters, to domestic policies, to foreign policies, he and his handlers have created a coordinated stew of financial, cultural and international messes that are unprecedented. Biden is not sitting back and playing the smart hand in the budget process; his handlers have told him to do nothing and they win. Doing nothing is what Biden does best.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Maybe they should have set things up originally that a representative can't vote on anything impacting their own district. They can speak for things. They can work to achieve support for things. But they can't vote on it, only hope their ideas are good enough the other members will vote for them.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, I'll be d***** - he did it!

"House Republicans narrowly passed sweeping legislation Wednesday that would raise the government’s legal debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion in exchange for steep spending restrictions, a tactical victory for Speaker Kevin McCarthy as he challenges President Joe Biden to negotiate and prevent a catastrophic federal default this summer...
But McCarthy’s ability to swiftly unite his slim majority and bring the measure to passage over opposition from Democrats and even holdouts in his own party gives currency to the Republican speaker’s strategy to use the vote as an opening bid forcing Biden into talks. The two men could hardly be further apart on how to resolve the issue."



Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Well, I'll be d***** - he did it!
Yes he did. And it came easier than I thought it might. I was expecting another circus similar to 15-round circus required to elect a speaker.

This is a relief in that the Republicans have finally put on paper the cuts they want to make. Now we'll know whose oxen are targeted to be gored and whose special interests are protected. And now meaningful talks about actual items can begin.