UAW Waste Member Dues!!


Veteran Expediter
Just keep BAILING them out!! The union knows how to waste their members dues and in the next breath sayes they need part of the BAILOUT and that their members should not be asked to make concessions, they have done enough!!! B/S!!!!

I am pretty sure the UAW is also asking for a slice of this BAILOUT themselves, something about the need to cover retirement benefit!! Let them golf Free!!

Oh, and it appears the UAW is as good at running a resort and golf club as they are at running the union itself, this operation while managed by the UAW, has lost 23 million over the last 5 yrs!!

LOL, and some here call those of us that point out these things, "union haters!" I don't hate them, but i'd rather they do the job that they once did and screw everything and everyone they can!!

Autoworkers Union Keeps $6 Million Golf Course for Members at $33 Million Lakeside Retreat

Friday, December 26, 2008

The United Auto Workers may be out of the hole now that President Bush has approved a $17 billion bailout of the U.S. auto industry, but the union isn't out of the bunker just yet.

Even as the industry struggles with massive losses, the UAW brass continue to own and operate a $33 million lakeside retreat in Michigan, complete with a $6.4 million designer golf course. And it's costing them millions each year.

The UAW, known more for its strikes than its slices, hosts seminars and junkets at the Walter and May Reuther Family Education Center in Onaway, Mich., which is nestled on "1,000 heavily forested acres" on Michigan's Black Lake, according to its Web site.

But the Black Lake club and retreat, which are among the union's biggest fixed assets, have lost $23 million in the past five years alone, a heavy albatross around the union's neck as it tries to manage a multibillion-dollar pension plan crisis.

Critics call it a resort for union leaders that wastes money from union dues.......

Complete article here: - Autoworkers Union Keeps $6 Million Golf Course for Members at $33 Million Lakeside Retreat - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Another example of what's wrong with allowing unions to continue to exist in their current form and a good example of why anyone with any intelligence is anti-union.


Veteran Expediter
What is killing the Black Lake Golf Club is the outdated work rules imposed by the ACCU (Amalgamated Club Carrier's Union). Every golfer is required to hire two caddies. One to tote the irons and one to carry the woods. Every hole has two ACCU members to tend the pin and rake the traps.

The average wage and benefit package for an ACCU member is $47./hour. This does not include tips. The IBGCMW (International Brotherhood of Golf Course Maintenance Workers) recently negoiated a new contract with the UAW that brings their hourly rate with benefits to $54/hour.


Expert Expediter
I've actually been to Black Lake...

It's main purpose, near as I can tell, is to serve as a sort of shrine. During the 1950's and 1960's, the UAW and other labor groups around the world saw unions having a much _larger_ socio/political role in the future, a la Europe, not a smaller one as actually happened. Black Lake is full of labor-movement treasures, such as memorial groves of trees, busts of past leaders, and even a Japanese-style meditative bridge given as a gift by labor-movement people in Japan. In the minds of the people who bought and built Black Lake, as near as I can tell, the intent was to create the same sort of "sacred ground" effect as the Mall in Washington, D.C., but for trade unionists only. Very conscious of their (imagined) role in history, they wanted to make sure that future generations remembered them and had a place to record their own triumphs. The golf course is symbolic as well; at the time that it was dreamed up, golf was strictly a game for the rich. By setting up a course that _workers_ could play on, the UAW was doing a lot more than creating recreational opportunities-- they were making a powerful social statement, whose impact has today faded almost to nothing with the new popularity of the sport. At the time, however, it was lost on no one.

That said...

While Black Lake might've looked like a good deal to an ever-growing labor movement, I think it's long past time to fold up the tent and put the plaques and statues and Japanese bridge in storage until times turn better-- which I frankly doubt they ever will. The problem is that because of all the memorials, selling it is like selling, say, the Lincoln Memorial in order to reduce the deficit. Or, because people _do_ play golf there, perhaps the comparison ought to be the Lincoln Memorial _and_ Yellowstone National Park together. It makes perfect sense to sell Black Lake in pure financial terms-- it's sole real purpose, outside of golf, is to hold training seminars and other large meetings. (I was there to learn how to write for the union paper more effectively.) This training could've been done perfectly well at a rented school or somesuch, I imagine. However...

...imagine that you belong to a church or fraternity or military unit that's grown a grove of trees to memorialize its fallen leaders. Then imagine a bulldozer roaring through said grove, ripping out the beloved trees to build a subdivision. Then you will _begin_ to understand why the union will do almost _anything_ rather than sell Black Lake.

Me, I think it oughta be donated to the State of Michigan as a park, with special privileges for current UAW members until we all die off and with an agreement that the memorials be preserved in perpetuity in exchange for the gift of the land. But what do I know? I'm just a line ape...


Veteran Expediter
LOL, we are suppose to compare a UAW (a labor union) resort, to a national monument!?!? LOL!! It is losing money hand 0over fist, get rid of it before you ask the government and the taxpayers to BAIL you out!!!

Oh and I have no problem getting rid of national monuments either, my family would disagree and i am sure alot of others would also, but I'll bet more americans HAVEN'T seen the Lincoln or Washington memorial then have.......well highschools class trips aside...They are nothing but a symbol of a time when we had cheap labor and cheap materials....