TV Mounting?!


Expert Expediter
Hi all,
Looking to buy a flat panel TV.
My question is: How the heck do you mount it to the wall of the sleeper??
I know the mounts are sometimes sold seperately from the TV. But, do the bolts go all the way through from outside of sleeper to inside?
Just can't visualize how I can install it.
We have an alumibunk sleeper.
Thanks for any and all information!!!!


Expert Expediter
Jim was very creative in mounting our flat screen. It is mounted in the front, between the 2 seats. This way when we are sitting at the table, one of us does not have to be twisting around to see the TV. When we are not using it, we fold it up and it is out of our way.


Expert Expediter
Thanks all,
I will look into the mounting system.
Karin, can you get Jim to elaborate on how he mounted your TV.
I could mount it to one of the cabinets...or to the wall....or?!?!?
I'd like to try to do this myself to save some money on installation.
Just need a little guidance and ideas.


Expert Expediter
I made a wood frame around mine with a draw slide. Attached 1 peice of the draw slide to wood frame and one to the wall. Behind the wall mounted side I took a piece of 1x2 and attached it to the wall braces, so the wall mounted side is anchored well. Then you can remove the scteen with ease when you need to.


Expert Expediter
hey, that sounds like a great idea....if I only knew what a draw slide was?!?!?
Can you be a little more specific?
Also, how can you find the wall braces?
I am learning so take it real slow LOL!!


Expert Expediter
You can get them at any home store it is the slider for a drawer like what is in you kitchen drawers you only need one. On a drawer you need two.


Expert Expediter
Oh sorry the wall braces are behind the interior finish ours Interior screws on so you can get behind it. they are metal braces and I took and drilled a pilot hole and then use a metal screw to attach the wood. Just take good measurements where you put the 1x 2 so when you put the interior wall back up you know where to attach the slider at.


Seasoned Expediter
Please forgive me but I'm still learning.
What do you use for a antenna?
Where do you get it and can it work going down the road?


Expert Expediter
This sounds like a great idea.
If you can, and if you have the time, could you send me some photos of the installation. I think a visual would help me out.
I am so excited!!!!! Flat panel!!! Yeah!!!


Expert Expediter
I've tried loading the pictures but they are not downloading on here can you help with that ? or send me you email adress and I will email them to you


Expert Expediter
Been checking the email for the photos. Have you had time to send them?
If someone could help babs3361 uploading the photos so everyone can see the installation that would be great! I can't wait to see them.


Veteran Expediter
The photos have to be 100 Kilobytes or less in file size - well ...... JPEG's (.jpg) do anyways. Try to feed it something larger and nothing will happen.


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
I sent you a PM with my personal email. Feel free to send me the pics, I'll be happy to upload them for you!

Forums Administrator
