Too many vans!

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Expert Expediter
I like people who have an opinion for no good reason like Brisco here. Drive then talk. I wasted my time reading your post. Isn't Brisco a name brand of lard?


We ALL have Opinions.........

I really wouldn't waste any time when it comes to reading Everybodys post that can offer may actually learn something by taking in what it is Everybody has to say whether you like how they say it or not.......

But....if you choose to live up to your screen name around here when posting..........then so be it.


Veteran Expediter
Some hints

Your place on the queue is not as important as being close to freight.

Turning down loads can make you more money than accepting them at times.

DO NOT put off maitenence on your sprinter you'll pay for it in the end.

Repeat step one.

Sent from my Fisher Price - ABC 123


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Just to expand and complete the thought, be wary of anything you are told by a recruiter no matter what size unit you operate. There are some good recruiters but many are very "optimistic" in their offerings because they have quotas to meet. They may not outright lie but they will focus on all the best case points.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
LOL... He read a lot here and it's a revelation to him that expediting is saturated with vans?

All righty then...
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Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Got no choice now! I did lots of reading on here and I didn't see anyone say don't do it like I am. I really don't care if people get into it, I love to meet new drivers and have met several new friends in the process of sitting around for days at truck stops. I am just saying look out for people making promises they know is for lack of better words is Crap. I could have made it fine with 1500 miles a week but they lied and the same company is still hiring more and more people with the same lies. If you cant run the ones you have why keep adding. I only turned down 1 run the whole time I was there also.

Your issues are a good read for someone new and the reason members say RESEARCH this site before jumping in. And I do mean research.
If you RESEARCHED, no where in this site would anyone recommend spending 26k on a van with a minimal amount of money on hand and no experience.
For the new folks. The quickest way to failure is being undercapitalized. I believe I have posted that 1000 times.
No one lied to you. You are leasing to a carrier. Any number they give you is a PROJECTION. Like buying a stock.
Also posted 1000 times. Many nameless carriers continue to hire because it is PROFITABLE for them. They are making money off of you. They have no incentive not to take your money.
Look at expediting as a giant roulette wheel. Did I say I like to gamble.:cool:

And most of all remember, "businessman first, driver second".


Veteran Expediter
Sorry to say that your biggest mistake was buying your first vehicle on credit and with such a large payment. I just about fainted when I read you had a 750 dollar a month payment. Even if I want another Sprinter or if I decided to buy the new Ford I'll wait till I have cash to pay for the thing. That way if the bottom falls out of the freight market I can survive.

BTW I paid cash for a 05 sprinter and was hired by Express America before I bought the van.

I would like to give thanks to all on EO, from the people I meet in person to all online that I read before I made the jump...
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Veteran Expediter
I'm trying to figure out who guaranteed 1500 miles a week. That would be great if it could happen, but the facts are quite a bit different. Some weeks you make a killing, other weeks you get killed. It's part of the business cycle, and it doesn't matter what size vehicle you drive.

A word about that Sprinter, fella. You're in way over your head with that machine on payments, and now you're gonna get bitten in the posterior when it needs big maintenance--- which it WILL need sooner or later. My '05 loved to eat belt tensioners, and you could hardly visit the shop to have it replaced without spending 1500 or better. Bet on a couple of other belt-related items needing attention too--- we put an enormous amount of miles on these things-- and you'll be lucky if you don't spend two grand every time you go in. Another thing to watch for on older Sprinters-- I don't know about the newer ones, maybe they fixed that-- is "Black death" that hits your fuel injection system. Another thing, the glow plug system on mine wasn't without problems, so a rough first start could be counted on as like as not. It's a Mercedes, so when you get repairs you're going to spend money like it's a Mercedes. Get used to the notion, it's part of the deal you signed onto when you bought that machine.

You can make money in this business with a van, even though there are a lot of us out here. You won't get rich, though, if what I see is any indication. You sure won't get rich paying more than half a grand in monthly payments before you do anything else.


Seasoned Expediter
Just from reading 3 years now and not being experienced in Expediting I hope to start this Fall. Much experience on the road though and very good at running a business. Some ideas to get started I have.

1) Low payments on my truck. Probably no more than 400$ per month.
2) Money to back me up for emergency.
3) 2nd business to bring some income in when Expediting is slow. (many do this here)
4) New vans(transit/ducato) that will hopefully be an advantage in MPG's.
5) Sign on with Solid stable company.

Granted you need money to get started right in this business or any business. Don't know of many business that you can invest 20k-30k and make it all back in one year and real live well.

Wishing everyone a Safe, Healthy and Profitable 2013!


Expert Expediter
stupiddog0-3, you sound determined to me. I suggest you concentrate on building your business as these pros have suggested, and forget about pointing fingers. There's always someone out there gunning for you, so get used to being a target.

Take notes about where you sat when you got an offer. When you pick up and deliver, pay attention to which facilities seem to use vans more than others. Talk to the folks on the dock and pick their brains about shipping schedules - which days are busiest, which are dry; to what cities do most of their shipments go, etc. - and again, take notes. These are the folks to talk with and listen to, not the truck stop stool jockeys. Also keep in mind this business is seasonal, and freight lanes differ dramatically between carriers.

Do your best to be frugal this coming quarter, stay focused on the goal, and don't listen to people who just want to gripe. Instead, talk with the people who matter to your business or can mentor you. You'll do well.


Veteran Expediter
As the scarecrow would say ::: If I only had a brain. .....

Sent from my SGH-T959 using EO Forums mobile app


Expert Expediter
So you are or aren't with e1? Your post contradicts itself.

However with enough research you would have known not to commit to a van payment this time of year. Part of the reason I left expedite after Fdcc started giving me 1200 miles a week I could no longer do it.

More research would have shown some great advice, to drive for an owner for 6 months so you could see how freight moves. Never understood buying a $26k van to go make $15k after expenses. You could make more if you had saved and paid cash for it but ya didn't so you pretty much just gotta dig yourself out of the hole and hope for the best later.


Active Expediter
No I have moved from E1 now due to starvation. Ok lets go over some stuff real quick that I have learned from you wise van drivers and some who have no idea. First I should have had the money to pay for my 26'000 with added warranty van up front. Second I should have not believed anything I was told because they are in it for themselves. Third, I am doing it wrong and should be in a better spot while sitting, like the one factory parking lot that may or may not be sending a shipment out and not the truck stop. Forth, It doesn't matter what number you are in line if you can tell the future then you will get the load. So basically its all my fault and I should have read all of this forum more then once and all the info about E1 was just the brown nose people. I guess in that case, yes its my fault and I am just imagining all those vans just sitting and waiting for the same loads. Go figure. Back to the fact that there are too many vans!


Veteran Expediter
Not sure how to say this without sounding bad but it needs said.

You claimed you researched if you did you would realize the fact that the van market is flooded is a monthly subject here.

You would have read the hundreds of times people have said to have at least a few months expenses before starting.

You would have read not to put to much faith in recruiters and to speak with drivers for companies you were interested in.

You would have read 07 and 08 sprinters are the worst years to own.

You would have read to keep expenses as low as possible.

You would have read to drive for an owner first to find out if the business or carrier is for you before going in debt on a purchase.


Now people try to give you advise and you cop and attitude still not hearing what they say. One thing is wrote but you read something else and like so many before you choose to blow it off and basically insult people with your reply.

I honestly wish you luck. Many on here know what they are talking about and it isn't because they were successful from the start. Its because many of us like you experienced tuff times and came close to failure. My advice although I doubt you take it is to listen to what people here suggest. Some will work for you and some won't but if you do not attempt to find out if it does your learning curve is going to be much longer and harder.

Wish you the best of luck in the new year.

Sent from my Fisher Price - ABC 123


Expert Expediter
Not sure how to say this without sounding bad but it needs said.

You claimed you researched if you did you would realize the fact that the van market is flooded is a monthly subject here.

You would have read the hundreds of times people have said to have at least a few months expenses before starting.

You would have read not to put to much faith in recruiters and to speak with drivers for companies you were interested in.

You would have read 07 and 08 sprinters are the worst years to own.

You would have read to keep expenses as low as possible.

You would have read to drive for an owner first to find out if the business or carrier is for you before going in debt on a purchase.


Now people try to give you advise and you cop and attitude still not hearing what they say. One thing is wrote but you read something else and like so many before you choose to blow it off and basically insult people with your reply.

I honestly wish you luck. Many on here know what they are talking about and it isn't because they were successful from the start. Its because many of us like you experienced tuff times and came close to failure. My advice although I doubt you take it is to listen to what people here suggest. Some will work for you and some won't but if you do not attempt to find out if it does your learning curve is going to be much longer and harder.

Wish you the best of luck in the new year.

Sent from my Fisher Price - ABC 123

Thank you xiggi. It did need to be said. Looking at all his 9 posts everyone is a smart comeback to good advice. Doubt he will last long on eo let alone expediting in general.


Veteran Expediter
As the scarecrow would say ::: If I only had a brain. .....

Sent from my SGH-T959 using EO Forums mobile app

Ah hu hu hu. I can't driver a sprinter. I can't, I can't, I can't. Ah hu hu hu hu I'm scared Dorothy. But who will take me and toto back to Kansas City Assembly Cowardly Lion? Let the tin man do it please! Uh hu hu hu. If I only had a van!


Veteran Expediter
You gotta always buy used when you are getting into expediting. Never pay for depreciation on a cargo van it's not worth it. I bought my van for 5,500 dollars. It is a 2004 GMC Savana - Extended. It had 110,000 miles on it when I bought it three years ago. Now it has 322,000 miles on it and it is still going strong. If I take the 5k in maintenance, repairs, and preventative maintenance along with the initial purchase cost, I'm in to is about 11k. That breaks down to somewheres around 320 Dollars or so a month for the cost of maintenance and the initial purchase price of the van. Now if I can go another year with minimal maintenance, I might be able to lower that monthly figure.

You can always find decent looking and running vans for cheap. I'd never pay more than 10k cash for a nice van. You can find really good vans for 8k with under 100,000 miles on them and they are in excellent shape. I didn't have to do anything to my van except replace 1 ball joint and 1 tire and a tune up for the first 60k miles. You can make at least 25k in the bank free and clear each year if you work all year, do not have a lot of bills at home, and are good with your money. If you have high bills at home then you might be able to save 10k a year and pay your bills, But you will have to spend a lot of time on the road away from your family to do this. As for sprinters you couldn't give me one for free!
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Expert Expediter
Too many vans, but not alot of good van in my opinion it evens out.

Silver Award Winner...I earned this free t-shirt!!!!


Active Expediter
Too many vans, but not alot of good van in my opinion it evens out.

Silver Award Winner...I earned this free t-shirt!!!!

For the ones who gave me good advice, thanks, I didn't mean to be an ***! The rest of you don't know me and can but a stump! You are probably crack heads with nothing better to do then dog someone who is just warning others! I see your know it all post everywhere on here. There is a couple of you no lifers everywhere and I plan to pass your *** this year. Thanks to the good ones and Happy New Year.


Veteran Expediter

For the ones who gave me good advice, thanks, I didn't mean to be an ***! The rest of you don't know me and can but a stump! You are probably crack heads with nothing better to do then dog someone who is just warning others! I see your know it all post everywhere on here. There is a couple of you no lifers everywhere and I plan to pass your *** this year. Thanks to the good ones and Happy New Year.
I think you need to read xiggi's post again. You seem to have comprehended part of it on the first read...maybe if you read it 15 or 20 times it will sink in better?
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