The Rev. Jeremiah Wright


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to see this guy in action, I highly suggest you take a minute to check out the following link:

YouTube - Rev. Jeremiah Wright hate

There are clips from about three sermons, and the final one where he mentions the "chickens coming home to roost" was part of a sermon delivered the Sunday after the 911 attacks. His point was that the US deserved what they got. Although quotations from him get your attention, the video really offers an accurate and impressive picture. YouTube has plenty of other clips if anyone wants to check him out further.

As you listen to this, keep in mind that Barak Hussein Obama and his family have been attending his church and listening to these types of sermons for TWENTY YEARS. The Rev. Wright performed his marriage ceremony and baptised his children. I think it's fair to say that when people belong to a church for that long they have ascribed to the philosophy and the teachings of its pastor, and said pastor would be considered Obama's spiritual advisor. Obama's young daughters attend here - I'd love to sit in on one of their Sunday School classes. In spite of the distance Obama tries to put between himself and the Muslim religion, the sermons of his pastor are certainly in sympathy with Muslim anti-American attitudes. Could this offer an insight into the type of CHANGE Obama would bring to our culture if he were to be elected to the highest office in the land?

Only now when it's politically self-serving does Obama "denounce" some of the comments from this black racist hatemonger. However, in spite of all the anti-American vituperation spewing from this clown he still remains in an advisory position on Obama's campaign staff. What are the chances he would be a part of President Obama's cabinet?

It seems that as we start to peel away the polished, scripted layers of the Obama onion we begin to get a glimpse of who he really is: an inexperienced radical left-winger that has been closely associated with a racist rabble-rousing preacher. Obama is a danger to the country and needs to be defeated at all costs - GO HILLARY!!


Seasoned Expediter
You know I have heard all my life about white prejudice.
This is the strongest example of black prejudice I have ever witnessed. I cannot believe you can be a man of god and stand in the pulpit and say such things, no matter what color the crowd you are addressing. I wonder are all the black churches this way?
Surely not. If they are, how can this country ever show progress toward a non-racial society if you are preaching that kind of crap?


Veteran Expediter
Robsdad you didn't know that racism was only a white on black thing? A lot of people have tried to tell me that black people can not be racist, and there is no such thing as a black racist. I guess this proves them wrong.

On behalf of Obama I think we all know people personaly or even have family members that are crazy. I think we have all attended churches where we didn't agree with everything the pastor said. I know I have, and I stayed because I had a duty to my church. I'd be willing to bet before everything is said and done something will come out about someone McCain is close to and problems they have. It's just a big game. I think I'm voting for a write in. M-I-C-K-E-Y-M-O-U-S-E Mickey Mouse. He can do just as good of a job as anyone else on the ballot.


Veteran Expediter
Robsdad you didn't know that racism was only a white on black thing? A lot of people have tried to tell me that black people can not be racist, and there is no such thing as a black racist. I guess this proves them wrong.

An example of this starting with the very young: Daughter teaches 4th grade in inner city school in Dayton. Most of the students enrolled there are black. There was this one little boy that she really became attached to last year and is still friends with him, his home situation was so bad so she will take him birthday and Christmas gifts and such.

She mentioned a while back that he'd had some problems at school with the other kids bullying and making fun of him.....making him cry. When I asked what they were making fun of......he's not black enough......he's as white as her children and the only black feature he has is curly hair. HE'S TOO WHITE!!! Talk about an eye opener.


Seasoned Expediter
DD. I hate it for the kid. I guess I know the prejudice of both sides I just hate it so much I am blind to it. I grew up with quite a few blacks that were my friends then and now. I would hope they talk as positive about me as I do them. And I believe they do. And Ark where can I get some info on this Mickey Mouse guy? He may get my vote.LOL:)


Veteran Expediter
Bigotry or racism?

OK I grew up with everything mentioned here. No surprise for a white kid who lived in the Detroit area. Even today, there is rampant racism, not bigotry going on and many are so used to it that no one cares about it.

Look one reason I am so much vocal about this subject is because many never experienced it or know that they have. What DD said is very true and even the mayoral election for the city was an issue because the challenger was too white for the people, it was not just implied but openly discussed.

Many think that Rev. Wright is a dying breed, wrong. As long as there are people willing to give air time to the wrights, jacksons and sharptons of the world, we will have them with us.


Retired Expediter
The fact that Washington DC re-elected Marion Barry should tell you something....

My wife lived around DC for 37 years...what locals call DC".... Hershey City!!! Why?

95% chocolate...5% nuts!


Veteran Expediter
The thing about Marion Barry is in Arkansas we have a Rep named Marion Berry and people often get the 2 confused. One time while I was in the Marines I said something about him to my Captain and he said isn't he a crackhead? I said no sir he is a pharmacist and he said well I guess that is another way of putting it. Then he asked how the mayor of DC got to be a Rep in Arkansas then I realized where the confusion came from. The Mayor spells his name with an a the Rep spells his with an e.