

Expert Expediter
What's the best place to file for 1099? I was looking into turbo tax and pay the $75 bucks but can I claim all my expenses like food,fuel etc? Also I never got my W-2 from the fleet owners I drove for only one of them sent it can I get it threw the IRS website? This 1099 is all new to me so I'm lost lol.


Veteran Expediter
It's best to find a real person to do your taxes,find one well versed in trucking.I want a signature on mine.if there is a problem they handle it and not you.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Hi, sorry for the delay, but I was forced to move my office last week and have not had iphone service or nternet acess. week of Feb 4th,

If you do not recieve your 1099, or w-2's by the end of this week, call your owner, or company and tell them that if you do not recieve your papers your going to report them to the IRS Compliance section. and give them the employer;s information. it should force there hand for you to recieve them,

If your W-2 is under $600.00 they legally do not have to make a W-2 or 1099, but I would not know why they shouldn't it proves there deduction on there returns.

As Far as your deduction, everything would have to be written to prove them, if your are in a cargo van, you can claim the mileage standard deduction of $0.555 per mile which does not allow any fuel, repairs, insurance and tires. but does allow your Occupational or Workmen Comp
per diem, and other expenses,

if you are in a straight truck, legally you cannot claim mileage due to your GVW is over 10,000 lbs., and you cannot take the mileage deduction. But you get all of the other deductions that are allowed

The 2 largest deductions that will fall under this is the Per Deim, at $59.00 per day, at 80% allowed and Fuel.

If you would like a list of deductions please e-mail me at [email protected], or have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!

Frank's Tax & Business Service
315 E. King St
Kings Mountain, NC 28086
Currently our phone # 704-739-4039 is not working, So Please call me at 704-739-3934

Serving the Trucking Industry since 1999,
Former Compnay Driver for Caretta Trucking, Paramus, NJ ( out of Business), an KLLM Transport, Jackson, MS from 1991-1995, and Owner Operater for CTX Expediated Service's, Warren MI


Rookie Expediter
Connect with the related department to solve problem. It is the best way to find all type of info related to tax and find file that you have lost.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Webbly, Would you please be more specific as to what you are stating, connect with what department and what file are you trying to find.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Webbly is from another country, and may even be a bot. In any even, he's no longer with us.


Veteran Expediter
Webbly is from another country, and may even be a bot. In any even, he's no longer with us.

Good news for Wolvurine, he may have snagged a load this week due to Webbly's disappearance.


Veteran Expediter
Webbly is from another country, and may even be a bot. In any even, he's no longer with us.

Webbly may be from another country but he gave the correct information he said go to the source of the problem to get your answer. By the way W-2 has nothing to do with a 1099


Veteran Expediter
Webbly, Would you please be more specific as to what you are stating, connect with what department and what file are you trying to find.

I believe he was referring to the form the OP was referring to that was not received.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
the only way that you can get your 1099 misc is from the company that you were driving or leased to. What I would do is file for an extension or if you know the company who you worked for check your settlement papers and take the total of the income you received prior to any deductions and report that on your tax returns, who ever does them. But you are also asking as to what is deductible on your returns, all of the truck expenses must be entered on a separate Schedule in order to claim them. You can call me directly at the phone # below and I will be glad to explain what you would have to do exactly, unless you would like me to prepare your return correctly, especially if it your first year in this business, at lease then you would understand of where to enter the expenses next year if you decided to do your own return. I would also suggest that you call the IRS and report that you have not received your w-2 or 1099Misc, then call the company and tell them that they were reported to the IRS, and see how fast you get them. there are companies out there that will not send out the income reports due to them not reporting it to the IRS as Income. So find out where it is. File an extension which is good until October 15, 2013, and the irs might waive the penalty due to the non compliance of the company not to supply the 1099 or w-2 to you [h=1]Franklin Katz, ATP, PA, PB[/h][h=1]Frank's Tax & Business Service[/h][h=1]315 E. King St.[/h][h=1]Kings Mountain, NC 28086[/h][h=1]704-739-4039 [/h][h=1]E-Mail: [email protected])[/h][h=1]Web:[/h][h=1]
Circular 230Disclaimer[/h]Circular230: To ensure compliance with the requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that any tax advicecontained in our communication (including any attachments) was not intended orwritten to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding any taxpenalty or (ii) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party anytransaction or matter addressed herein.

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