Safety First


Veteran Expediter
I am going to post this and try to attach a picture. If it turns out I am unable to figure out how to do that, I request that one of the people lurking in the dark delete it due to my ignorance. LoL

Last Saturday I was doing some rewiring of my chicken lights as I ready those connections for the salt and snow. I was working under the sleeper when I decided to take off my glasses to get a better look at what I was doing. Really bad idea.

I bent over under the sleeper at an odd angle, reahed for the wire, attched the wire strippers and pulled toward myself. The strippers slipped from the wire and with my fist, stippers in hand, punched myself right in the head. Fist to the side of my eye and strippers right in the eye. Wow! I should box. Well I laid myself out. After the 10 count I got up and knew right then I had been pretty stupid but more importantly, unsafe. Should have left on those safety glasses. Man on man what a punch.

I just missed the pupil and thank God the wire did not come with the pull or the Dr. said I would be blind in that eye. As it is I look horrible and will for another week or so.

Be safe.

Dedicated O/O
OOIDA 741748


Veteran Expediter
Ouch - not the best way to display your patriotism, for sure. Thanks for the reminder of how easy it is to get hurt, whatever you're doing. Now, go make up some great stories to explain the injury, which is one of the few fun parts of having an obvious booboo. Like: "Well, my wife asked if those pants made her look fat...";)


Veteran Expediter
cheri, I got it. Ha I could display the colors some better way I am sure.

Dedicated O/O
OOIDA 741748


Veteran Expediter
Geez, Race... that hurt just looking at it! Hope you can see alright.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas


Veteran Expediter
Race, do you have to wear a patch over it? If you do, get a black one - you can say you're gonna be in the next "Pirates" movie.
Or, you could say someone was speaking a foreign language in a public place, and you tapped them on the shoulder, and politely asked them to "press 2 for English", or almost anything beginning with "I was in this bar..." :+ ;)