Rush Limbaugh attacks Michael J. Fox


Expert Expediter
When the Commander in Chief says he's against stem cell research, Rush Limbaugh's lips practically jump off his face, they're so quick to kiss his a**. In response to an ad Michael J. Fox filmed in support of stem cell research and candidate Claire McCaskill, Limbaugh stated on his show yesterday that he believes Fox stopped using his medication before filming to show extreme symptoms in the video. Limbaugh even suggested that Fox was faking his symptoms altogether.

Even for a Bush-worshipping Republican, that's extremely ignorant.

Here's Limbaugh's audio.

Here's the video of Fox, Limbaugh was talking about.

Obviously no one knows better than Rush about the subject of "deliberately going off of his meds". This coming from Rush who abused OxyContin so much it destroyed his hearing, or he ACTING also.


Veteran Expediter
Ok, first understand that many who want to have unfettered access to stem cell research have no proof that the present bank of stem cells needs to be expanded. They have made gains with what is there but some researchers have put more time into finding more sources of stem cells first than to find 'cures' - the right approach source first, cure second.

The other thing is that many who are pushing federal funding are universities and research companies that will directly benefit by the increased money - yes it is all about the money.

Now I really don't care what Limbaugh says like many others don't care, he is an entertainer and no expert on anything. on the other hand, I have grown tired of the hollywood crowd and especially Fox with his month long celebration of his career on TV. I give him credit for his efforts to put his money into a charity that helps people and his attempt to get people involved but truthfully I believe that we need to look at how the money is being spent on some of these things before we dump a lot of money into researching something that half the researchers say may not be useful and hi telling all of us that this one supports stem cell resreach is just like... never mind. Besides something to point out, federally funded research accounts for a small percentage of 'discoveries' - the big discoveries are from the small bio-tech compaines who don't always get fed money and get bought up by the bigger fish in the pond.

oh one last thing, not defending Limbaugh but if you use the prescription drug angle in trying to trash someone, you must also use it with people who also abuse drugs and alcohol - like many of the liberals out there and possibly mr. fox (who knows his problems may also be drug induced). You can't have double standards.


Expert Expediter
"oh one last thing, not defending Limbaugh but if you use the prescription drug angle in trying to trash someone, you must also use it with people who also abuse drugs and alcohol - like many of the liberals out there and possibly mr. fox (who knows his problems may also be drug induced). You can't have double standards."

Greg, you're right just look at what all that drinking did to Bush.

I think Dementia is setting in.
He said this recently "We’ve never been stay the course." Oops, Here's the video.


Veteran Expediter
I see what you are driving at, but it is fruitless to try to make a point where there is so much a lack of knowledge and propaganda being thrown about.

As for Bush, remember that even though he may not speak very well - we have had presidents who have been worst than him when speaking.


Veteran Expediter

If this administration would of been in office when the Wright Brothers were alive we wouldn't of had 911.Of course we would of lost WW2 without the airplane.Remember Ben Franklin lightning rod was protested against because if lightning struck your house it was an act of God.You weren't even aloud to try to put the fire out.I don't like scientist and I feel that they create things without thinking it all through.But polititions are politions not religious leaders nor are they scientist.Each should stick with what they know.

Our government is getting way to big for its britches.Pretty soon they will be regulating self sexual manipulation.Look at all the babies who were never born because of that.Don't laugh too hard because in the late 1800 it was illegal in some states, the religious leaders felt that it was an abomination and the scientist invented devices to make it physically impossible.No wonder people go married at such young ages back then.


Veteran Expediter
I am wondering about your statement;

If this administration would of been in office when the Wright Brothers were alive we wouldn't of had 911.Of course we would of lost WW2 without the airplane.Remember Ben Franklin lightning rod was protested against because if lightning struck your house it was an act of God.You weren't even aloud to try to put the fire out.I don't like scientist and I feel that they create things without thinking it all through.But polititions are politions not religious leaders nor are they scientist.Each should stick with what they know.

This is not all about religion or how the president is stopping anything (he has been the only president to fund any research by the way); the fact is that the science has not been proven that an investment of more money is the right thing to do. In addition to this, the embryonic stem cell line experiments have had limited success in comparison to using a persons stem cells that is in their bone marrow. For some reason the latter is making leaps and bounds in progress over the former.

I would not want federal money going into this; I would rather see the university who are behind the push for funding be held accountable for what little they actually return for the dollar. I would want to see changes made to make it easier for R&D to take place in the private sector without the regulations that they have to work under – both FDA and IRS.

I would remind people who think MJ Fox was unfairly picked on that he has made a decision before to go off his meds to make ‘statements’ of political nature and admitted to such things. Seeing him at press conferences before and after the date this was taped, I would assume that there is a very strong possibility that he purposefully did not take any meds for the taping. He has also made a point not to even attempt to convince voters of all areas to support the funding of research but just for that candidate.

And by the way, the government had nothing to do with the Wright brothers, we would not have lost the WW2 because it would not have taken place, people and the church protested Franklin because of his life style, not his inventions and yes you were allowed to put out the fires from lightening strikes, during that time “Fire Insurance†were created and so were volunteer fire fighting groups. I think you are thinking of the late 17th century, not the mid or late 18th century.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Fox has been very up front over the past several years that he goes off his meds when he goes to Washington to speak about his illness. That he did so to campaign is no shock. I think Rush really stepped in some doggie-doo this time.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As stated, the guy admits he goes off his meds for better shock effect of the disease. He's recently had a recurring role on a series and if you didn't know he was ill you'd never be able to tell it. Rush could have been more diplomatic is his choice of phrases but he just pointed out the truth. It's another case of unidirectional media.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
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Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Well this is sort of off topic, but I really wish if these actors/actresses say they are going to retire, stay retired! All the hoopla with him leaving TV and the month long celebration of his career makes it all worthless if he comes back to TV.

I discussed this with my father on the way down to Indy and he thought that fox was a good actor. I asked him what has he really done? TV is not real acting, the movies he did - none were really serious roles and I dont think he ever did any theater. I would say out of the few actors of his age, others have made more movies, done more TV work and did more theater that he did.


Veteran Expediter
First off, I think Rush was a buffoon making fun of Fox like that.

Secondly, while I admire Fox's cause, he's inaccurate on the details. He comes across like there will be gloom and doom for him and others since the government won't support stem cell research. I find two things wrong with this picture. 1) That nothing will happen unless the government steps in to help. I'm sure the researchers have enough money to do this themselves. 2) That Bush is against stem cell research. No... he's against EMBRYONIC stem cell research. Which means they're more than happy to help out with the non-embryonic variety. They fail to make this point, which leads me to believe this is just another left-wing ploy to try and get their wackos into office. Thus, Fox loses credibility in my book.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas


Veteran Expediter

Come on - "That nothing will happen unless the government steps in to help. I'm sure the researchers have enough money to do this themselves."

No this is not correct in the medical world.

The facts behind cures have little or nothing to do with the goverment. Actually the goverment stifles progress - look at the sun block issue and the refusal to allow the re-importation of drugs that are already licensed through our patent system/approved by the FDA.

The Best thing that can be done by far is to tell the states that R&D is now completly tax exampt on all levels. See this is one of the problems all resreachers are having - much of their money is for taxes because R&D is not a tax write off. The Universities use the money not to research but to do other things with - this is a complex situation and we need to tell them to account for the money.

I read today this "Thankfully, this whole controversy with Michael J. Fox and the stem cell debate is winding down, but there is one final development to report. Yesterday in an interview aired on 'This Week' with George Stephanopoulos, Fox made a very important admission. You know that commercial he made in Missouri, in support of that controversial stem cell amendment? Well, as it turns out, Michael J. Fox hasn't even read the amendment. Oops.

Now, two points here. One, Fox deserves a bit of credit for admitting he hasn't read the text of the amendment. At least he's being honest. But second, it's typical of the Left. They get all worked up over an issue...but in the end, don't really know what they're talking about. But what's even more ridiculous is that George Stephanpoulos let the whole thing slide by. If George Bush had made a commercial in support of an amendment, then admitted he hadn't read it the Vigero would have hit the fan.

And despite all the outrage a week ago over the challenging of Michael J. Fox's appearance in the commercials, you'll hear nothing in the mainstream media about his admission that he hasn't read the document. It doesn't support their position of course...."

Do you know that if we can adopt something like a "FairTax" here in this country, what progress we can have in science and technology?


Veteran Expediter
I think I may have been misunderstood. I was speaking to the point that Libs believe nothing can be done without government intervention.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas