OK for something more important


Expert Expediter
Greg, ours is unusually slow but it seems to be working. About six months ago we had to have our unit replaced, though. They tried to send an update to it and it would not respond. It continually lost the signal.

They have places that can check it out for you but you'll have to wait until Monday and check with Sandy. She'll get you fixed right up. india

India Hamner
[font color="purple"] FEDEX [/font][font color="blue"]Custom Critical[/font]
D Unit
America - Home of the free because of the brave!


Veteran Expediter
Steve that's what I let it do. It was sending me critical checkouts all day long and my trailer is missing not the reefer part. I heard I wasn't the only one here in the lot with weird problems.

It is still slow but it is nothing like out west, "I am not in Puget Sound" while I am sitting in Denver.

Thanks for all the replies.


Seasoned Expediter
My Qc is real sloooooooow ,over the past couple of days!!
I think there was a power outage up in chicago land,where one of qualcomms facilities are at?Maybee part of the problem?

O/O B unit Panther #11514 Since 03/06