Ohio strip clubs


Seasoned Expediter
Got your attention didn't I lol, actually this is a response I posted on another site from a local paper but as you will see I was talking about a more important subject
C/P seems to me it isn't or shouldn't be about the strip clubs but about the fact that the government is yet again reducing our rights, our laws are not being enacted or enforced by the majority, but are being shoved down our throats by special interest groups and their lobbyists, and backed up by the people that we elect that are too afraid to stand up to them. An example is the smoking ban, it was worded so that most people didn't realize how far the ban went, then spun by the special interest groups to look like the greatest thing since apple pie, and then when enacted the courts got into the act and even went further than the law voted on by people by voting to ban them in private clubs. Special interests groups got started out trying to do a good thing the madd mothers wanted to shed light on a problem and did, the problem is small groups with their own agenda were shown how to push their agendas thru and impose their will on the American people even though the majority of the American don't want or don't care one way or the other about a subject. If you folks haven't figured it out yet our rights as American citizens are being taken away and we are just sitting and watching it happen, by the time enough people finally decide to do something about it, we will find that it is too late for anything to be done,its TIME to WAKE up and use your god given right to vote to put people into all elected offices that will have the guts to do what is right, not what the special interest groups tell them is right.


Veteran Expediter
Politics is a game of engagement

In order for you to change something you don’t like, to change something for the betterment of your country or to change just for the need of change, you must be involved, engaged and vocal. [/font]

So don’t blame me if Congress passes laws that affect you, your family or your rights;

I am engaged, I am doing what every citizen has an obligation to do for the country and the people who live here.

[font color=red]What’s your excuse?[/font]


Veteran Expediter
Be thankful it's not a federal thing. If the state does it, you can always move to another state. If the fed does it, well...

-True independence can only be gained if you're trully independant.


Seasoned Expediter
what makes you think, that in ain't happening on the federal level, the best example is the problem on the border, 90% of the American people want the illegal Mexican problem stopped cold but special interest groups want to give them driver licenses. One of a hundred examples and Greg you are right and I do yell loud and long


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
The strip club issue and the smoking issue are hot topics here right now, in papers and local news. It was on the ballot this month also.

Now, understand, I don't smoke, and haven't been to a strip club since my young and stupid days.. LOL.. but, the precedents set worry me.

The strip club issue in a nutshell:

1. Force them to close at midnight, instead of 2 am.
2. Make it illegal for the girls to touch the guys.

My thoughts:
1. What difference does 2 hours really make? They say it will lower crime by not having the strip club clientele going out at the same time bars close. My feelings, they will leave the club, go to bars and drink, and have more people at the bars.. more business for the bars... and you got 'wound up' guys looking to hook up with any bar fly who will have them. Then, you have more fights, fueled by alcohol and hormones. I used to be a bouncer.. and you get a guy coming in the door already wound up and looking for trouble.. plus mad he got kicked out of somewhere he was having fun? There's trouble.

2. They're already not allowed to touch customers during dances.. (local ordinance.. plus saftey regulation) . All this would do is make it a LAW, so that it could be prosecuted... ie.. more money in fines. Strictly speaking, this LAW would make it illegal for these girls to even shake hands with guys. Hugs or even casual shoulder touches etc, would be illegal. 'They' say it will cut down on prostitution. Um.. isn't prostitution already illegal?

Since I'm not a customer, I don't really have a personal interest, but it does make me wonder where they would stop. What would they regulate next?

Also, the smoking ban. It is now illegal to smoke in ANY business, even bars or restaurants.

A new law has been proposed that would also make it illegal for people to smoke in apartment/condo buildings. The reason being, in connected appartment buildings/condos, whatever, second hand smoke can sometimes drift into the ventilation system and be passed to another unit. Instead of making the owners/landlords install some type of filter in their system, they just want to regulate the smoker.

Once again, I quit smoking years ago.. doesn't affect me.. but.. if they can say a person can't smoke in their own home, what ELSE can they tell me I can't do?

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- Zig Ziglar



Veteran Expediter
Seems to me there's more second hand smoke in car exhaust, or factory smoke. Never hear about them wanting to regulate that tho. And the funny thing is, there's NO PROOF to what extent second hand smoke causes harm. The other funny thing is that ppl who would vote on this because they don't smoke, would be pizzed when big brother outlaws their violent video games or McD's fries. Be careful... the next right squashed could be yours!

Beware the government that would take more from you to do more for you. - Margaret Thatcher

-True independence can only be gained if you're trully independant.