Obama's First Two Weeks


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I got this in an e-mail, thought it was fairly interesting and thought I'd pass it along.

Disclaimer: I have not checked out anything in the content for accuracy, factual correctness, etc. Most of it seems pretty well on target, so for what it's worth - here ya go.

A recap of the first two weeks of Obama:

1. A gigantor social-welfare "stimulus" package that is nothing more than a "political spending free-for-all that has little to do with incentives for growth."--WSJ. Even Dem. Senators are critical of the pork laden House bill which they admit will do little in 2009 for the economy.

2. Nominees for two secretary jobs are revealed to be big tax cheats, but one is confirmed anyway by the libs...the one who will oversee tax collection for the rest of the country. And the libs have no problem with this. What

3. Promised "bipartisanship" of Obama is revealed to be nothing more than "I'll meeet with you, but I don't compromise because 'I won.'" So he gets a well-deserved zero vote from the conservatives after that on his pork bill.

4. "New ethical standards barring lobbysist...except when we choose not to follow them." So already he has broken his own guidelines twice, a third time if Daschle takes office. Nice. "I meant what I said and I said what I meant, a Democrat waivers 100%." (Sorry Doctor Seus).

5. FEMA. Remember "Brownie?" Well, now it's Obama's watch and FEMA completely dropped the ball in KY and surrounding states this past week according to critics. By the standard that Libs held to Bush, "it's all Obama's fault."

6. VP Biden has endorsed the "buy American" plan to require all stimulus $$ be spent domestically. Forget about the inconvenient trade agreements and trade partners we have. So let's start a protectionist trade war, already criticized by folks like Chancellor Merkel and others. Remember the fraudulent claim that Bush alienated our allies when in fact, just the opposite was proven true? Well, by all means let's violate international trade rules and trigger a protectionist backlash which a WTO assessment last week shows would worsen the situations for all. I'm sure that will make us very popular with the allies/trading partners.

7. Renewable energy jobs promised by Obama? Dem. Sen. Jeff Bingaman from N.M., chair of the Energy and Natural Resources cmte. acknowledges that the bulk of any new jobs will be created in ASIA, not the US from our efforts because we don't build any of the stuff here. Each megawatt of wind capacity, for example, creates 4.85 full-time jobs. Unfortunately, 3.4 of those are from making the components, and that is overseas. Yeah, lets dump millions into this to help the Asian economies get jobs.

8. "Unprecedented transparency." That was the promise. Well, maybe the Prez can pressure Queen Nancy and Harry "taxes are voluntary" Reid to live up to their pledge on the culture of corruption and remove tax cheater Charlie Rangel from his Ways & Means chairmanship and make the ranting hypocrite Chris "friend of mortgage banker Angelo Mozilo" Dodd release all the promised documents on his below prime Countrywide mortgage. If you're going to have a tax cheat collecting taxes at Treasury, may as well allow a tax cheat to write the laws at Ways & Means, too.

9. Gitmo. By all means, how ridiculous is it to sign an executive order that you clearly don't even understand yourself (nothing like pausing to ask the lawyer what it means in front of the cameras) without so much as even a basic plan of what to do with the terrorists held there? Coming soon, to a neighborhood near you, I guess.

10. Maybe Obama the chosen one can use some of his populists capital to reign in his liberal ilk on the Hill. While NY grapples with the fallout of shrinking tax revenues due to too much dependence on taxing just the rich wall-streeters, and Calif. teeters on bankruptcy (counties paying workers with IOUs and the state witholding $4 Billion in things like tax refunds), the House passes a ridiculously bloated liberal wish
list labeled "stimulus" which critics say will have minimal effect and probably even worsen our economy. As one economist stated, "Members of Congress like to think they can pass some legislation and take a victory lap, and it's not going to work that way." Sen. McCaskill called Wall Street folks "a bunch of idiots" and wants to create a court to
restrain their "massive self-indulgences." Hey, what's good for the goose...let's definitely have Congress submit to the same.

Finally, the Prez confused a White House window with a door. The press had a field day back when GWB encountered a locked door. But at least it was a DOOR. No crowing or jokes about being stupid were leveled at Obama's mistake. Double standard? Without doubt. Can't have the Media folks poking fun at their guy.

Been a heck of a first two weeks. Not sure even the Clintons matched this.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You surprised? Shoot, I am surprised it has only been this bad. I guess it takes time to warm up. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
Yeap and it looks like daschle will be approved for his spot..you or I try dodging not pay those kind of taxes and we are goin to jail...but "friends of osamaba" get a pass because it was just a simple mistake......

Here is a good site that is keeping track of Osamabas promise, how he keeps them, breaks them or ignores them:

PolitiFact | Sorting out the truth in politics


Expert Expediter
I got this in an e-mail, thought it was fairly interesting and thought I'd pass it along.

Disclaimer: I have not checked out anything in the content for accuracy, factual correctness, etc. Most of it seems pretty well on target, so for what it's worth - here ya go.

A recap of the first two weeks of Obama:

1. A gigantor social-welfare "stimulus" package that is nothing more than a "political spending free-for-all that has little to do with incentives for growth."--WSJ. Even Dem. Senators are critical of the pork laden House bill which they admit will do little in 2009 for the economy.

2. Nominees for two secretary jobs are revealed to be big tax cheats, but one is confirmed anyway by the libs...the one who will oversee tax collection for the rest of the country. And the libs have no problem with this. What

3. Promised "bipartisanship" of Obama is revealed to be nothing more than "I'll meeet with you, but I don't compromise because 'I won.'" So he gets a well-deserved zero vote from the conservatives after that on his pork bill.

4. "New ethical standards barring lobbysist...except when we choose not to follow them." So already he has broken his own guidelines twice, a third time if Daschle takes office. Nice. "I meant what I said and I said what I meant, a Democrat waivers 100%." (Sorry Doctor Seus).

5. FEMA. Remember "Brownie?" Well, now it's Obama's watch and FEMA completely dropped the ball in KY and surrounding states this past week according to critics. By the standard that Libs held to Bush, "it's all Obama's fault."

6. VP Biden has endorsed the "buy American" plan to require all stimulus $$ be spent domestically. Forget about the inconvenient trade agreements and trade partners we have. So let's start a protectionist trade war, already criticized by folks like Chancellor Merkel and others. Remember the fraudulent claim that Bush alienated our allies when in fact, just the opposite was proven true? Well, by all means let's violate international trade rules and trigger a protectionist backlash which a WTO assessment last week shows would worsen the situations for all. I'm sure that will make us very popular with the allies/trading partners.

7. Renewable energy jobs promised by Obama? Dem. Sen. Jeff Bingaman from N.M., chair of the Energy and Natural Resources cmte. acknowledges that the bulk of any new jobs will be created in ASIA, not the US from our efforts because we don't build any of the stuff here. Each megawatt of wind capacity, for example, creates 4.85 full-time jobs. Unfortunately, 3.4 of those are from making the components, and that is overseas. Yeah, lets dump millions into this to help the Asian economies get jobs.

8. "Unprecedented transparency." That was the promise. Well, maybe the Prez can pressure Queen Nancy and Harry "taxes are voluntary" Reid to live up to their pledge on the culture of corruption and remove tax cheater Charlie Rangel from his Ways & Means chairmanship and make the ranting hypocrite Chris "friend of mortgage banker Angelo Mozilo" Dodd release all the promised documents on his below prime Countrywide mortgage. If you're going to have a tax cheat collecting taxes at Treasury, may as well allow a tax cheat to write the laws at Ways & Means, too.

9. Gitmo. By all means, how ridiculous is it to sign an executive order that you clearly don't even understand yourself (nothing like pausing to ask the lawyer what it means in front of the cameras) without so much as even a basic plan of what to do with the terrorists held there? Coming soon, to a neighborhood near you, I guess.

10. Maybe Obama the chosen one can use some of his populists capital to reign in his liberal ilk on the Hill. While NY grapples with the fallout of shrinking tax revenues due to too much dependence on taxing just the rich wall-streeters, and Calif. teeters on bankruptcy (counties paying workers with IOUs and the state witholding $4 Billion in things like tax refunds), the House passes a ridiculously bloated liberal wish
list labeled "stimulus" which critics say will have minimal effect and probably even worsen our economy. As one economist stated, "Members of Congress like to think they can pass some legislation and take a victory lap, and it's not going to work that way." Sen. McCaskill called Wall Street folks "a bunch of idiots" and wants to create a court to
restrain their "massive self-indulgences." Hey, what's good for the goose...let's definitely have Congress submit to the same.

Finally, the Prez confused a White House window with a door. The press had a field day back when GWB encountered a locked door. But at least it was a DOOR. No crowing or jokes about being stupid were leveled at Obama's mistake. Double standard? Without doubt. Can't have the Media folks poking fun at their guy.

Been a heck of a first two weeks. Not sure even the Clintons matched this.

I DIDN'T Vote for that clown, But Now the people who were Brain washed who did vote for him are gonna get just exactly what's coming to them!!!! They deserve everything they get too!! Nuff Said