"No-Idle" laws in Michigan?


Expert Expediter
I've been off the radar awhile. I've recently been told the State of Michigan enacted "no idle" regulations for parked diesel trucks. Is this true? If so, does anyone know what the rules are? I.E.: are there exceptions for pets in the truck. Can the truck be legally idled in cold or hot weather? I appreciate the help.


Veteran Expediter
I can't find anything about any new anti-idle or no idle laws here in the great state of denial.

I would imaging our great leader, comrade Jenny would come up with some more cr*p to put on us, she thinks that we can afford more taxes with a ever declining population.


Retired Expediter
OMG greg..you mean my good sister has missed a source of revenue!!! I am calling her now and telling her it's YOUR idea. She may stick a hero badge on ya......:)


Veteran Expediter
I will say this only once - Don't ever say that to me again.

I have such a political hatred for thatperson and all the stupidity she has brought to this state, I would like to punish Canada for what they created and sell off Detroit for electing her again.

I can't figure out how to punish Canada other then going there and stealing all their curling stones AND no one wants to buy Detroit, even after I offered to thrown in Warren for free.



Retired Expediter

Greg..Now if you tried takin the hockey pucks you'd have a problem.
I guess you don't want that badge? :)

on a serious note I think your comrade there has learned well the Canadian way to get re-elected.."Grey Power" Since the poor and young don't vote..give the seniors more medicaid coverage and state benifits and your a shoe-in.

FW...keep the Pilot and the TA on the south side and toss in the McD's?:)


Veteran Expediter

Actually she reached out to the up standing citizens of Detroit and helped them out a lot at our expense.

It amazes me that the people of this state are so d*mn stupid not to demand her head.

Between the scam with the state police HQ and the hiring of Levin and other losers of the election and let's not forget while the state is bleeding to death we have a first gentleman who has a state paid staff, transportation and escort services, now we have hiring a CEO of Michigan because we needed someone who understood businesses to attract business and interface with the governor and state but we had in the election a person who held the CEO position of a rather large and successful company but lost because the people were fed BS about having a business man at the helm of the state was not good for the state.

Every time I go take my wife to work, I get passed by state owned vehicles at high speeds (I'm doing 73 in a 70 zone). I see the waste driving down the road and know that if they cut back their fleet size, slow these 'state' employees down to save fuel and eliminate trips to grocery stores, post offices and for other personal needs, the state may actually save some money but that is not what she wants - she wants to spend more money.


Veteran Expediter

Just heard them talking on WJR yesterday about how the avg wage of state employees in MI are about 1/3 higher than other states. Hmmm.

-A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. - Henry Ford


Veteran Expediter

>Just heard them talking on WJR yesterday about how the avg
>wage of state employees in MI are about 1/3 higher than
>other states. Hmmm.

Well it can be 10 times higher, the wage does not matter, it is the amount of jobs that matters.

We pretty much gutted the life sciences sector in the state, leaving the universities to do drug discoveries. U of M and Wayne have picked up a lot of people but U of M could not hire all of Pfizer Ann Arbor.

Between 2002 and 2006 we lost how many jobs to other states? I don't mean other countries but other states.


Moderator Emeritus

i was in a ts ever so briefly last week in mi(maybe it was the week before) and there were trucks idling there. think i was near jackson on 94.

Jack Berry