New update


Veteran Expediter
My loading time has increased since the 'upgrade'. Also when I'm scrolling with my wheel mouse, it is real jerky. :confused:

I'm using Safari.


Veteran Expediter
Well one of the problems I am having is that quick launch bar that just appeared. It not only causes a long load time but when the mouse comes close to one of the buttons, it pulls an ad up.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
The bar on the bottom... Really?? Isn't there enough already? It kinda sucks.

I'm using Firefox and everything is smooth. Load times are good right now, but can be sluggish at times.


Veteran Expediter
You know I don't mind some ads but I'm not looking to go to another company so they are on the edge of annoying just short of causing the visit to be a bit frustrating.


Veteran Expediter
I tend to be very understanding about advertising but it is getting awful crowded, to the point of diminishing the experience. Mouse over things on the other hand have always bugged me.


OVM Project Manager
Lawrence...that ad across the bottom is just too much...and it seems to have slowed things down...please reconsider?


Retired Expediter
Owner/Operator is bad...could ya just not have extended the "advertiser" column on the right side of the page?.....and the whole left side is empty...


Veteran Expediter
I'm not going to complain about the taking over the screen. Using my wheel on the mouse moves the page up or down in jerky movements. What would have moved the screen up a full page now moves it about 20% of a page in two or three jerks. Much the same way if you pushed the up or down arrows every second.


Veteran Expediter
I think for some of the ads are useless and we should have options to remove it through our preferences and options screen.


Veteran Expediter
I'm not going to complain about the taking over the screen. Using my wheel on the mouse moves the page up or down in jerky movements. What would have moved the screen up a full page now moves it about 20% of a page in two or three jerks. Much the same way if you pushed the up or down arrows every second.

I'm not getting a jerky scrolls, It does seems load times can be slower for whatever reason. Is EO the only site your having the problem?


Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
The ad bar at the bottom replaced the roll up window ads that were on the bottom of the home page. So it really isn't something additional, more something different.


Veteran Expediter
The ad bar at the bottom replaced the roll up window ads that were on the bottom of the home page. So it really isn't something additional, more something different.

But the old add bar could be closed, this one does not have that option and the old one also did not have the mouse over affect. I am all for making money off ones website but there is an art to happy users and successful advertising. EO tends to do a good job of it but this one misses the boat IMHO.


Veteran Expediter
Yeah this is the only site that I have the issue. It really started getting bad Friday or Saturday.


Veteran Expediter

Out of the other sites I go to, this is the only one that is image top heavy and slow loading.


Veteran Expediter
With today's faster download times and speedier processors it usually isn't so much being image heavy as it is a bad line or two of coding somewhere that tends to hang things up.


Seasoned Expediter
i havent noticed any lag at all using Chrome as my main browser and testing Safari and Firefox as well.

wonder why it wouldnt effect me but others?

i like this much better than the sliding drawer that was there before it.