New to business


Seasoned Expediter
My wife and I are considering the purchase of a straight truck. Team drive for fedx or panther. We are in Michigan and as everyone is aware the economy stinks here. For the first time in our lives we are both unemployed and I have a better chance of winning the lottery then selling our house and finding work out of state. We like the idea of team driving since our youngest is graduating this year and going to college. I was planning on a d unit. an auto transmission is a must and we like the condo sleepers. Was curious of about success using c units or d units. also would it be feasible to purchase a refer and haul white glove and elite. From what I have been hearing online. most class 7 d unit trucks with reefers are too heavy unless they install pusher axles. We want to keep busy but we need to know that we wont be running just to pay for a truck. Do reffers pay, do you get more runs or do you loose runs due tocost of delivers. do contractors pay extra for all runs or just reefer loads


Veteran Expediter
Welcome, you might want to spend some time reading The Newbie FAQ section. It will answer some of your questions. Aslo of note will be that I don't think you can go directly into White Glove as a new team. Panther Elite I think you can.


Veteran Expediter
And that is my more Politicaly (sp) correct version. And it really did not hurt all that much.


Veteran Expediter
Kevin/Sue welcome

Sorry if this may not make sense, I am sitting here fighting a nasty cold and losing. I am wondering what part of michigan are you from and what did you do before you lost your job?

I am going to be brutally honest with you; you can make money in this niche of the industry but don’t go over board with the truck where you end up with your debt load outweighing your potential revenue generation.

Yes a class 7 truck can run without the second axle and make money, and yes a reefer is also a plus but don’t look at it like you will miss out on revenue at this stage because you need to first start out on the road to understand how this all works to get a grip on what you may view or make as a priority or what is not a priority – if you follow me. What Phil (A Team) has posted is a good start to read and learn but realize that paper learning is different from actually different from the road learning and points of view vary widely to what is success and what is not.

Phil is also right about the financial reserves thing. This is the most important thing outside of good health. I can tell you from practical experience that a reserve is needed for the little things more than the larger things, like the fuel pump going out on my reefer unit opposed to the injection pump going out on the engine – the former I worry about more and had replaced it once.

The other thing I have to stress is start small, don’t expect to get into any elite/wg services, try to get your feet wet with regular old expediting. The problem I find with jumping into any elite/wg services has nothing to do with money but attitude. Success is built on attitude, and this business you need all the positive attitude you can get.


Seasoned Expediter
Thanks for the advise everyone. I guess as far as the truck goes I know of a 2007freightliner m2106 d unit with a 96inch sleeper auto trans and apu. also is a condo and has 50k on it.
The dealer bought it at auction and will have it later this month. He want $78000.00 for it. I thought this sounded fair since new it will probably be $11000.00. I have heard 96 inch sleepers on these trucks may bring weight over 33000lbs and make it a large d unit. This truck is not a reefer. any thoughts



Veteran Expediter
I would have the truck checked out carefully. Even if it new (or relitivly new) I would have a Dyno, ECM dump, Vischeck, 'Independent' mechanic check out (meaning away from the seller) and oil analysis (go to blackstone labs) done before even considering it. These five things will tell you most of what you need to know about the truck and if anything is wrong, you have leverage with the dealer to negoiate.

Oh by the way, I am above just under 33K and have a load capacity of 11K but considered a C unit.

Sorry about the spelling.


Veteran Expediter
If it has an apu, that's probably not bad. Sleeper and box manufacturer would boost or lower the value. Please take into consideration that M2s lose value quicker compared to other trucks. There's one on the classifieds now... 04 M2 with 207k on it for $40,000. And an M2106 (more like a class 8) '05 with 266k on it with an apu for $50,000. Just something to think about. Your truck may be overpriced. Make sure it has a good warranty if you go ahead with it.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Expert Expediter
If you are starting out driving, I would highly recommend driving for an owner for a year or so before you go out and purchase your own truck. Much easier on your lifestyle than plunking down the money and learning the dos and don'ts with a truck payment. I know you have your heart set on it, but either of you may find that in three months, you really don't like being gone from home that much, OR living in a cracker box. Beware of letting despiration make your decisions for you.

Also, I would check with a recruiter and make sure that the company you're interested will actually take you on.

Drive Safe!


Driver for 15 years
O/O for 13 years
OOIDA #829119


Expert Expediter
My opinion, avoid Panther. FedEx, Tri-State, or A. Blair are good. TST if you like to run in th north. Honestly it is who "sucks" the least.

Rikk Sullenberger