New Hurricane headed for the US



A New Hurricane:

The National Weather Service has issued a warning for yet another catastrophic hurricane following on the heels of Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne. The path of this hurricane zigs and zags and is therefore highly unpredictable. Experts predict that this one will cause the most damage to the United States that we have experienced in four years.

They are naming this one Hurricane Kerry. Be advised, the only way for citizens to protect themselves is by hiding behind a Bush

I hope the citizens of the US take notice of the terrible aftermath from Hurricane Kerry. It is exactly what will happen to this country IF he is elected.

Glen Rice

Veteran Expediter
You know living in Florida, you kinda had me going with one! Glad to finally get to the punch line before a heart attack took my life. Please no more jokes about the lousy weather we have had! Take care, and may the wind be at your rear doors always!


Expert Expediter
Actually....the major damage that Hurricane Kerry will cause, will mainly be limited to blowing all the leaves off Bush.

Lick Bush in '04...I know I will!


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
I can't make up my mind with that last post??????


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
By far the most potentially damaging with the longest term residual ill effects and requiring the most clean up afterward. We can only pray to be spared the second worst pending disaster facing the nation, second only to the 2008 one named Hilary.


Veteran Expediter
That's ok...everyone will just ignore Hurricane Hillary... she's nothing but a bag of wind. The eye of the hurricane has serious bags around it too.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Yes, I'm concerned about the hurricanes too, but I think we have been riding the worst one for the paast few years. Look at how the cost of fuel has risen, and it is directly a cause of this hurricane.

I sure hope it ends soon so we can start cleanup.

Vernon in C2197

Let's replant a bush in Texas!


Veteran Expediter
I know...he's the cause of all our woes. He did this, he did that, if your wife is cheating it's with him. I heard it all before. Go rent Farenheit 911 and praise it like Mein Kampf...they're both the same thing... propoganda (documentary indeed)