name a city town or village with a funny name you have been too


Moderator Emeritus
in conway ark there is a big brown informational sign, on i-40 for.............TOAD SUCK PARK:eek::eek:



Expert Expediter
AKA Saint Marys Express Center?


Hondo TX Welcome


Haven't been here.




Veteran Expediter
Years ago, I saw a sign I took a photo of and actually have in one of my photo albums... I was driving a private coach and saw it coming up ahead of me... - could not really stop, so I grabbed the camera I keep beside the drivers seat and snapped it...
keep in mind I was single at the time...
The sign said "Beaver 1/2 Mile ahead". Ya. Enough said.
Who says bus drivers don't have a sense of humor?? The show must Roooool On!

Triple B.

When I have more time I have a funny story about Intercourse, PA.


Veteran Expediter
ok please understand i am not being rude here but when thru 3 towns once paradise , intercourse , blue ball pa made me giggle that these three are on the same route they are down near lancaster pa


Veteran Expediter
Remus, Michigan. Remus in and of itself is not LOL funny. But, coupled with it's brotherly city Romulus, 150 miles to the southeast, it is mildly amusing. Also there is a Rome Center in Michigan. I'm not sure what, if any significance this has.


Veteran Expediter
Regarding Beaver, this was a town name- it wasn't Big Beaver Road... That I remember- because I got the photo to prove it. :) I wasn't going to let that pass me... Yes, I got proof that there are directions to it! Ha, that was funny and you know it.

Moving right along, Intercourse, PA is in the heart of Amish country in PA. it's a very popular destination with tour busses. However, to really experience Amish life you really have to leave the main roads and get on the side roads... you know, the ones where crops grow up to 3 feet from the traveled part of the road way. The roads that have no gas stations on them. The roads that have houses more than a mile apart, and the houses seem to be a mile from the road. Yes, I've been there a few times.

The 1st time I was there, in Intercourse, PA, I had a French Canadian tour leader onboard a 13 day tour (lucky me!). The tour started in Boston, and ended in NYC... after PA we still had Philly and DC to do before we got to NYC. I've done a good many tours up there with similar schedules- the kind of schedule where you have to look at the hotel phone to remember what city, state, or country you're in.

She and I were like oil and water, in fact I threw her cell phone out the drivers window when she decided she couldn't understand the restaurant we were going to in Montreal. Bare in mind, it was at night time, in the rain, in a construction zone. She shoved the phone up against my ear (as I was driving with 57 people!) and said "here, you talk to them!". I took the phone, slid the window open and pitched it- I'm not for certain, but I think I launched it into one of the metal orange barricades.... and kept on driving. I'd pay money for a photo of the look on her face. The company safety officer was understanding, but told me "you should have thrown in down the steps, but given the circumstances"... he said he'd probably have done the very same thing.
She was nice to me afterwards (for a couple days) and really didn't say too much to me for the next few days, which was fine with me.

Anyways, we were in Corning, NY... the place where the Corning Glass plant is, that sells it's factory defects in the museum "store". Clever people!! Well, she said to me "ok, Bob, now we go to Intercourse"... to which (since I'd never heard of a town with such a name) responded "Hold On, are you sure?" She said "YES!", I said "Shouldn't we talk more about this??" She said "it's on the schedule!" I said "Let me see that schedule? Because I'm sure I would have remembered that!", Sure enough, I missed seeing that destination.

it was actually a very colorful conversation that had me flustered because she had a very heavy accent and her english wasn't good anyways- which didn't help any. At one point she said something about Blue Balls, and I didn't know about that town name either... so that confused me even more. She got mad, I got scared- because her personality was little to be desired- even with a paper bag with a smiley face... I don't know. Back then I was thinkin' she was 6 pack pushing a 12 pack- as in beer to... well. you know. And I didn't have enough time in between driving to do anything anyways even if she was less than a 6 pack. Ha. Funny right? I can't make this stuff up!

Ironically enough, I had her for another tour after that tour- the company called me up a day after I dropped in NYC at the Laguardia- I went up to Boston empty and got the call... it was funny because when I picked up the phone my dispatcher said "I'm sorry to do this Bob". I said "not again?!", He started laughing crazily, we knew. I had her for a 9 day tour... then they gave me a great tour leader after that was unbelievably funny. He and I sang "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers on the mics to French people from France a few times because that was his favorite song- and he was from Quebec as well!

That's all I got for now.
Triple B.


Seasoned Expediter
BOB she is lucky you only threw the phone out the window lol.I remember in my bus days there were a few guides I could have thrown out the window.Your right about Amish country ,you need to always be on guard for them horse and buggies as well.Big Beaver road mmmmm very interesting.Lol


Seasoned Expediter
I know you said city but to go by the city Why do they have a Husband Road but no Wife Road always see it and laugh; its by Paducah,Ky. :)


Expert Expediter
In the last two days: Picked up in Mars, PA and drove through Radioville, IN.

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