Major Milestone


Veteran Expediter
It's off topic big time. The subject matter is Eddie Eagle gun safety classes and whether or not they should be offered. Should gun safety classes be mandatory - no. Optional - like driver's ed - why not? Maybe that's worth discussing in some parts of the country like TX, WY, TN, WV where gun ownership is a tradition, or maybe in other states where it's not but kids of high school age might want to become familiar with firearms and what the political fuss is all about.

If kids of high school age want to become familiar with firearms [I believe they already understand "what the political fuss is all about"], Eddie Eagle can't help them. Per the linked blurb, the program is offered to pre-K through 3rd grade.
No matter how many kids have seen the program, the real question is: does it work? Just offering it is a feel good waste of time, if it doesn't make a difference in actual behavior. Like abstinence only sex education, which is probably worse than no education, IMO.
Maybe Eddie Eagle is more effective because the target [sorry!] audience is 3-8 years old, but who really knows? Does anyone?