Little Light Thingie


Veteran Expediter
I am not a gauge watcher in my van. Sometimes I go for an hour or so without looking at the gauges. Not a good habit. I'm usually watching the road and traffic. Is there such a critter as a LED that flashes a couple times about every three or four minutes to remind me to scan the gauges? This could remind me to check, and also be a training tool for my pea brain to make it a habit to check often. Thanks.
:+ :+


Veteran Expediter
Electrodes attached to your testicles and set to send an electric pulse every 2 or 3 minutes would probably get your attention! Plus it would keep you awake on those long boring stretches of highway.


Veteran Expediter
Prof, if you'd prefer a painless way to remind yourself, dab a bit of Wite-out on the top of your steering wheel - it'll get your attention. If you still aren't in the habit when you no longer notice the white spot, wipe it off & put another one off to one side. I used this method to retrain my brain to steer from the bottom of the wheel when backing up a 53' trailer, and it worked - the white gets your attention. If not, then move on to Moot's suggestion, lol.


Veteran Expediter
Thanks everyone. I've been married many years. I vaguely remember that word: testicles. Cheri, I will try the White-out trick. It is probably less painfull that the electrodes, and the check engine light is probably too expensive. When I went to CDL school our instructor said when backing a trailer to "steer toward the problem". In other words when looking in the mirrors and the trailer was moving slightly to the right, turn your wheel to the right. The only time I have ever used that info was when backing my 4 X 8 trailer with my car. Thanks, again.
:+ :+


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
A lot of watches by Timex, Casio and others now have a count down timer that can be made to alarm and then start over again. You could have it remind you at whatever interval you want. Some also have up to 5 alarm clocks in them as well. They're handy because you can have a couple set for usual things at home and others to use on the road. I have one and if I have a job that requires waking in the middle of the night I'll set about 3 alarms at 5 minute intervals to make sure one eventually wakes me up.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
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