Libby, posible pardon?


Veteran Expediter
Tallcal, I only ask because there are so many that this is being said about.

So just to illustrate a point here, AG Gonzales is not an invader, he did not break any laws when he was born to first generation americans. Even though he is hispanic, that does not detract from the job he has been doing (with a couple of reservations) or his qualifications. By putting the tag on his name, invader, you also make my point that liberals are not for the people who can get the job done regaurdless what or who they are, something that the republicans seem to be doing a lot helping minorities since the 'modern' civil rights movement has taken place and the dmeocrats have been opposing most advancements all along - remember the dems came up with Jim Crow laws and welfare.


Veteran Expediter
Obviously Greg,invader is not a term in my terminolgy,I'm simply borrowing a term that is thrown around this forum like so much garbage.It's impossible for me to understand why anyone use's that term,but then again Bush and I see eye to eye on this issue.Go figure.
Gonzales is just another Republican on the run who knows he f****d up,and is happy to let a flunky assistant take the fall.What else is new.I predict Albert's next to go,but then again each day brings a new level of sewer rat emerging from this joke of an adminstration.
It appears we have not yet seen the low water mark.


Seasoned Expediter
If George Bush sneezes the Liberals want a investagation,Attorney General Gonzalez didnt do anything different than what Janet Reno did...opps sorry she FIRED all 96 U.S. Attorneys has anyone heard any mention of that on the Calamity news network (CNN) or any other of the Left Wing news channels? NO I dont think so! Chucky and the rest of the Left should Shut up and concentrate on whats Important in this Country,like protecting us and STOP turning anything that the Republicans do into a Political Battle...John Edwards canceling his scheduled Debate in Nevada because FOX News was hosting,what is he afraid of? what a WUSS.It's Time for the Republicans to Grow some and Fight these Socialists before it's to late.Also on an earlier post someone mentioned that during the Clinton reign he made us rich and other countrys respected us..PLEASE you cant be serious,he destroyed our Military and our Intellegence thats why other countrys liked us while they where plotting against us,it's hard to know what's going on while he had his pants down.


Veteran Expediter
It's reassuring to know that there are so many historians on this forum who can dredge up half truths and charecter assisnations in an attempt to make the present dummies in office seem "normal".
Unfortunatly,it's all about today.Thats all that matters in the real world.But the history lessons are fun and exciting to listen too(they are getting a litte old and moldy though)
The world is little different today.Those who took their abuse of power for granite have had to wake up to a Congress that will no longer rubber stamp their evil ways.Tough sh**,suck it up baby!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Memories of the Clinton spite of trying not to revisit that era, we're being forced to because they're running for president again. These little history lessons are very relevant to what the US would be like with them re-occupying the White House. Janet Reno and Webb Hubbell (remember him? The one who went to prison and was quoted as saying that in doing so he was having to "roll over" again for the Clintons) collaborated with Slick Willie in firing all 93 of the attorneys general in 1993. This included the AG in Chicago prosecuting Rep.Dan Rostenkowski (who was later forced to resign in disgrace and went to prison anyway)and also the AG in Little Rock, AR who was building a case in the Whitewater fraud investigation. He was replaced with Paula Casey, the friend of Bill who proceeded to do nothing in spite of the eventual convictions that included Ark. Gov. Jim Guy Tucker.

The fact remains that any President can fire and replace these political appointees any time he wants to for any reason at all. The Democrat controlled congress said absolutely nothing about the AG house-cleaning in 1993, and their hypocrisy is glaring in their outcry over the replacement of the eight AGs that recently got canned. The Democrat game plan is to whine and complain about EVERYTHING the Republicans do, while offering no constructive alternate plans of their own.


Veteran Expediter
Get over it my man.Why do you go over this again and again and again.We are all aware.Maybe you can talk about something else for a change,or is your world so consumed with the Clintons that it is literaly impossible for you to post without mentioning them?God,I hope not.What ever lights your firecracker,but its getting old.
Lets talk about the great 15 date tour Willie is doing with Ray Price,Merle Haggert and Asleep at The Wheel.Caught the show(with back stage pass's) last Saturday in Vegas.Now thats a show worth seeing!!
"Rose of San Antone",a hit from 1949,is just as good today,and so is Ray Price.He's 81,and is not the Father of Anna Nicholes baby,as he made clear to the audience.Get out and hear some live music,it's good for the soul.


Seasoned Expediter
People on this disscussion about the war bring up the Clinton years in office (bordello) do so because he Blew it,and he gets a FREE Pass from the Media!He had a chance to get Bin Laden and he was busy doing something that was a this Country.Let's start by talking about Hillary Clinton she has said on many interviews that Sadam had weapons of mass destruction before and after 911 and she approved of going to WAR,and every since has flip flopped back and forth about the WAR and constantly bashes this President,this is not a person I want as my Leader!And I could name many more Politicians who have done the same.If the Citizens in this Country dont think this Battle we are fighting is serious they are out of there minds!They need to turn off the feeding tube they are being feed by the Leftists in the Media and do some Research all the Truth is available on the Internet or in Books,turn off the Boob tube and Learn something before it's to late.


Seasoned Expediter
letzrockexpress,I dont think I will respond to your post after seeing your Avatar your using,would be a waste of my time.