Kevin Rutherford


Veteran Expediter
I don't use it, but it seems to be interesting.

But truthfully, I am trying to figure out how they got a patent on this when this filtering system has been used by the Navy for 60 odd years.

I think they hand out patents too easily, there is a patent on producing hydrogen by that new invention electricity and water.

Anyway, it looks good, how much?


Expert Expediter
We put the FS 2500 bypass oil filter on our new truck. So far it is working well. Every 10,000 miles you change the bypass filter and send an oil sample in to have it checked. They notify us of the results and tell us of any problem areas.
The truck has approximately 30,000 miles on it and we changed the original oil at about 10,000 miles. We have had two samples taken and checked and everything is ok. They feel we should be able to go at least 60,000 miles before the next oil change and possibly more if the samples are ok. The oil is a lot cleaner than if we didn't have the bypass filter. It takes the soot out of the oil.
The unit is very compact and it comes with all of the hoses and fittings for your particular engine combination. It was very easy to install. Info is available at If you call them, ask for Randy.

Time Out

Seasoned Expediter
I have been using the OPS for over a year. It does work very well. I took Kevin's "CMC" course 2 years ago. Some of his suggestions has worked for me and some would not work for my application. He specializes in Class 8 applications and has not really experienced much with the Class 7.


Staff member
I was also very interested in his CMC course and then he also has a DVD self paced course that sounds good. He has a lot of good information and I sure wish he was on during the weekdays. We almost always forget him on the weekends.

Bob is very interested in the oil by pass system also but we have not tried it yet.