John Kerry: American Soldiers Are Terrorists


Retired Expediter
John Kerry appeared yesterday on the CBS talking-head show, "Face The Nation", to discuss the war in Iraq with Bob Schieffer. Just as in his speeches on the Viet Nam War, Kerry has slipped into deep Left-speak in an attempt to gain national traction for his pose as a party leader. In fact, in language reminiscent of his infamous "Genghis Khan" speech before the Senate in April 1971, he yesterday referred to American soldiers as terrorists -- and then suggested that we leave terrorism to the new Iraqi army.


Veteran Expediter
And you expect otherwise?

Why is he even trying? doesn't the people of Mass realize how stupid they look because of him?

I am getting sick of these Vietnam era vets who are in political office, who the h*ll are they to speak as 'experts'. They fought in a war where they were not leaders or planned anything. they had nothing to do with intellegence.

McCain, Kerry and Murtha - all traitors, all scum.

I guess Hlllary/Obama ticket will be the way to vote unless the republicans get it together which I doubt.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
>McCain, Kerry and Murtha - all traitors, all scum.

No question about it.

>I guess Hlllary/Obama ticket will be the way to vote

That's the funniest joke I've heard in a very long time. I can't think of any ticket that could be worse than that.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
John Edwards has made his announcement. This is the guy who told us that if John Kerry was elected people in wheelchairs would walk again. I expected him to fade away and never be heard from again.


Veteran Expediter
Oh Please I hope you are so right star. Being from NC he has accomplished nothing, but he is a pretty boy..... A pretty boy ambulance chaser, thats how he made his millions, off of doctors or someone tripping on your sidewalk.

I would Trust Hillary before I would trust him, at least she has some or alot of expierence at running the country.

This is how smart his campaign people are, they accidently set up the Website before he even announced he was running for President, and to announce it in New Orleans, so whats he promised them at our expense? Rebuilding that city? Whens the next time mother nature opens her door to another storm? Just makes no sense to build anything 12 feet below sea level, have we not learned from the past?


Veteran Expediter
But If he is from NC, shouldn't he at least respect the people who elected him and anounce it in the state?


Veteran Expediter
Good point Greg, but respect he has not shown us any but I could be incorrect. Insurance rates have sky rocketed in our State and the insurance commission only reasoning for it being above inflation is the amublance chasers who are driving doctors out of practice from high insurance rates for the liability of doing there job. Sound familiar, our industry is kinda in the same situation.

Watch this man fall as the media is gona have a festival with this candidate. There should be a much better person for the job to come forward from the Democrats.

I do not understand why such a liberal thinking person, can think of all of society doing what he has done to make his living. We are entitled to make a living I just choose to do mine without wrecking other peoples lives. There are bad Doctors, and maybee I am gullible but Doctors I have been treated by have had my best intrest at heart and want me to be healthy, but as in any business there is gona be a % of failures and this is what we all share in,some lawsuites are just not even with in reason of being reasonable.


Veteran Expediter
Broom, I read that the biggest reason the insurance companies had for the skyrocketing rates is one they don't want to talk about: their bad investments, that cost them a bundle. Which came on top of a bidding war, where they were writing malpractice insurance policies at bargain rates, just to get more income for the investments...I totally agree that a lot of lawsuits are frivolous, but don't we already have laws in place to discourage them? Also, the bad doctors are hidden by the code of brotherhood, in which other doctors are very reluctant to 'snitch', and when a doctor is bad enough to be exposed, he simply moves to another state & starts over.
If the truly frivolous lawsuits & bad doctors [and I don't mean every doc who makes a mistake - they are only human, too] could be eliminated, it would be a big step forward.