Its official as USA and Mexico sign pact to screw American truckers


Veteran Expediter
If American trucks can go in Canada why the mexican trucks would not be allowed in US? If they follow DOT regulations I don't see any problem. This is part of the world globalization. Yes ,will be less jobs for us but what we can do?

What can we do?

look at what other countries do to attract business and follow their lead. There is an assumption made that because we are the UNITED STATES we don't have to do much to attract business but the reality is we are on the edge and can fall over unless something is done politically to rid ourselves of the arrogance that causes us not to admit we have to change.


Retired Expediter
If we keep throwing up the walls of protectionism...then we will lose whatever we have left of manufacturing...and be truly a country of consumers..


Veteran Expediter
Well I'm all for throwing up a wall on the Mexican border and later doing the same on the Canadian border. With all those illegal Canadians coming over here and working at the tim hortons, we need to protect our dunkndonuts somehow.


Retired Expediter
Oh yeah and Canada could throw up their own walls and kick out 1,000's of Americans working in border towns...


Seasoned Expediter
If a mexican is willing to work for 20 cents a mile, why fight him? Adapt, get out of the driver seat and let him run for you. Buy another used van and hire another willing Mexican who will undercut the next guy and work for 15c, Meanwhile you are making probably 20-30c doing nothing but managing your new labour force.

you keep complaining about the companies you work for being too saturated, well stop fighting them, join them in saturating the market with your mexican labour force.


Retired Expediter
If a mexican is willing to work for 20 cents a mile, why fight him? Adapt, get out of the driver seat and let him run for you. Buy another used van and hire another willing Mexican who will undercut the next guy and work for 15c, Meanwhile you are making probably 20-30c doing nothing but managing your new labour force.

you keep complaining about the companies you work for being too saturated, well stop fighting them, join them in saturating the market with your mexican labour force.

Trust me if an American businessman could make that work..he'd be the first to exploit his fellow countryman...
Example: Commodity Traders


Not a Member
I'm sorry but it seems no one wants to actually learn what is true and what isn't.

If you fall for the BS line that the teamsters and others are propagating in the news, then I feel sorry for you.

I can only see the negitive in this as it would affect us in the way it already affects us. It won't change the rates that are already rock bottom, it won't take the jobs from those except for the very marginal drivers who work for horrible carriers to begin with and it won't change the fact that we already have an influx of Mexican trucks operating here and have been for years.

If we want to worry about jobs, how about demanding the congress cuts back on the H-1b visas and the other visa programs that allow people with "skills" to enter the country and take jobs from us?

Um here's one for you ... why isn't there a complaint about Canadians working over here and living there while being paid just a bit less than American workers because their health care is "paid" for? There are a lot of border companies who won't hire Americans to do the work?

Why is it we can't focus on fixing our own industry but we have to complain about something that is actually not a bad thing because it opens us up for more work. It isn't like we are going to have 20,000 trucks waiting on the other side of the border to come over here and steal the work.

When you look at what is really going on, the crap you see in Eagle pass, Laredo, Yuma and San Diego seems to be those local cross border junks that can't make it father than 50 miles. It is the same as the trucks up here that are used for border crossings, they are marginally junk trucks with a little life left in them and they are beaten until they quit than another one is found for $5000 to replace it. When I was up in San Fransisco, I didn't see the old junk but rather new and good looking Volvos and Macks. BIG difference between the two.

I agree with OVM, our real problems here is an idea that we need not to be part of the global economy but isolate ourselves. We already have issues with this idea that Canada is our enemy and we need to inspect every little truck and van that comes over here, while they actually seem to trust what we say when we hit the border. Jobs won't come here not because of the trucking industry but because we are a business unfriendly country. Change that and we won't have to worry about any trucks from Mexico.

It will not affect us?
A broker now has an office in Laredo to handle the freight coming over from Mexico to place on an American truck.
There will be little or no reason to keep it open since he can load on the Mexican side and that driver from Mexico can bring it direct say to Detroit, eliminating the need to place the freight on an American truck.
Think of the lost revenue to the American trucking industry on a daily basis.
Now, that same Mexican truck can reload in Detroit and take freight back direct into Mexico, thus additional lost revenue.
Now we are talking about taking more revenue away from the American trucking industry.
You speak of problems in the industry that we need to fix, yet when we talk about our own government signing this deal you say it's a good thing, that it opens jobs for American truckers.
How? Where?
This bill does nothing than take revenue away from us and simple hands it to a foreigner and you say this is not an issue.
In addition think of the dock workers in these border towns that will not be needed.
Think of the lost tax revenue these towns will miss which in turn will lead to the trickle down effect and less municipal employees etc etc.
This is a major issue, a major kick in the *** to the American trucker.
Wake up my fellow drivers the day of those loads to and from border towns are coming to an end.
Its time to develop a new game plan cause your government just tapped into your income...again.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
20 cents a mile?

How much do you think a starting driver makes for one of those big companies?

I am looking at one rate guide right now and it says 30 cents per mile starting. I base my net on 40 cents a mile over 1000 mile.


Retired Expediter
Ya see as we type about this nonsense..the good American businessman will be on a business trip....making deals with Mexican carriers, setting up xdock opportunities and forwarding prospects...taking advantage of the new scenerio...


Veteran Expediter
It will not affect us?

Are you basing everything that happens in this industry on what happens in Laredo?

Think of the lost revenue to the American trucking industry on a daily basis.
Now, that same Mexican truck can reload in Detroit and take freight back direct into Mexico, thus additional lost revenue.

I can't because I am more concern with the losses incurred by the fact that Canadian trucks deliver here and take back stuff directly to Canada (no offense Canada). It HAS more of an impact than any Mexican trucks will ever have and I think as I watched the amount of freight moving on the bridge in Detroit, I can not imagine that there is no greater loss that has happened as this.

As with the southern border, we used to have a lot of docks just to cross dock freight here because many American trucks didn't like to or allowed to go to Canada but that's all gone. I know of three docks which allow third party use and one I have access to and used but how many trucks pass through them is really really small.


Retired Expediter
No offense Greg....on the flip..when I lived in Canada I watched all them US trucks loading up and taking Canadian loads back to the US...


Veteran Expediter
No offense Greg....on the flip..when I lived in Canada I watched all them US trucks loading up and taking Canadian loads back to the US...

I understand, I have nothing against the Canadian trucker other than they need to learn off ramps are not passing lanes. The same goes for the Mexican trucker or the Indian trucker or the few thousand eastern European truckers who are here.

I only wish people would learn what some of this crap is about and not fall for it. I also wish they would look at how bad it is for many who expect a fair rate but are undercut by carriers who are near slave owners of their drivers.


Retired Expediter
I understand, I have nothing against the Canadian trucker other than they need to learn off ramps are not passing lanes. The same goes for the Mexican trucker or the Indian trucker or the few thousand eastern European truckers who are here.

I only wish people would learn what some of this crap is about and not fall for it. I also wish they would look at how bad it is for many who expect a fair rate but are undercut by carriers who are near slave owners of their drivers.

I think it is me and you against the world...

Me thinks we are beating a dead horse...


Expert Expediter
All I can say is hope you all have other back up plans or investments just in case. Because I am sure the 20,000 Dell employes in the Tx assembly plant never thought their jobs would end up in the Dell Mexico factory, Nor did many thousands of other people working for many of the other companies the are basing in Mexico now.

I am not opposed to working together with any other countries for products. But the BIG BUSINESS here in USA has gone for profits and not for the PEOPLE of the USA.

A few months ago it was said best here on EO. KIA, NISSAN, TOYOTA, VW, BMW, MERCEDES, SUBARU, MAZDA, And other Japan / Korean / German / & Others support the USA PEOPLE better than our own little gm / ford / chrysler .

These are facts that I am stating and trust me the letting in of these Mexican trucks is very bad and can be very costly to man O/O and companies also.

Yes we can enter Canada but Mexico is no Canada just read the articles. The Cartels have over run that country with their drugs and money ! All I can say is GOD BLESS THE USA ! And I hope that many of you wake up to a potentially serious situation that can BANKRUPT many of you and end the dream of being a truck driver for many of the newbies wanting to get into the expediting industry.

And Greg I agree we need to freeze our borders all the way from new people entering the USA to work. Heck I can point the imported expeditors out and truck drivers by just looking at the trucks and almost always I am correct when I guess LOL.
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Retired Expediter
hmmm no cartels in the US eh? no violence in NYC/Detroit/ ain't all that rosey here either.....oh and no crooked cops here either


Seasoned Expediter
20 cents a mile?

How much do you think a starting driver makes for one of those big companies?

I am looking at one rate guide right now and it says 30 cents per mile starting. I base my net on 40 cents a mile over 1000 mile.

My point was that if Mexicans are allowed to drive freight, they will certainly do it for considerably less than what an American would.

So my ooint was to hire one of them and let them run for a peanuts and make money off their back.

Assuming they could do intrastate.


Seasoned Expediter
It will not affect us?
A broker now has an office in Laredo to handle the freight coming over from Mexico to place on an American truck.
There will be little or no reason to keep it open since he can load on the Mexican side and that driver from Mexico can bring it direct say to Detroit, eliminating the need to place the freight on an American truck.
Think of the lost revenue to the American trucking industry on a daily basis.

The reality is those brokerage offices in Laredo are inefficient and unnecessar. They only serve as beauracracy and drive up costs.

Sorry but I am phone posting so I can only respond to a small section at a time.


Seasoned Expediter
Think of the lost revenue to the American trucking industry on a daily basis.
Now, that same Mexican truck can reload in Detroit and take freight back direct into Mexico, thus additional lost revenue.
Now we are talking about taking more revenue away from the American trucking industry.

There are more important things than just revenue, like profits. It would be equally as ludacris to ban the efficient use of 53' vans and demand all cargo be delivered on straight trucks and cargo vans to increase the revenue, jobs and taxes created in one industry.

As long as we compete in a world economy, we need to be as efficient as possible.


Expert Expediter
You all don't get it ok the freight will go on the truck direct from mexico to usa and then usa back to mexico. And as far as hiring them no problem but my trucks will never go into Mexico the road conditions are terrible and also hijacking is daily all over the border big time.

seriously many of you have no clue of how serious this could become.

Read this article and then seriously think of sending a driver with a load down to mexico. hope you like super high insurance rates.
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