Is it just me -Ever Notice When Some one Asks a De


Retired Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

Here here...I agree. You and yours are doing s great job regardless of what the media say.... becareful out there. And this Canadian supports you!


Veteran Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

Who carried off 911 doghouse?Who financed 911?Much of the money came from the Bin Laudin fortune,that is a fact.You mey recall that Osama was our big buddy during the Afghanistan Soviet Union conflict.He was seen by this government as an ally,freedom fighter whose family were and continue to be close personal friends of the Bush family.
911 was the result of really crappy intel that went on for years,along with a flawed policy by the Bush 1 to make goddy goody with anyone who we thought could provide OIL,like Saddam.We looked like stooges for so long to the middle eastern world,we became sitting ducks for the 911 bunch."Osama would never think of doing this to us" was the general concensus.We were asleep.
Clinton had his number and tried to take him out one cold night in December of 99.Too bad he misssed.The Clintons were not making goody goody with the Bin Laudin family,sharing beer and hamburgers with them,it was the Bush's.Still with me Doggie?Let me know if I'm rambling,OK?
There was evidence on many fronts that 911 was going to happen,its all avalible if you like to read.It's called the 911 Report.I suggest you look it over,may learn something.
Since I will never be President,it's pretty hard to say what I would have done.But in the "lets pretend"world that you have poised to me,I would be happy to answer,just for you.
First,I think Bush did a very admirable job after the he answered the childrens questions as the planes were falling out of the sky.For the first 2 hours he did not know whether to s**t of go blind.But thats to be expected from a non leader type of cheerleader.
Once he relaized it was real,he did a pretty good job of name calling,making threats(we never did find the right cave however)and being patriotic.It's interesting the same fireman who rallied behind him hate Gulliani,with a passion.But thats yet another story.
So,I would have said the same things and rallied the country.
Unfortunatly for W,he did not listen to the experts on how to fight the "war on terrorism"It sounded good,but he over estimated the threat,and went looking for the enemy in all the wrong place's.He started off pretty well,and had the worlds support in Afghanistan,but we all know what happened after that.I don't need to go into it.He refused to listen to the experts,and relied on both trumpted up intel(trumpted by his boys)and flawed CIA info.
He really screwed up by not giving the inspectors 6 more months,as there were no WMD's there,and we know that for a fact now.He took his eye off the ball,and let Osama get away.He lied when he told us he would look in every cave until we found him.I would not have made promise's I could not keep to the American people.He is so insistant on victory,he has lost site of the war ,the real war on terror,which relates back to 911.
But,I'm not the President,and really can only give you my opinion on went wrong.I can speculate on where we should go from here,which I have done in another post.I supported W,and so did 90% of the country when he said he was going to get the guys who did this.But then he went to Iraq,and it's been down hill since then.The sad thing is,he lost the support of the country,and the world.It's easy to loose,much harder to get it back,as he has learned the hard way.
I would have made sure that we got the guys who were reponsible for 911,as that is what the American people wanted.And we were told no stone would be unturned until we found them.So what do we have?A tortured fat pig who may or may not have cut of Dan Pearls head and is getting lots of attention because Bush needs the press right now.I,for one,think he is too fat and stupid to have been anything more then a mouthpiece.But I'm not the prez,so what do I know.
You got 20 minute of my valuable time for this,and it may or may or may not meet with your satisfaction,but maybe you will now tell us what you would have done?And you can't mention Clinton,OK?


Veteran Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

I don't think anyone is seeing the bigger strategy in this. If you remember, Qaddafi gave up his WMDs right after we invaded Iraq. Opposition to the leadership in Iran grew, and is still very big. Most of the opposition in Iraq is from other countries. In other words, we're drawing the terrorists out of the woodwork in their own area, rather than finding them on our soil. Not to mention we got rid of a dictator (yes, we were allied to him as the lesser of two evils), liberated a nation, and secured an ally for decades to come. You could say we have that with Afghanistan, but now we have two bordering Iran, as well as Syria.

Just like Vietnam, the media is fighting this war on the enemy's side. If you remember the little thing called the Tet Offensive, Walter Cronkite single handedly turned what would've broken the back of the Viet Cong into a no win situation for the US. Now it's happening with Iraq; and CNN is leading the way.

There... and I didn't even mention Clinton :p

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Expert Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

If you would like to understand the real problems with Bin Laden in the 90s I suggest you read Ghost Wars. It won a pulitzer prize.

I hate to say it, but the blame for 9/11 also involves Clinton, So why should we not be able to mention him? Bin Laden did not become "radicalized" and anti American until after the first Gulf War and the Clinton Administration came into power. Before his impeachment, the CIA had Bin Laden targeted numerous times but could not get the go ahead from the White House to take action. During and after impeachment, he was pretty much powerless to get anything done and running a little scared of public opinion in case anything went wrong, so again, no go ahead from the White House.

Once time in particular in 98 we had a hunting camp in Afghanistan that was set up by a prince from UAE in our sights and KNEW bin Laden was in there, but due to UAE just having agreed to buy 80 F-16 Fighters from us the current (Clinton Administration) Secretary of Defense convinced President Clinton to not bomb the hunting camp because he was afraid a UAE Prince may be killed in the attack and sour the sale of the fighter planes.

The book spares nobody, and covers from the Carter Administration to the asasination of Masoud. Many many people are/were at fault for Bin Laden, So please do not try and drop it all at the door of Either Bush Presidents.

Once again, the book is Called "Ghost Wars" Everyone should read it.



Veteran Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

Ancient history,not relivent to the current knucklhead who has so many scandels going on it takes a scorecard.Nice try though.


Veteran Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

The Bin Laudins financed one of W' many failed gas/oil business's!!
Read Woodwards book,he actualy got W to admit this!!Anybody home out there?


Expert Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

>Ancient history,not relivent to the current knucklhead who
>has so many scandels going on it takes a scorecard.Nice try

So, even though it is part of the current situation we are in , we should just forget it? Thats mighty convienient.



Expert Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

>The Bin Laudins financed one of W' many failed gas/oil
>Read Woodwards book,he actualy got W to admit this!!Anybody
>home out there?

I did a google search, and found a few sites talking about business deals in the 1970s. OK If you want to go down that road, about any business dealing with oil in the 70s would have ties to Saudi Arabia. Come on, give me some good facts. It sounds like a bunch of smoke and no fire to me. If there was any worthwhile connection, the news would be all over it. The hits I got from the search were all left wing loony sites like and crap like that.

I would be willing to bet if I did some searching that I could find Financial connections with Clinton to the Saudis.

You are reaching for stuff to use man.



Veteran Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

Yea but the Saudi's gave Bill Clinton $4 million for his library and in 2002, Crown Prince Abdullah who was supposed to be visiting with Bush in Texas was actually visiting Clinton after a hour visit with Bush. I guess they wanted to talk about where to plant ALGORE in the desert to see if he would grow more?

Funny that it seems that Clinton has had closer ties with the Saudis than the bush family all along with all the meetings, intervention through the justice department and the FBI, donations to different organizations, speaking engagements and some filtering of money to his ‘defense fund’.


Veteran Expediter
RE: More on madrassas.

Man, all this hatred for Clinton. you guys are funny. You remind me of Cleveland Indians fans and the New York Yankees. Cleveland fans hate The Yankees because they can't hardly ever get past them in the playoffs. Why do the Yankees usually win??? THEY'RE BETTER!!!!!
Funny how no one hates a team like Kansas City who can't do anything.


Seasoned Expediter
First thing that comes to my mind

Heh, what better way to introduce yourself to a online forum than to stir up the pot. I wonder how many of you that have all the answers have been to Iraq with a weapon in your hand and wearing a uniform. Trust me, what you see on the news is not the whole story. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, but remember who gives you that right. I spent over a year in Iraq, did combat patrols and spent quite a bit of time talking to Iraqis. I will be carrying uniforms in my truck in case I can't get home before going to my drill and will probably be back in a hostile environment in the future. When watching the news, remember they are trying to make money not make sure you get the whole truth.

Ok, it is all over the place and convoluted but just thought I would throw some things out. By the way, you truly cannot understand until you spend 8 hours talking to a young boy who was one of the victims of Hussein.



Veteran Expediter
RE: First thing that comes to my mind

Welcome and no I have not been over there but with that said, I understand the problems, the issues and the mission that the military is facing and support the military 100%.

As to your comment "By the way, you truly cannot understand until you spend 8 hours talking to a young boy who was one of the victims of Hussein." well I can say yes I have done that and more. I live near a lot of Iraqis who make their home in the largest population of Arabs outside of the Middle East, Dearborn Michigan and worked with a lot of Iraqis who have since left the US to rebuild their country. I spent a lot of time talking to many who I encounter when I am home.


Expert Expediter
RE: First thing that comes to my mind

In Kabul Afghanistan now. Have a LOT of buddies in Iraq that I talk to on a regular basis and compare notes. I keep posting here that 90% of the troops in Iraq understand and agree with what we are doing over there.

Whats your MOS?



Seasoned Expediter
RE: First thing that comes to my mind

Thanks guys and thank you for your service. I am Civil Affairs which is supposed to be non-combatant, but someone needs to inform our enemies of that fact. In case it came across wrong, my post was not intended to say noone knows anything or attack you guys. I appreciate that you appear to have taken it in the spirit it was intended.

My home unit lost two guys in Afghanistan last year and I lost a few friends while I was in Iraq. I try not to watch the news these days, I know entirely too many people that are still there.


Veteran Expediter
RE: First thing that comes to my mind

It must be frustrating for you not knowing who to shoot.I can only imagine.Keep up the good work,we hope you can come home soon.But W needs to define victory first,and he's having a little problem with that one.Since he does not know who the enemy is,it may take anothr 5 years to figure out what Victory is.Write your congressmen and tell them it's getting a little confusing.
With only 1 in 4 Iraqi children now being educated in schools(who knows what kind of education they are getting from friends and family who hate Americans)it may take a little longer then 5 years as the kids grow up and become armed.
Some us back home really think it's a little out of hand and Iraqis should stand up for themselves and police their own people.But not everyone here thinks so.Please know that the American people are trying to convince those in power to bring you home ASAP.Your lives are valuable,and we want you back here,or fighting the real enemy where they really are.
God speed my man.