If one smokes say, 2 joints, can u still drive a van and perform your job? just saying.....are you impaired?
Here are some comments from a Mary Jane site.
now closed.
fitmtnmom 20 Apr 2012 12:15 PM
Smoking cannabis does not cause lung damage- it is protective against lung cancer- even for cigarette smokers. It is also helpful as a bronchodilator for asthmatics
promoted by Annalee Newitz
Annalee Newitz @fitmtnmom
There haven't been enough detailed studies on this question to have a definitive answer one way or the other on how cannabis affects your lungs.
Edited by Annalee Newitz at 04/20/12 12:18 PM
burlybax @Annalee Newitz
But we will continue to work diligently on the matter
Imnothotep @fitmtnmom
You probably shouldn't make claims like that unless there's evidence to back it up. Common sense would seem to follow that smoking anything can cause lung cancer; cannabis not excepted.
promoted by Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.
evergreen35 @Imnothotep
I did read an article somewhere that the chances of getting lung cancer are "less" in cannabis only smokers then in cigarette smokers due to smaller amounts of carcinogens. Doesnt mean that you dont cause any damage.
I cant remember who to cite that too. (I watched to many documentaries to know for sure)
AL Winter @fitmtnmom
cannabis is not addictive and no withdrawl - [clear-uk.org]
cannabis cures cancer - [
cannabis promotes brain cell growth by 40% and protects it from damage - [
cannabis promotes healthy lungs - [dailycollegian.com]
cannabis will not lower your immunity this is why it is used by HIV patients ( in fact new studys show it to stop HIV replication) . your sperm is safe that is just a scare tactic.
do you know what "yellow journalism" is and how came to be?
i think everyone should use some form of cannabis from conception to death.
legal drugs cause more deaths per year than illegal drugs - [
cannabis ZERO deaths from use ever!! [drugwarfacts.org]
mother who use cannabis during pregnancy have healthier smarter kids. - [patients4medicalmarijuana.wordpress.com]
so now that you have facts on cannabis lets just decriminalize all drugs - [
people complain about the crime and deaths the war on drugs has caused.. you explain why to end prohibtion and they say it will not work, its like they are standing in the rain saying they hate to get rained on and you telling them to come in side and they say no i will still get rained on.
AL Winter @Imnothotep
smoked or not cannabis CURES cancer
cannabis cures cancer - [
Imnothotep @evergreen35
That would seem far more plausible to me. If nothing else, a cannabis cigarette still contains tar, which most certainly causes lung damage when inhaled.
But ultimately only research will tell
mewmew_34 @fitmtnmom
That is a massive load. Inhaling smoke of ANY kind is going to damage your lungs, because it contains so much that doesn't belong in your lungs. Doesn't matter if it's pot smoke, tobacco smoke, or smoke from burning leaves and tree branches. It's going to cause damage to inhale it.
promoted by Evil Tortie's Mom: R.O.A.C.H.
EmpressZombie @fitmtnmom
Excessive amounts of smoke make me wheezy including cannabis smoke.
Gawker deleta est @evergreen35
Less carcinogens and less consumption. I mean, who smokes a pack of joints a day, every day? Who has the time, money or inclination?
I think it's possible to get lung cancer solely from smoking joints, it's just highly unlikely.
Shadowcloak @Imnothotep
Not necessarily. If the cannabis contains enough compounds that help prevent lung cancer, it could potentially mitigate the effects of the smoke. Obviously I'm not qualified to say whether this actually happens or not, but common sense doesn't always provide the correct answer
antonchigurh @fitmtnmom
Smoking occasionally triggers my asthma. Just sayin'.
ProgHead777 @fitmtnmom
It does not help the anti-prohibition cause to make extraordinary claims for cannabis. All you do is weaken, by association, the legitimate, thoroughly scientifically tested arguments in favor of legalization. Cannabis MAY or MAY NOT have anti-cancer properties IN HUMANS. It doesn't matter at this point! The argument is as strong as it needs to be already. The problem is reeducating those indoctrinated into the Reefer Madness mass hysteria. We can do that without misrepresenting cannabis as a magical panacea that can make the crippled walk, the blind see and cure your super-AIDS to boot.
Pillarofsalt @fitmtnmom
I have asthma and smoking pot makes it way worse, plus it makes my heart race, which means that when I use my inhaler, my heart ends up going so fast I panic and can't breathe...
skeptical_american @fitmtnmom
That is absolutely incorrect. Smoking anything could cause lung cancer. It doesn't matter if its a pack a day of cigarettes, or sitting next to a fireplace. Particulate matter irritates the respiratory epithelial cells and can damage the DNA. Getting cancer is basically dose related, people who smoke cigarettes have a higher daily dose of particulates than the guy who lights his BBQ on the weekend.
No one would ever think "sweeping" the floor could cause testicular cancer from dust, it would be called absurd. However...historically chimney sweeps would frequently get testicular cancer. Its all how much your exposed to. The bottom line is most people don't smoke nearly as much cannabis as they do tobacco.
charliekingsmill @pillarofsalt
I would like to know if the researchers found how long an impact cannabis on your memory? I know they don't know the 'long' term effects, but do they know how long it takes to return to normal after smoking, say, one joint? Have recently cut down usage dramatically but was wondering if one spliff a night before bed is likely to have an impact on my functioning? Not overly concerned about the whole good for lungs/bad for lungs debate, I am a smoker anyway. Basically I guess the amount of time it takes for acetylcholinesterase (if indeed it can) to break down the THC and replace it with normal neurotransmitters.
theoldcoot @Annalee Newitz
The study has been ongoing for 2700 years and if that isn't enough time then I suggest that you stop reading studies that are meaningless.
theoldcoot @EmpressZombie
There are people that are allergic to pot smoke, you could be one of them.