Health Insurance


Veteran Expediter
Do you have any Coverage?

Are you Healthy?

If YES than why not if the answer to the second question was Yes?

This is the one area that is just not addressed on here often enough. If you have any net wealth, own a home, vehicle, if you get injured or sick, it will cause you terrible financial pain. If your just plain flat broke, and looking at this to maybee get you some income why are you not considering a job that will offer Health Insurance down the road. This one will not unless your willing to pay for it, and I see to many who wish they would have and never did. After an Illness and a $30K bill the chances of ever being able to stop working are about as good as winning the Lotto. FACT here people. Once the Illness strikes if your lucky enough to come back to work, it will most likely be a while before your income would come back into play as well. Mean time the Bills just keep mounting.

It is not cheap, it is cheap enough though that if the above happened to you your gona regret that you never had it. I just wonder what the % of people who when they were healthy ignored this financial obligation only to loose everything and are now dependant on others or God Forbid the Govt. for basic living expenses.

I deem this and Life Insurance at the top of my list to be paid FIRST. After bare essentials of living expenses, heat, water, etc.


Expert Expediter
This is something that has been on my mind for quite a while and I have been pushing the envelope by not having any and would like to hear from those who have it and what they have and who they got it from?


Seasoned Expediter
There has to be some kind of group insurance expedieters can buy. My brother-in-law owns an auto garage and has him and his three employees on a group insurance policy with other small business owners. Why can't there be something like this for expediters?


Veteran Expediter
Something you just have to take into your own hands and investigate. Several options to choose where to begin? Your brother in law probably is a member of the local Chamber of Commerce, nothing stopping you from joining them and being eligable to join into that group or a group. OOIDA, the list goes on and on. I have Blue Cross B.S. for one person its reasonable, for my family it gets expensive.

Think people for yourself. Do not depend on others to do it for you, or they will.


Veteran Expediter
Have individual Blue shield Blue cross too.
and found that i can save 19% if paying for it annually instead of monthly .
use them also for Dental care ,
for years they payed 30 % of the Jim membership ,
Blue Blue also payed 20% of an elective Lazik .
any health bill that i have to pay ,i use " Care one Credit "

Be-Happy Be-Healthy .



Veteran Expediter
Come November you may not have any health care worries. Let the government take care of you and your loved ones! Now turn your head slightly to the left and cough. That hardly hurt at all!

If you want the hand of government squeezing there for the rest of your life, then you should know who to vote for in November. Cough, cough!


Veteran Expediter
Moot... don't you mean 'Turn your head and vote.'? *cough cough* *fart* *belch* *puke*

"Now that didn't hurt a bit, did it?"

"Not that much. BTW, Senator, what exactly did you stick up there?"

"Oh... don't mind that. Just remember, it's for your own good."