Birthday! Happy Birthday cheri


Veteran Expediter
Happy (belated) birthday wishes my salty friend (I was .... ah ....unavoidably detained :D)


Veteran Expediter
Happy (belated) birthday wishes my salty friend (I was .... ah ....unavoidably detained :D)

I'm gonna need a pm on that one, ok?

Wow - like the commercial says: "Miss a day" :eek:
It's been wonderful. Because I drive for a great carrier, I delivered Wed in SC, and because I drive for a great owner, I parked the truck at his house, picked up a rental car [no keys - very weird!] and made it to my daughter's in Fla in time for the Thanksgiving feast. [One of the things I'm thankful for is that my daughters can cook - they pulled off an awesome dinner all by themselves].
And later today, we're headed to the beach - I have a LOT to be thankful for.
Now I have to clean the laptop - I just read about the mess on the Pa turnpike - I LOVE EO! :D