Great start for Obama and America!


Veteran Expediter
Geico = Government Employee Insurance Company

Owned by Berkshire Hathaway = Warren Buffet

You see maybe a connection?


Veteran Expediter
I don't know if anyone has noticed this or not but there has been an increase of family suicides lately> I heard from one volunteer of a suicide hot line that there has been a large increase in incoming calls for help. Maybe the doom and gloom from the mainstream media coupled with our new Messiah sending us conflicting messages about our future cause people to think that there is not any real hope with this smart, honest and competent leader.


Veteran Expediter
I don't know if anyone has noticed this or not but there has been an increase of family suicides lately> I heard from one volunteer of a suicide hot line that there has been a large increase in incoming calls for help. Maybe the doom and gloom from the mainstream media coupled with our new Messiah sending us conflicting messages about our future cause people to think that there is not any real hope with this smart, honest and competent leader.

Huh? Have you been hanging out with Chef? That's a stretch only he could make....


Retired Expediter
I don't know if anyone has noticed this or not but there has been an increase of family suicides lately> I heard from one volunteer of a suicide hot line that there has been a large increase in incoming calls for help. Maybe the doom and gloom from the mainstream media coupled with our new Messiah sending us conflicting messages about our future cause people to think that there is not any real hope with this smart, honest and competent leader.

I thought you guys said the media was on the messiahs side?....the only doom and gloom is coming from this site and certain blogs and they don't count for much...

When I post something upbeat you guys are continually deriding the finding the darkside of everything.


Not a Member
I don't know if anyone has noticed this or not but there has been an increase of family suicides lately> I heard from one volunteer of a suicide hot line that there has been a large increase in incoming calls for help. Maybe the doom and gloom from the mainstream media coupled with our new Messiah sending us conflicting messages about our future cause people to think that there is not any real hope with this smart, honest and competent leader.

The truth be told, the suicide increase is a direct result of GOP Koolaid drinkers and the quilt they feel for bankrupting America.:D


Veteran Expediter
I thought you guys said the media was on the messiahs side?....the only doom and gloom is coming from this site and certain blogs and they don't count for much...

When I post something upbeat you guys are continually deriding the finding the darkside of everything.

The messiah is with Elvis this weekend....


Veteran Expediter
I don't know if anyone has noticed this or not but there has been an increase of family suicides lately> I heard from one volunteer of a suicide hot line that there has been a large increase in incoming calls for help. Maybe the doom and gloom from the mainstream media coupled with our new Messiah sending us conflicting messages about our future cause people to think that there is not any real hope with this smart, honest and competent leader.

Or maybe some people are just simply mentally ill.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

The truth be told, the suicide increase is a direct result of GOP Koolaid drinkers and the quilt they feel for bankrupting America.:D

I suppose this kind of gloating is to be expected from the Democrat kool-aid drinkers, especially after witnessing the headlong rush to European socialism since the boy wonder became president. After just 90 days in office, the "world" loves us again - the "world" being Venezuela, Iran, Cuba, Mexico, etc. If you think the GOP "bankrupted" America you obviously haven't been paying attention to the activities of the Democrat-controlled congress the past couple of years. Try Googling Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, along with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Speaking of bankrupting America, you ain't seen nothin' yet. B. Hussein Obama has only been in office three months and has already proposed deficits greater than those of all his predecessors COMBINED. The true damage done by all this "stimulation" with borrowed and printed money probably won't be fully realized until BHO is out of office. I don't know if you're old enough to remember the Carter years, but the inflation rates, interest rates and unemployment rates of the late '70s should give us a good idea of what to expect (hint: imagine financing the purchase of your next house at 17% interest or paying $6.00 for a loaf of bread).

Smart, Honest & Capable?? The honesty part has already been disproven, he's no smarter than any of the other Washington politicians, and his capability is yet to be determned. But Change? We're definitely getting change, whether we like it or not - let's hope we can survive it.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I stand corrected. In an earlier post I stated that Obama's capability is yet to be determined, and this was an error. As I get caught up on the details of Barack Hussein Obama's recent decision to release Top Secret CIA documents detailing inhanced interrogation techniques, it becomes apparent that this extremely liberal and inexperienced former junior senator is simply not capable of understanding the consequences of this disgraceful feel-good political exercise. This disclosure could very easily be considered aiding and abetting an enemy during a time of war. In an effort to cowtow to liberal Europeans, banana republics and islamic radicals, the boy president has weakened our national defense in a lame effort to display our moral authority and compassion to an enemy that wants to see us either dead or enslaved to their way of life. There is simply no benefit to be gained from this act of appeasement - he only makes us an object of further scorn and contempt by the likes of Al Quaeda, Hamas, etc. It might do him some good to review the news video of the 911 attacks - then again, maybe not. Perhaps he agrees with his pastor (the Rev. Wright) who proclaimed that the US deserved what we got that day. That being the case, we can look forward to additional concessions to our islamic enemies courtesy of President Barack Hussein Obama.


Seasoned Expediter
Yes, he's just so special... except for the facts that he's only gained respect from those whose respect is meaningless and he's bankrupted our grandchildren absolutely and irreversibly once and for all.

First off Obama had no big effect on the failing of our economy yet. When he took over ovice we were already in the hole from Bush. He is trying to undo all the things that bush has done and give our economy a jumpstart.


Veteran Expediter
The Democrats would just as soon pretend the 911 attacks never happened. Any reference to that date annoys them to no end. The attacks on America in 2001 disprove the liberal worldview that peace with radical Islam is possible. They, the Democrats, are hostage to a failed ideology and their immersion in the Stockholm Syndrome is complete.


Not a Member
First off Obama had no big effect on the failing of our economy yet. When he took over ovice we were already in the hole from Bush. He is trying to undo all the things that bush has done and give our economy a jumpstart.

Well said, welcome to the ambush. It is great fun listening to former Bush supporters telling everyone they know what's best. Oh yeah they didn't like Bush he was just the lessor of 2 evils, downright laughable.


Not a Member
The Democrats would just as soon pretend the 911 attacks never happened. Any reference to that date annoys them to no end. The attacks on America in 2001 disprove the liberal worldview that peace with radical Islam is possible. They, the Democrats, are hostage to a failed ideology and their immersion in the Stockholm Syndrome is complete.

Who's watch was that on? oh yeah the Realdumblicans