Giving Obama emergency control of internet


Veteran Expediter
Should Barrack Hussein Obama be given exclusive right to seize control of the internet during a so-called emergency? Senator Jay Rockefeller( a Democrat of course) thinks it is a great idea to grant Obama such power and is drafting legislation toward that end.

Being omniscient, Obama would get to decide what constitutes an emergency as well as its beginning and end. The "emergency" isn't over until Obama says so. Lovely.


Veteran Expediter
DUH!... It's the World Wide Web..It has almost become an entity all it's own. Obama nor anyone else could control it even if they wanted to...You can't possibly believe that is possible...


Veteran Expediter
Impossible, just utterly impossible.

There is too much in the way of communications that happens that is government based. A lot of internal government websites and systems are too dependent on the Internet as a means of transport data voice and other info and it would take years to get it straight so it could be done.

Imagine them trying to flush the internet to get the backbone setup for this and they make a mistake?


Veteran Expediter
Shutting down the internet within the US borders would be hard but for part of it a possibility. The govt paid for and setup many of the large traffic computer systems so taking those offline to all but military and designated users (read - govt) would not be all that hard. Shutting down int'l traffic would also be difficult but they could kill a lot of it and fast. So before you deny the possibility think about it.

No we are not China with limited international communications and such but there are possible controls that could be put into place quite quickly causing a massive blackout of communications and of course the resulting problems.


Veteran Expediter
Uh......if it's SO impossible.....if it would NEVER happen.....and if this "is going to new dimensions....*LOL*"........then WHY is Senator Rockefeller from West Virginia bringing this draft.......


Can anyone give a REASONABLE explanation as to why we would need something like this and does this remind you of a certain "country" that recently did this as the citizens took to the streets in protest of their "fair" election?


Expert Expediter
I'll tell you how he can take control of the internet, it's simple. All he would have to do is sign a bill and it becomes law. He was a senator,an expert in law and legislature. If he created a law in any manner, shape or form, any law abiding person would follow it. So, he would not have to reshape the internet or physically change it. The people who do not follow the law are the same people who do not follow laws now,ie. politicians,mobsters..........and if you know anything about computer technology,you know just how simple it is to track EVERYTHING !


Expert Expediter
By the way.... there's a reason Senators don't get elected for President.....the exception is this very afraid..........


Veteran Expediter
I defy you to prove that accusation. You cannot because it is false. If it were true I would also be banned. What do you call someone who spreads lies?

It was a prediction, not an accusation. A prediction bordering on certainty. Could be placed on fast track if the need arises.


Veteran Expediter
Anything is possible yeah Obana is going to wake up white and be a republican from Texas....gawd....*LOL*

this is going to new dimensions....*LOL*

ok the republican part is a stretch but look at michel jackson not to speak illie of the recently dead,not that has stopped the kennedy bashing but you know what i mean.


Expert Expediter
Does any one remember what Obama said during the campaign or maybe it was after election. He said he wants to create a kinda grass roots militia, I do remember him saying something ' other than our U.S. military". With ACORN getting funding from Obama and gaining power and going 'global' ..........i AM VERY CONCERNED about that. Has anyone heard more lately about it. Our military is sworn to protect the constitution. So if he creates an alternate force......what is it protecting ?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes, politician covers it all and the left does win the title although not by nearly enough of a margin. I was going more for the poke.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
On the original subject, I don't think Obama could shut down the internet but I think he could significantly cripple things and could selectively shut down websites that tell the truth as opposed to chearleading his lies. That's what concerns me, not a total takeover of the internet. It should concern everyone. Obama/Pelosi/Reid are demagogical enough, moreso than any other prior regime, to do such a thing. They are, in fact, the first administration that truly deserves to be called a regime.


Veteran Expediter
My original post was in reference to a headline story on the Drudge Report by CNET News dated August 28, 2009. The article outlines how aides to Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) have spent months behind closed doors constructing a 55-page draft of S.773 ... this proposal is an effort to grant Obama the power to seize temporary control of private-sector networks during a so-called cybersecurity emergency. (See Drudge Report for full story).


Staff member
Retired Expediter
There's the inherent problem with multiple screen names. You create and use multiple names, very forcefully and vehemently deny that you're doing it, and then get caught doing it. You then do it again, trying to be all slick about it, but get caught again. You scream denial, but the more you protest and challenge the charge, the more you are in effect crying wolf, and nobody believes you. And thus, the credibility of your original screen name is reduced to zero.

As for Omaba taking control of the Internet, with the current infrastructure it is all but impossible. There are too many redundant and alternate pathways for data to be routed. There are six primary and eight secondary backbones in the US, all operating independently (and redundantly if need be) that would prevent such a takeover. However, if a law were passed, that independency would be eliminated so that all backbone traffic would pass through one or more "super routers" that could be controlled by the government.

The problem is that currently, we are quite defenseless against widespread organized cyber attack on our Internet information technology infrastructure to the point where everything is vulnerable to attack. Think Wall Street and banking, all voice and data communications, as both cell and land line phones depend on the same infrastructure, heck, look at how dependent the trucking industry alone is on the Internet and telecommunications. In the case of an attack, the ability to shut it down to prevent or limit the damage is critical. Currently, security is effectively left of to individual computer users and system administrators, and all it takes is a handful of unsecured system to leave everything wide open.

Giving the president the power to control the Internet could be crucial to the security of the country. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility, and the government has proven time and time again that the more power they get, the more irresponsible they become. It's a double-edged sword that will, absolutely, cut both ways.