Gas prices vs. Fuel Surcharge and Pay Rates


Expert Expediter
With the recent spikes in gas and diesel prices, how many companies have adjusted their fuel surcharge pricing?
Also, does anyone see a hike in per-mile pay if these gas prices continue to rise or even out at the current rates? (right now, given past trends, it is very unlikely to see either drop back under 2.50(gas) or 2.40(diesel) nationally)

If things continue to get worse, what would the possibility be of getting truckers from multiple companies, and multiple vehicle classes together to 'march' on washington in protest? Seems to me we have some leverage in that if we get enough truckers to NOT haul any freight for just a few days up to a week, we can show how much we are needed and that amid rising costs, we need more pay to operate and keep this business viable.

Think on it, if enough expediters and truckers stop working for one week, many other industries would have to shut down at some point and time, or run out of available consumer products, etc. They stand to lose alot more than us.


Expert Expediter
I agree on that 100%
To my surprise when I got paid this week, my pay per mile was ajusted, even tho I had prepared to speak up, because the last weeks took it's toll on my expenses.

My company claims that they do not charge customers fuel surcharge, but I find that very hard to believe. I think it is just an excuse to not pass that extra money on to the drivers, o/o.
My company had to adjust finally, and I was told, if the gas price does not lower, there is another raise in sight. That is excellent for me on one side, but it does not make up for the loss in the past.
But I keep tellin' myself, better a raise than nothing.

Rumor has it, that Flying J fuel trucks are going on strike for a few days. But unfortunately, I don't know any more detail. As far as striking for a few days, I really could not afford that. If I could, I'd be with it in a heart beat.


Expert Expediter
> As far as striking for a few days, I really could
>not afford that. If I could, I'd be with it in a heart beat.

How can you afford not to? The fews days you take off would be paid back 10 fold if we could get enough people together.


Expert Expediter
This is the first Ive heard about a strike. Its a good idea... we could use a few days vacation.....
What we have heard about... mostly in the way of cb buzz is a period of time of drive slow and blocking. If I understand it correctly... truckers would drive and block at minimun speed.. 40mph. Driving side by side and blocking traffic at that minimum speed. We just havent heard much in the way of timing... when and for how long. Has anyone else heard about this?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The problems with a march on Washington are that it won't do any good for starters. No matter how many trucks you get it will still be a drop in the bucket. Add to that the ATA not supporting a mandatory fsc and you don't have the required support. Additionally, the flip side of "shutting down" various industries by striking is the economic hardship and damage to the millions of people who can't work while drivers have shut them down. I'd be more inclined to support the idea if it didn't harm others in the process but even then it won't help until we elect a whole new crop.

truck 4958
73's K5LDB

Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
>This is the first Ive heard about a strike. Its a good
>idea... we could use a few days vacation.....
>What we have heard about... mostly in the way of cb buzz is
>a period of time of drive slow and blocking. If I
>understand it correctly... truckers would drive and block at
>minimun speed.. 40mph. Driving side by side and blocking
>traffic at that minimum speed. We just havent heard much in
>the way of timing... when and for how long. Has anyone
>else heard about this?

Another really STUPID idea that won't help anyone. All this will do is inconvenience a lot of people who can't do a thing about the situation. Additionally, it will cut income to every driver caught in the backup. I'd like to see any drivers pulling this garbage lose their licenses. If you want to get something done join an organization like OOIDA that is working on a solution. Also, get out and campaign for and vote for someone who will do something about it. Those are the mechanisms to get change. This idea is immaturity and selfishness with no beneficial outcome.

truck 4958
73's K5LDB

Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
A lot of good OOIDA did in lobbying congress. They are nothing compared to the ATA. We (o/os and small businesses) are needed, but not to the extent that they'd recognize our hardships. I've heard of convoys driving slowly, though I don't know the impact that would have. Marches on Washington do nothing but bring it to light. The thing that hurts is not getting fuel. It hurts us, yes, but it hurts those who are making record profits... the oil companies.

People in general have accepted the fact that gas prices will keep going up, thus they have become complacent. We cannot afford complacency. Whatever excuses the oil "gods" come up with have no bearing on oil being this damned high. The answer is greed. And we need to hit them where it hurts the most... at the pump.

Regardless of what it does to those millions who depend on trucking for their businesses, I have to look out for #1... cause no one else will. Certainly not the business owners who want the lowest rates, regardless of what fuel prices do to us. Nor the oil execs who are laughing all the way to their off-shore banks. Nor the truckstop owners who gough us with everything they sell. We have to look out for ourselves first. And if it takes a week of not running, I'll do it.

Kennedy said "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Maybe the best thing truckers could do for their country is NOTHING. Give a shot in the arse of the slobs who call themselves Americans and make them realize that the country is going to hell in a handbasket, and they need to wake up and see it for themselves.

Who knows? Maybe a leisurely drive down I-5 in LA at 45 MPH would be a start. But a nationwide boycott by o/os and small businesses would definitely be the shot in America's arm!



Expert Expediter
Well... thats your opinion, and you are certainly welcome to it. But I (for one) disagree. Why do you think bringing this issue to the attention of all (those who can help, and those who cant) is stupid? Since when has activism been stupid? I say bring it to every persons attention possible.... and with full force.

Let me tell ya... in the 70's (I think it was that long ago...) when the independent truckers convergeged on Washington, parked their trucks in the streets, turned them off, walked, and didnt return for 3 days shutting down Washington.... it sent a major message. It wasnt long after that things started to change in such a way that truckers concerns (not carriet mgmt's) were getting addressed.

Have no question. Carrier managements concerns are with their own pockets. They could care less that our pockets are getting thinner and tinner... as long as customer needs are meet and they are collecting their full rates. The problem is not with the freight rates.... it is with fuel..... and we pay the fuel.

Politics... organizations of political influence are fine and serve well a purpose in the future. The problem is now. And caused in part by the lack of trucker activism. Let the politicians work on a solution for the future... only the truckers themselves can affect the present. I say affect it with fore... send a message to the politicians that will affect the future. Send a message to others that our concerns cant wait for politial process and must be responded to now!

And as far as cutting the revenue of all truckers caught in a backup caused by rolling blockade..... whats worse.....

losing revenue through some action which will serve to wake people up and bring attention to the cause?

or losing revenue through inaction and passivity while politicians work on the future and carriers and carrier mgmt take home a full paycheck?

Seems like a no brainer to me.... and I never thought of any idea... any idea as stupid........... people can be stupid... not ideas!



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
In response to message #4

>A lot of good OOIDA did in lobbying congress.

OOIDA can only be as effective as the strength of the numbers of their membership.(Currently only about 125,00).

Washington barely notices groups this small.Why cant the rest of our industry come up with the measly $45 dues.

Are you a member? If not, you and other O/O dont give a rats *** about getting any thing done.

If you are a member...Did you contact your congressman/senator as OOIDA suggested?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
>In response to message #4
>OOIDA can only be as effective as the strength of the
>numbers of their membership.(Currently only about 125,000).
>Washington barely notices groups this small.Why cant the
>rest of our industry come up with the measly $45 dues.
>Are you a member? If not, you and other O/O dont give a rats
>*** about getting any thing done.

Exactly. If there was another zero on the membership total things would be significantly improved and their clout would be significant. Every member of this forum and every person who reads this forum should be a member.

truck 4958
73's K5LDB

Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.

Gary and Linda

Expert Expediter
Wheeoo Lea
I have to admit, I'm shocked. I didn't think anybody but me thought that way--God knows I'm a redneck--but I'm glad I'm not alone. I've always figured that Unions were for people who couldn't hold a job on their own. Unfortunately, that applies to Owner/Operaters too.

If you want the job, and it pays good--take it. If it doesn't, don't take it. Gee, pretty basic, hun??

Every Owner/operator is his own boss--it says so in his incorporation--and he is responsible for his own business survival. Act like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Expert Expediter
leo, as to not hurting other people with an action; the only way you will ever get these companies to recognize truckers on a whole as something to be reckoned fairly with is to show them the REAL cost of business. Would they rather shut down a line for tens of thousands of dollars a day (or hour), or pay an extra one to two hundred dollars a load? When you face them with this reality, they would hopefully use logic and realize that the cost of doing business is worth keeping in business at all.

To have the best effect, such a strike action would have to be done at the height of shipping.

Rolling blockades don't and wouldn't work, that only makes other motorists angry for no reason. If you wanna do something like that, work legally, and don't cut corners. Drive at your respective posted speeds, stop cheating on log books, and take your required breaks and rests. That alone will make companies re-evaluate things. Make them work harder, not yourself. Things have gotten the way they are now because they've been able to put o/o's against and not with each other, always asking for shorter and shorter times while paying less for faster delivery.

You get paid by the mile, not the hour. Drive legal and show them the cost of doing the job right!

If your dispatch tries to hold you responsible for a late delivery, tell them you had to follow posted speeds and take your mandatory breaks because DOT talked to you or something of the sort.


Veteran Expediter
Our own boss? Nah... we just have more freedom than most other industries. If we were our own boss, we could raise our rates just like every other business. We have no control over what we get per mile other than working towards less dh. Unless you get your own loads, that is.


Veteran Expediter
KW Express
o/o till i die

Its know better even for the small carriers.small carriers are forced to use brokers for backhauls.

Each time I call they give me a rate and say thats a flat rate including fuel.

So I think the only way we can force our carriers to demand higher fuel surcharges is to just take a month off.

well you may not be able to afford to not work for a month
so I would suggest just not running for them or any other big expediters during that time frame.

to me expediting is not always the best thing to do.
I will almost bet that anyone with a d or e unit can get there own
ltl off getloaded,truckstop,dat and other broker boards.

and I have found if i only call on the runs under 300 miles
I can get at least $2 per mile.and maybe I can get 2 in the same day
or at least reload and deliver next morning.

so maybe by the time everything is said and done i can profit $400 a day.not glamerous by know means but if everyone would do it for a month


Expert Expediter
I can’t believe how wishy washy this string is! Which is totally indicative of the problems all drivers face today, whether they be company or contract. We can’t seem to unify even when we face losing our business or our homes, to say nothing having healthcare. (I can’t afford healthcare. Can you?) This is the exact reason why there has been NO favorable legislation for the driver passed in thirty years. This makes us look like a bunch of doormats, and it’s no wonder companies take advantage.

Joining or supporting OOIDA, although a great idea, is only one part of the solution. All drivers need representation. Although, things have gotten way past the point of joining an organization. We all know to have a voice in today’s legislation process means you need big money to pay lobbyist. Unfortunately, this is how our government works. This is how the big corporations do it. The same goes for unions. To point out the monetary effects of a shut down on the industry and then decide that it would be too hurtful to them is just wimpy. Isn’t that the frigging point?!?. Monetary loss is the only thing congress or these corporations understand. Do you really think they care whether you lose your truck or home?

In response to the comment implying that it a shut down would effect other workers in the industry, that’s a 53’ trailer load of crap. One or two days will not effect shipping/receiving workers. Even if we could orchestrate a sizable shut down. All freight would not come to a screeching halt. Besides these workers do a lot more than just load and unload trucks.

If anyone has more information on this supposed shut down, please let me know. Sign me on good buddy. I’ve been waiting over a year for drivers to start talking about this. I’d be willing to help in anyway I can. Solutions start with one idea, but there is power in numbers. How can we expect anyone to help us if we won’t help ourselves.

Ps. I’ve have always remained anonymous to forums for a number of reasons (don’t trust internet etc..). Against my better judgment I’m listing my email address in my member information. If any of you would like to share information or discuss this topic more openly, I would be glad to hear from you.

Have A Poopy Day!:'( x( :-( :eek: :D


Expert Expediter
I'd like to chime in on the OOIDA issue. I think OOIDA could increase their numbers greatly by either changing their name to Commercial Drivers Association, or making a push in advertising to let company drivers know they represent them also.

The reason I mention this is, I can't tell you the number of drivers who think that they are for independant drivers only. When chatting at a truckstop or such about current conditions, I always ask "Are you a member of OOIDA?". And if they are a company driver, I usually get the response "No, because I'm a company driver.". I always try to explain to them that OOIDA represents all drivers. Most are surprised to hear this.

As, far as an organized shutdown, I am 100% in. If anyone has any concrete information on an actual plan, please be sure to drop me a line.

And finally, the ATA. Truckers should file a class action lawsuit against them for putting the word "Trucker" in their name. They represent the big companies not the individual truckers. I have yet to see them lobby congress for any type of trucker's rights. And if you do see something that may in someway benefit us, I garauntee the big companies stand to benefit a heck of a lot more.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
OOIDA is a great organization that does alot of good. With a membership of 125,000 they are very limited to do anything politically. The suggestion of a name change would certainly help, but they are in need of adding many members to be effective.
With such a transient crowd in transportation, I don't see where they will get to any substantial numbers.
Most can't seem to agree on anything.
And there in lies the biggest problem.

With regards to the ATA, they represent companies and not drivers.
They claim they represent the drivers but I have yet to see it.
Based on their performance over the last several years I think they are nothing short of a joke.



Expert Expediter
I'm not talking about the shipping and receiving departments being affected, I'm talking about the actual production lines for various products.

Almost every load I've transported so far has been rush/critical. And after talking to the shipping/receiving guys, this means that if they don't get those parts/pieces, etc. on time, an entire production/assembly line gets shut down, if not more.

My father worked many years in an automotive parts plant, and little things not being available can cause BIG problems. Believe me, it's true, if it wasn't, companies wouldn't be willing to pay $1000+ to ship a 50lb box of washers, or a pair of skids of BMW grills. These things not being available actually threatened to shut down assembly lines if not received in time, costing far more money than the cost of transport, hence the need for an efficient expediting industry.

Only problem is, the corporations are abusing drivers and their worth to them because they think we are too stupid to realize our own worth, or demonstrate it.


Not enough if you ask me. Fuel cost is crazy now. i remember i could fill my D unit up for 125.00. now it's like 280.00


Veteran Expediter
You know.... We're not looking at the economic side of this issue. The oil companies are getting the price they're getting because we're paying it. The government Isn't setting oil prices the oil companies and the oil speculators are. If we stopped buying fuel for one day the fuel prices would drop. We're still, by far, the largest oil market in the world. Yet the oil companies think they can stick it to us and we're letting them. I've been keeping track of the truck stops that gouge the most and I won't do business with them. If we all did that they would stop doing it. We let them hammer us and then blame everyone else because we need the fuel. If we don't buy their fuel for a day or a week or a month those speculators will go broke and the oil companies will take notice. Every owner operator needs to park their truck for one day. Don't bottle up the roads. The public already has a low opinion of us and we need their support.