Fuel price higher in w. TN due to broken fuel rack


Expert Expediter
Hi All.
Just thought I'd share some info I just received from a Flying J Tanker driver at the J in West Memphis. According to him, the price is slightly higher here due to problems with the fueling racks in Memphis. This is apparently affecting all of the fuel prices in this area, including the Petro, Pilot, and even the J in Olive Branch, MS. Basically, any fueling station that normally gets fuel from Memphis.

He says that they are running six trucks, instead of the normal three, because they now have to go to Little Rock to get the fuel. Geez, just what we need when fuel is this high.:-(

Let's hope that the boys and girls in Memphis can get the racks up and running soon, and at least bring the price down slightly in this area.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
RE: Fuel price higher in w. TN due to broken fuel

Memphis news (Fox13) said there was a secondary issue with one of these refineries. Should be repaired in six weeks according to their report.
Sounds like another reason to gouge the customer.
Watch for refinery problems in other regions.
What are the chances it could happen somewhere else?:-(


Veteran Expediter
RE: Fuel price higher in w. TN due to broken fuel

I can imagine the oil company execs and major stockholders jumping for joy. "Oh boy! Another disaster!" They'll enjoy riding this train till the economy hits a brick wall caused by them. But they'll jump off and laugh all the way to the bank.

I heard the Russians found a way to dig so deep for oil, it never runs out. The center of the earth is continually replenishing it, and they tapped in. Of course, it won't come of anything for some time due to the robber-barons who have the world by the balls and dictate prices.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Fuel price higher in w. TN due to broken fuel

The thing to really look for in April is the last quarter profits by the major companies. There will probably be record profits,congress will call for ann investigation and the prices will continue to go up..


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
RE: Fuel price higher in w. TN due to broken fuel

We are very active in the stock market and I can tell you that they are turning huge and record profits.
Pick up a copy of WSJournal and they are cleaning up.


Expert Expediter
RE: Fuel price higher in w. TN due to broken fuel

Yup, they are making a profit. And it sucks. But if your carrier could charge 4 dollars a mile they would, if you could get 95% of that, you'd take it. Part of the problem with fuel prices right now is that demand has not changed. The amount of bitching has.

It sucks, but it is the law of supply and demand, no matter how they try to limit supply (higher prices) demand stays the same and there in lies the problem. At some point enough SUV's will be traded in on 3 cylinder golf carts (wheel chocks for our trucks :D ) heating oil demand will drop (due to summer) and hopfully demand world wide will drop. Until then, prepare for high prices and don't expect to see anything less than 1.75 a gallon ever again :(