Dodge Is Going To Fix Those Pesky Sprinter Problems


Retired Expediter
Rlent...I idled for awhile when I first got it till I insulated...maybe 6 hours top ....and then after all the warnings I got the idle stick and then just a couple hours at a time....and now the last 2 years NO idling at all since I got the Honda generator...Yes us van drivers can afford a $1,000 item ...*L*


Retired Expediter
So how does this work...this 2007 Sprinter dual wheels....door panel sticker Front axle 4000 lbs rear axle 7,000 lbs...

Gvrw says 9990 lbs.....

BTW I turned 300,000 the other day and it didn't implode!!


Veteran Expediter

That's not unlike those 10K GVWR ex-Penske cube van units - the combined axle ratings are more than 11K - but the vehicle is stickered at 10K. Go figure ......


Veteran Expediter
LOL !!!

Maybe they can get me one down there - and then we can do some Memorial Day/Victoria Day (belated) grillin' in that 100+ heat ..... :D


Veteran Expediter
Yeah ..... doesn't look like it's gonna happen - they just called me on one going to Rapid City for Monday ..... :p


Veteran Expediter
Nope .... no kiddin !

Whatever it was that she ordered it was BIG (probably expensive too) .... looks like it may cancel for me due to a dims problem ..... :(


Expert Expediter
So how does this work...this 2007 Sprinter dual wheels....door panel sticker Front axle 4000 lbs rear axle 7,000 lbs...

Gvrw says 9990 lbs.....

BTW I turned 300,000 the other day and it didn't implode!!

ANY vehicles axle ratings will add up to more than its GVWR. The axle ratings are axle spring capacity, the GVWR is drivetrain and braking weight capacity.


Veteran Expediter
David....your a little heavy there....With me and supplies and full weigh in was around 5800 total....which leaves me around 2700 for cargo.
AND you are correct the Sprinter can be an expensive was said before it's not an entry level vehicle.

BTW....Most carriers require 2,000 Lbs? if the Sprinter was as heavy as you say why does the fussiest of fussy FDCC have them on?


My post referenced a Sprinter with a sleeper conversion package.

I drove it across a set of scales myself. Too heavy!

BTW...We have already seen the posts where Panther II rejected two of these Sprinters so equipped due to a lack of minimum cargo capacity.

One can increase, or decrease, cargo capacity based upon the configuration of their particular unit.


Retired Expediter
I was wondering what you meant by conversion package..I wasn't sure....Thanks for clarifying that...Your correct about too heavy in this case....

I think If I went that way I'd have them replace the pressboard with plywood and take up the presswood floor and replace it with plywood....pressboard is denser and heavier then real wood.. Also too much particle board is not healthy...