

Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hey OVM, one more thing. You mentioned about how our health care system is confusing and all over the place. I think you missed the point sort of. We have no system, we have freedom. Freedom itself is confusing and all over the place. It requires a man to do for himself, figure it out. Do what is best for him. Personal responsiblity is required to suceed. That is what I love, it is wonderful, loud, brash and hard. When I suceed I reval in it when I fail I learn and use it to drive my self to higher achevements. What a wonderful life. Layoutshooter


Veteran Expediter
I have never met a happy liberial/socialist.

There is this place called University of Michigan in a fairly land called Ann Arbor. The people seem to be happy but they only put on some façade to hide the fact that they are really miserable. Every time I go there, it is like going to a country music concert - I get all melancholy and have to call someone who has their head on straight to pull me out of my depression.

They always see the dark side of life.

I had to work with a lot of people in Ann Arbor for many years and what floored me the most was this idea I was always looking at the negative things in life when they all went around feeling that there may be at any minute a great big meteor crashing into the earth, you know that zombie look – oh what am I supposed to do? Maybe it had to do with the fact that I was one of the few who enjoyed life and things like flying, racing and meeting people to have a good time with instead of playing golf…. Maybe that’s the connection – golf!

Oh by the way, Layout did you catch the BIG story? Apparently someone found cannabis at the U of M gardens and they are having the feds come in to find out who could have possibly planted cannabis in this so important garden. Now you may remember that U of M is the home of the hash bash where the elite meet to…. well whatever… oh yea…. Anyway they found cannabis there, who would have figured?

Hey Tallcal, you know John Sinclair?


Retired Expediter
Layout...Now we understand each other better with some background....My wife is a hard core the flag do the pledge, prayer in school the whole nine yards!! None of you could rattle me as much as she does...*L* Many years ago my kids were a little young for me to leave Canada so she moved to Canada for 8 years and I made her a promise that when the time came we'd move over here...And I kept that promise to her...We visited her mom out here in SD and I fell in love with the land and the towns people...a town where everyone knows everyone, and helps each other. Everyone works, some have 2-3 jobs. The kids rodeo as entertainment when they aren't haying, baling, calfing or lambing...There is respect...yes ma'am yes speaking twice the kids do their chores and actually have fun doing them...there's no gangs and doors are unlocked and your always welcome, the coffee is always on...Western SD is hard core Republican...values such as yours and Leos...a can do society.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
OMG!!! Pot at U of M? Who could have thunk it? LOL, and at that "important" garden. Like a garden could ever be important.

Hey OVM, maybe I can explain it this way.

The United States of America is not a country, not a government nor a people, it is an idea. An idea never heard of in the written history of mankind. It is the idea that the People are in charge of thier government. That they have a RIGHT to self-deternination. They live under the idea, that no matter how bad things get, they have the chance to make it better. That any man can do what ever he wants with his life. That no man will be doomed to a position in life by birth.

Has it worked? You bet, better than anywhere on this planet. Look at people like Dave Thomas. An orphan. Went on to found "Wendy's". He did not ask the government to do it for him, he did it. And what did he do when he "made it'"? He used a huge portion of his money to start a foundation to aid others when they want to adopt.

I once met a older black man. I would say he was in his late 70's when I met him. I never knew his name. He was a "junk" man. Went around picking up scrap. His grand-father was a slave. Just a "junk man"? He was earning an income in the six figures a year and that was in 1981. He did not ask for help from a benevalent government. He did it on his own.

I met a much younger white guy around the same time. He started selling hot dogs from a cart to pay his way through college. He had yet to finish school but 5 hot dog trucks and two mall stores he too was making in the six figures. He was just 22 at the time.

There are countless stories like this. Sure, there are stories like that anywhere you go, but not has many. There are millions in this country. Why? That wild, wacky and wonderful IDEA called the United States of America. Only here is that thought, a RIGHT. Is it perfect?
NO WAY!! Nothing man does is, but the IDEA is!!!!!!!

You are welcome to join us OVM. Get wacky with us. Embrace that "IDEA". That you know better than ANYONE in the world how to live your life. That you can and will overcome anything or anyone that gets in your way. That your life will be a contribution to the "IDEA"

Things will change, but the "IDEA" never should. No one should EVER do ANYTHING to change the "IDEA"

Welcome to America.



Veteran Expediter
Why would you Ontario want to become a U.S. citizen with such bias towards U.S. citizens and the U.S.? Maybee cause this is the GREATEST Country ever? Maybee?

Yep we have deserved the right to be kissed on the Arse many times over. If your ever gona be number #1 or on top everyone everywhere is gunning for ya, Detroit Red Wings, Yankees, Lakers, and yes Even Yankee Doodle Dandie.

Ever made a mistake in your life? Well America has been around for two hundred plus years and sure has made some, but this World would not be nearly as advanced or see life expentency as long as is had it not been for AMERICAN ENGINUITY. Not Canadian as your country has lived off of the back of our protectionism, industrialism, plus many other things. Now I do not dislike Canada or Canadians, just your attitude and those like you towards us and now you want to join us, I hope who ever decides to let you in or not let you reads what you have written.

I am ashamed that we would consider letting you in.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It sounds like there is hope for you yet, OVM!!! Just remember, people like the Clinton's, Obama's hate the "IDEA". DO you know why? They cannot control people like that. Control is all they are after. NOT your best intrest. Layoutshooter


Retired Expediter
Why would you Ontario want to become a U.S. citizen with such bias towards U.S. citizens and the U.S.? Maybee cause this is the GREATEST Country ever? Maybee?

Yep we have deserved the right to be kissed on the Arse many times over. If your ever gona be number #1 or on top everyone everywhere is gunning for ya, Detroit Red Wings, Yankees, Lakers, and yes Even Yankee Doodle Dandie.

Ever made a mistake in your life? Well America has been around for two hundred plus years and sure has made some, but this World would not be nearly as advanced or see life expentency as long as is had it not been for AMERICAN ENGINUITY. Not Canadian as your country has lived off of the back of our protectionism, industrialism, plus many other things. Now I do not dislike Canada or Canadians, just your attitude and those like you towards us and now you want to join us, I hope who ever decides to let you in or not let you reads what you have written.

I am ashamed that we would consider letting you in.

Attitude? haven't seen attitude yet! I must of missed where you figure the attitude is?
You know people as up tight as you and your seemingly arrogant attitude is exactly what gives Americans a bad rap. Please show me the attitude your referring to? ...And BTW for the last few years it's the U.S. been riding Canada's coat tails with the economy in the tank down here. How's that tit for tat? Protectionism I think not....who's got all the enemies? Eh?
To add...people say The Whopper is GREAT...The Kirby vacuum is GREAT...KFC is the GREATEST chicken....But until I try it I'll never know. Ever buy the GREATEST used car?

Ya see Leo, Layout, Greg ..Broom is the perfect example of a person who can't read or understand what we've been discussing...he seen one thing and picked that out.
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Retired Expediter
It sounds like there is hope for you yet, OVM!!! Just remember, people like the Clinton's, Obama's hate the "IDEA". DO you know why? They cannot control people like that. Control is all they are after. NOT your best intrest. Layoutshooter

Not according to the world of broom! *L*


Veteran Expediter
I have never had any beef with you Ontario. You come on here and state the things you stated here and get IRATE when others defend our Country.

You use OUR RESOURCES to make your living. ? do you buy U.S. fuel for your employment or Canadian. And than take hits at us on this site. Has anyone ever come on here questioning you for doing this using U.S. goods and Services?

From the WORLD of Broom. Hey thanks I kinda like that new Image WORLD OF BROOM. pretty cool.


Retired Expediter
I have never had any beef with you Ontario. You come on here and state the things you stated here and get IRATE when others defend our Country.

You use OUR RESOURCES to make your living. ? do you buy U.S. fuel for your employment or Canadian. And than take hits at us on this site. Has anyone ever come on here questioning you for doing this using U.S. goods and Services?

From the WORLD of Broom. Hey thanks I kinda like that new Image WORLD OF BROOM. pretty cool.

Broom..your definition of IRATE must be different then mine? I only get IRATE or irritated when someone who doesn't know squat about Canada makes absurd statements...
My belief on that is...If you haven't lived the system you can't understand the system.
With that said I think we think somewhat the same.
For what it is worth....I think America is GREAT.....but the EST ...That I'll have to find out as time goes by...

I hope all good things revolve around the World of Broom!:)


Veteran Expediter
My belief on that is...If you haven't lived the system you can't understand the system.

I don't agree, just because I didn't live in the Soviet Union does not mean I can't understand the system or because I didn't like in Germany from 1933 to 1946 does not mean I can see the problems of the system.


Retired Expediter
I don't agree, just because I didn't live in the Soviet Union does not mean I can't understand the system or because I didn't like in Germany from 1933 to 1946 does not mean I can see the problems of the system.

Agreed....but seeing problems and knowing there are problems are different then actually living with those problems. And living within those problems...Y'all see the problems in Canada, you hear about it thru your trusted media, you hear stories from Can drivers ya meet at TS's on the road. Canada's still a baby compared to down here, the Canadian Constitution is only 41 years old. The general public in both are still making a living and raising their families and going to little league and both civilizations are still progressing within the limitations of their respective systems.


Veteran Expediter
Can I ask why everyone is ignoring leprechaun's post re the freedom to fascism video? I am not intelligent enough regarding politics to have an opinion on this, but the people referenced in the video seem to be rather intelligent. I found it awfully interesting, to say the least. Would love to hear some comments.


Veteran Expediter
Can I ask why everyone is ignoring leprechaun's post re the freedom to fascism video? I am not intelligent enough regarding politics to have an opinion on this, but the people referenced in the video seem to be rather intelligent. I found it awfully interesting, to say the least. Would love to hear some comments.

Mainly because after 90 years of the same argument, there still is not a shred of evidence that supports the foundation for the argument that is used on the 'film' - "the federal government has no right to directly tax the people".

Taken from the website for Freedom to Fascism;

Are you aware the Supreme Court has ruled that the government has no authority to impose a direct unapportioned tax on the labor of the American people, and the 16th Amendment does not give the government that power?

That question is not even valid because of the ruling,
Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Company 1894 was corrected by the 16th amendment, giving the power to the government.

Further cases confirmed that the amendment and the supporting legislation is valid (which the supreme court can not rule an amendment is invalid by the way because of the separations of powers clause), these cases were;

Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad - 1916

Stanton v. Baltic Mining Company - 1916

Bowers v. Kerbaugh-Empire Co - 1926

All of which affirmed that congress has the power to tax the people directly.


I have to add this, the progressive income tax system we have today is not a result of any republican ideas, it comes from the democrats and if you know the games that were played on the American people in selling the income tax to the people, you can come to understand the present day subjection of the people under a democrat rule. At issue is the selling point of the present congress that they will fix things after 12 years of republican rule and have not passed one piece usable legislation even with a large majority in both chambers. But they have successfully put forth the idea that the problems we have today are a direct result of failed policies of the administraion and that the rich are controling things to keep the people oppressed. Many think there is a need for class warfare, you know it by other names - soak the rich, have people pay their fair share and so on - is the way things need to be and think the messiah Obama is taking the right step by increasing taxes on everyone who is successful but until people realize that the only thing that class warfare has done for the country is drag it down to a level not seen since the European revolutions of the mid 19th century. We have to step beyond the class warfare that people are using today, the dems especially, and think in a way that with government intervention in things, it only gets worst.

I think a better work to illustrate all of these issues we face is Hayek's "road to serfdom"

an overview from Wikipedia;

Hayek’s central thesis is that all forms of collectivism lead logically and inevitably to tyranny, and he used the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany as examples of countries which had gone down “the road to serfdom” and reached tyranny. Hayek argued that within a centrally planned economic system, the distribution and allocation of all resources and goods would devolve onto a small group, which would be incapable of processing all the information pertinent to the appropriate distribution of the resources and goods at the central planners’ disposal. Disagreement about the practical implementation of any economic plan combined with the inadequacy of the central planners’ resource management would invariably necessitate coercion in order for anything to be achieved. Hayek further argued that the failure of central planning would be perceived by the public as an absence of sufficient power by the state to implement an otherwise good idea. Such a perception would lead the public to vote more power to the state, and would assist the rise to power of a “strong man” perceived to be capable of “getting the job done”. After these developments Hayek argued that a country would be ineluctably driven into outright totalitarianism. For Hayek “the road to serfdom” inadvertently set upon by central planning, with its dismantling of the free market system, ends in the destruction of all individual economic and personal freedom.

Hayek argued that countries such as the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany had already gone down the "road to serfdom", and that various democratic nations are being led down the same road. In The Road to Serfdom he wrote: "The principle that the end justifies the means is in individualist ethics regarded as the denial of all morals. In collectivist ethics it becomes necessarily the supreme rule."


Veteran Expediter
I got one for you.Why is every shipemnt on a freight train,regardless of the size of the shipment,subject to a 42% fuel sur charge? Last time I looked, it only takes two locomotives to pull a 135 car train. Now if I'm a shipper,and have a 2500 lb shipment taking up a tiny space in a box car,why the hell am I paying the same percentage Again,two locomotives,whats up with that ?


Veteran Expediter
Democrats or Republicans it doesn't matter because neither are any good. If you ask me we should just start voting out incumbants until we have a clean slate. If they don't act right then do the samething again. It's not that hard people. Actually, yes it is. Because we let party lines cloud our heads from doing what is right. We have a pretty good Rep. here in my distric, but I'm still up for voting him out for a term just to show him it can be done. I know that sounds stupid, but you would be surprised at all the "Change" that would take place when you get the career politicans out of office. Isn't that what Obama is all about "change"?


Veteran Expediter
I got one for you.Why is every shipemnt on a freight train,regardless of the size of the shipment,subject to a 42% fuel sur charge? Last time I looked, it only takes two locomotives to pull a 135 car train. Now if I'm a shipper,and have a 2500 lb shipment taking up a tiny space in a box car,why the hell am I paying the same percentage Again,two locomotives,whats up with that ?

Oh that's easy, rail is regulated by the federal government and they set the mandates for the rates - not the market. What amazes me is simply that up until the 30's most of the rail, local and the big boys were doing fine until they were taken over by the government, like AMTRAK which was the result of naitonalising rail.

But you know I'll give you another example.

The airlines industry one time wanted to trim down the routes, pool resources together to save on fuel and other stuff but the Feds under both Carter and Clinton refused to allow it. Reagan continued Carter's deregulation program of the industry but stopped short of allowing them to collude to save money. Now we have bailouts and all that where we really need to let the industry run itself.