Death by DeSantis


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes - it isn't.

It's about comparative risks vs beneficial outcomes.

No indication in that last tweet (with video) you posted that anyone asked a question, unless perhaps you are referring to the FL Senator who was questioning the Surgeon General Nominee.

Is that who you are referring to ?

If it is, apparently you didn't listen to the actual exchange.

Despite the tweet claiming that the Surgeon General was asked about vaccines being "safe and effective" he was actually only asked whether they were effective.

It certainly can be ... depending on the severity.

COVID can cause it as well.

No, she didn't.

Try actually listening for a change.

I don't think so, given the preponderance of the evidence.

The more accurate answer would be YES.

The MOST ACCURATE ANSWER would be: yes, for the vast majority of the population, they are.

Nonetheless, the Surgeon General Nominee appeared to try and dance around and avoid giving that answer ... likely because he knew that it wasn't the answer his master wanted to be given.

Dr. Fauci would have stepped up and given the correct, most accurate answer.

That's the difference between between a (public health) professional ... and a clown ... who has his present job due solely to politics.

mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Myocarditis
The lady senator wanted a yes or no answer. Aside from reporter Ron Flipkowski not accurately reporting what she actually said. Are they effective? Yes and no. They are effective at preventing death from Covid primarily early on after getting vaccinated. But the vaccines wane and a booster is required apparently every 5 or 6 months. It still doesn’t prevent you from getting it or from spreading it. And we don’t know yet if continuous boosting will eventually weaken a person’s immune system. So I understand why doctors want to give nuance answers. Instead of a yes or no.


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Veteran Expediter
The lady senator wanted a yes or no answer. Aside from reporter Ron Flipkowski not accurately reporting what she actually said.

Yes ... just not to the question you (and Ron) claimed she did.

Are they effective? Yes and no. They are effective at preventing death from Covid primarily early on after getting vaccinated.

That's not the entire story: the also appear to be highly effective at preventing serious COVID illness and, to some extent, the spread (vs. unvaccinated)

But the vaccines wane and a booster is required apparently every 5 or 6 months.

Currently, that is the situation, yes.

It still doesn’t prevent you from getting it or from spreading it.

It doesn't prevent you from a COVID infection and possibly spreading the virus ... how ever it appears to minimize both vs. being unvaccinated.

And we don’t know yet if continuous boosting will eventually weaken a person’s immune system.

In terms of COVID, ok.

Same could probably be said about monoclonals as well.

So I understand why doctors want to give nuance answers. Instead of a yes or no.

I do as well.

Too bad was the nominee wasn't articulate (or possibly, willing) enough to do so.

He could have been a hero ... instead of being a zero.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Yes ... just not to the question you (and Ron) claimed she did.

That's not the entire story: the also appear to be highly effective at preventing serious COVID illness and, to some extent, the spread (vs. unvaccinated)

Currently, that is the situation, yes.

It doesn't prevent you from a COVID infection and possibly spreading the virus ... how ever it appears to minimize both vs. being unvaccinated.

In terms of COVID, ok.

Same could probably be said about monoclonals as well.

I do as well.

Too bad was the nominee wasn't articulate (or possibly, willing) enough to do so.

He could have been a hero ... instead of being a zero.
It’s a negligible difference with someone that is vaccinated and unvaccinated in spreading it. Vaccinate people who get the virus, while prevented from getting seriously ill or worse in most cases, still get minor symptoms like sneezing which can spread the virus very well. I know 2 families where the parents got the virus from their vaccinated younger sons. And their symptoms were just sneezing a lot.


Veteran Expediter
It’s a negligible difference with someone that is vaccinated and unvaccinated in spreading it. Vaccinate people who get the virus, while prevented from getting seriously ill or worse in most cases, still get minor symptoms like sneezing which can spread the virus very well. I know 2 families where the parents got the virus from their vaccinated younger sons. And their symptoms were just sneezing a lot.


Vaccine reduces transmission in breakthrough cases

No, vaccinated people are not ‘just as infectious’ as unvaccinated people if they get COVID


Veteran Expediter


Veteran Expediter
Spineless sounds like Biden and Harris.....

Oh sure ... that probably explains all the squeaking and squealing ...


the do nothing duo.

They've done plenty.

$1.9 trillion Covid Relief passed and signed into law,

$1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill passed and signed into law ... something the last guy couldn't get done (... along with repealing and replacing Obamacare ... :tearsofjoy:)

45 total Article III and IV Federal judges appointed/nominated and confirmed by the Senate (42 in his first year, beating the last guy :tearsofjoy: ), with another 37 nominated and waiting in the wings for hearings and confirmation by the Senate. Plus a couple more Article I judges.

Rolled out a vaccine distribution plan which got 670,573,355 doses distributed thus far and 543,619,492 total doses administered to the populace.

Has rolled back much of the idiocy of the last guy where he could via Executive action.

Made a good start on cleaning up foreign relations with our allies ... which the last guy was very weak on ... :tearsofjoy:

Those are just off the top of my head.

There's probably more.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

I wonder if he makes people wear masks when they are near his wife who is being treated for cancer and is now in the roughly 3% of people in this country who is particularly vulnerable to the virus.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No its not, the numbers are down, but the Democrats have now joined the the Republicans in telling the immunocompromised people they are on their own.
If so, then is this because of the midterm election season?
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Senior Member
Retired Expediter
The Pandemic is over.
While some day the pandemic is over, the virus remains. Over 2,000 new cases in Florida alone just two days ago. Nearly 72,000 Florida COVID-19 deaths since the pandemic began, and counting. The pandemic is over for the 172 Floridians COVID-19 killed last week, but not in a way they and their loved-ones would prefer.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Over 2,000 new cases in Florida alone just two days ago. Nearly 72,000 Florida COVID-19 deaths since the pandemic began, and counting. The pandemic is over for the 172 Floridians COVID-19 killed last week, but not in a way they and their loved-ones would prefer.
Source? And does it show how FL compares with other states?
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not for the 172 Floridians the virus killed last week. For the dead, there is no such thing as less deadly.
Yes. I know. But if some still consider it a Pandemic, by all means,
stay out of Covid rich environments like gyms. It’s a literal virus breeding ground.