Dead head pay and layover it required?


Seasoned Expediter
I hope I dont' sound like a total ditz with these questions...but goes..

I wanted to know if companies are required to pay you for dead heading back from a drop off to home/shop or to the next pick up location? And are they also required to pay for sitting at a truck stop for 1 to 2 days after dropping off the load?

My reason for asking... My husband..and my brother work for the same expediting company out of Indy.. They have had a few loads which they had to drive clear to the other side of Chicago to pick up..mind you NOT being paid for driving to pick up this load.. then delivering the load to ..say.. North Carolina.. After dropping the load in North Carolina they sit.. and sit.. and sit.. for sometimes up to 3 days before being told to head home...again.. no pay for driving home empty.

My husbands recent experience has put him on the verge of telling them to take the truck and stick it... He picked up a load in Illinois..and had to deliver to Texas. Left out Monday and made it to his destination Wednesday night..dropping the load off Thursday morning he was told by dispatch to sit at the truck stop and wait for a call for the next load.

By Saturday morning..still no call.. still no load to head home or even one to get him close to home. Mind you he was sitting so close to Mexico he was only able to pick up ONE English speaking TV channel. By Saturday afternoon extensive boredom had set in and his patience worn quite thin. He called dispatch and told them.. Get me a load home.. or I'm heading home on my own. Within 5 minutes the dispatcher called back and told him to head for Memphis. He's now hoping that dispatch will tell him to head on home.

This company they work for didn't pay them for the 3 hour orientation that both of them drove over an hour to get to and they don't give food allowances for meals. Any help, advice, info... would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....

Where'd ya go.. I miss you do.. seems like it's been forever since you've been gone.. please come back home.}> :)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

Most companies pay deadhead to the pickup location after the first 100 miles. If you are 99 miles from the pickup you just have a long run to make out of your own pocket. Sometimes that can be negotiated depending on the circumstances. A few pay after 50 miles but at a lower rate.

Layover is rarely paid and when it is it's generally a case along the lines of picking up say Thursday evening in Memphis to deliver Monday in Laredo. You get there Saturday since it's a 2 day drive and get paid 2 night's layover for Sat and Sun nights. I've never heard of a company paying layover for the wait time after a delivery and before the next job.

I've never heard of food allowance or anything else of that sort. Good companies do furnish at least lunch during orientation and some also provide breakfast.

What company do they drive for?

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
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Seasoned Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

Well they work for Indy Expediting. I've have heard of some companies who help with meal expenses...according to the company my father in law used to work for..would give the drivers $18 a day towards meals...

but anyhoo... the big issue is they are company drivers driving company trucks.. they get the call to go pick up a load at a certain location.. they drive there.. pick it up..then deliver it. The frustration of it is delivering a load from Indianapolis all the way to Laredo, TX.. where they are made to sit for 2 to 3 days after dropping the load..basically ending up being told to head home totally empty...almost 1500 miles away...and maybe making say $700 for the entire run.

Now the common sense part of this whole thing in question..This far as I know.. only has one broker..If he was told to leave out Monday.. be there by Friday... wouldn't it be common sense for the broker or be searching all week for a return least to just get him out of Texas?

I dunno.. I'm just a truckers wife :)

Where'd ya go.. I miss you do.. seems like it's been forever since you've been gone.. please come back home.


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

It sounds like your men are employees working on commission and the company isn't making the best use of it's resources. I won't belabor the point with a lot of details but your guys do not have the best deal available in your location. If they want to continue in the expediting business, I strongly suggest that they deadhead over to Wilminton, OH on the 28th and/or 29th of July and talk to dozens of carriers and expediters at the Expedite Expo. Check this link.

You came to the right place with your questions; stay tuned



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

Does this company by any chance start withe first letter of their name being A ?


Veteran Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

KW Express
o/o till i die

Do you guys pay for the fuel or the company?


Veteran Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

I thought that the commission thing was dead in this business?

If you are companies drivers, than you should be paid an hourly wage, not commission or salery (I think salery is illegal due to the nature of the work).


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

Thanks Terry for that link and info on the Expedite Expo I'll be sure to tell the boys about it... :)

Where'd ya go.. I miss you so.. seems like it's been forever since you've been gone.. please come back home.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

LMAO hahahah Yes indeed... they are A's hahaha I almost choked on my Pepsi reading that.

Where'd ya go.. I miss you so.. seems like it's been forever since you've been gone.. please come back home.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

The Company pays for the gas..The guys buy their own meals. If the guys run out of money while out on runs, they can get cash advances which is from their paychecks..with a 5-7% fee for the advance.

I've also heard something about there's a rule about if you are on a layover that after your second night in the sleeper birth the company has to get the driver a motel/hotel room. I don't know..that came from my father in law...who worked for Florida Rock & Tank.

Where'd ya go.. I miss you so.. seems like it's been forever since you've been gone.. please come back home.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

From what I know..what ever the company's broker bids on the load...which we never know that... for instance.. This past load from Illinois to Texas, my husband was told he would make about $780 for the run..BEFORE uncle Sam takes his share... now he's dead headed all the way from Texas and is sitting outside of Memphis, TN and they won't let him come home. The dispatcher told me he couldn't let him come home till the Manager approved it....and he won't be in the office till like 7 or 8am Monday....JOY! Now I have a 5 yr old and a 2 yr old crying cause Daddy isn't coming home tonight and don't know if he'll be coming home tomorrow.

Where'd ya go.. I miss you so.. seems like it's been forever since you've been gone.. please come back home.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

Thanks.... Yeah I fell in love with this song when my 6 yr old began singing it and told me it made her think of her Daddy..what made it even more tear jerking is to hear my 2 yr old chime in and sing what she could of the song... broke Momma's heart.

(sorry in my last post I mistyped her age she is 6)

Where'd ya go.. I miss you so.. seems like it's been forever since you've been gone.. please come back home.

Fr8 Shaker

Veteran Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

Well what your Father-in-law is telling you is that he worked for a company that had work and not only that but took care of their drivers. And the money he got for meals or a room was called per diem.
But your Father-in-law not only was a company driver but was an employee. Now I'm guessing here but i'm willing to bet that your husband and brother although driving company trucks are considered contractors and are at least getting paid 33% of the load and also willing to bet they are getting a 1099 at the end of the year for their contracted services. being classified as self employed. If thats the case they should get the trucks back asap and RUN !!!
make sure they get their checks first!

Best of luck,
Fr8 Shaker


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

Yes Fr8 Shaker my father in law does speak highly of his former employer..they did treat him well. My brother who's been working at the company longer(since late last year) only got a W-2 for his 1099 or anything else... :) I did his taxes :D

Where'd ya go.. I miss you so.. seems like it's been forever since you've been gone.. please come back home.

Fr8 Shaker

Veteran Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

Well not knowing exactly how they are working for this employer and being paid ie. percentage, mileage, hourly it's a little hard to say but seeing that they are classified as employees of this company there are labor laws governing what or how the company has to pay them and what they have to pay them for.


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

Sorry about that Fr8 Shaker... that's one thing I did forget to mention.. They get paid 30 cents per mile if the load is picked up Outside of Indiana... and 55 cents per mile if the load is picked up in Indianapolis OR varies at times...

Where'd ya go.. I miss you so.. seems like it's been forever since you've been gone.. please come back home.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

.30 to .55 per mile heck of a big swing in pay. If they are not getting that many loads back towards Indy the owner may have problems later, unless they are getting some very good rates. Did I say very good? Make that great rates.

Fr8 Shaker

Veteran Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

They get paid 30 cents per mile if the load is picked up Outside of Indiana... and 55 cents per mile if the load is picked up in Indianapolis OR varies at times..
Well the way I see it is if they run interstate they get 30cpm.and if they run intrastate they get .55cpm but anyway you look at it their getting screwed. It would be one thing if the company always had a load for them or payed for D/H miles at least some D/H. But my suggestion would be that if your husband and brother get along good they should check out the classified section on this site and think about teaming together.

Best of luck,
Fr8 Shaker


Seasoned Expediter
RE: Dead head pay and layover it required

ROFLMAO... *thinking about her brother and husband getting along together for team runs.. hehehe :D
Well Fr8 Shaker...My husband was stuck with my brother for a week on team runs when my husband first started with the company... by day number 3 they were close to ripping each other limb for limb.. by day 4... Cady bar the door those two were about to rip each others heads off. Luckily both made it back alive and unharmed. I love my brother don't get me wrong..but he can be a total "A" and is very cocky. My husband on the other hand.. tries to get along with everybody...until you tick him off...then look out. :7

Where'd ya go.. I miss you so.. seems like it's been forever since you've been gone.. please come back home