Criminal alien amnesty push yet again


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Amnesty Senators have snuck an amnesty bill back onto the
Senate floor and a crucial vote will take place this week.
Sen. ##### Durbin is attaching the so-called "Dream Act"
to the Defense Appropriations Bill.

We're calling the Dream Act the "Nightmare Amnesty Act."
Here's why:

--The Dream Act gives amnesty to any illegal alien
claiming to have arrived in the U.S. prior to age 16.

--Any illegal alien can apply, no matter the current age. So
if a 35 year old illegal can make a claim to have been in
the U.S. prior to age 16, he can apply.

--Those who get amnesty through the Dream Act can then
sponsor family members. It creates million of "anchor
teens" who create a direct amnesty path for their family.

--Illegal aliens who apply cannot be deported.

--Plus, the bill allows illegals to get in-state tuition rates,
meaning your tax dollars will pay for illegals to go to

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
OOIDA Life Member 677319, JOIN NOW
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If you haven't called your senators yet you really need to call them and tell them you are against any form of amnesty whatsoever. When your life and livelihood is ruined by these criminals you won't have any standing to complain if you didn't do what you could to try to stop this.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
OOIDA Life Member 677319, JOIN NOW
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We will say something to ours, it will do NO good. They ignore everything we say to them. They are much wiser than us. :mad: They are out to control and take over the People. They suck!:mad:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well in reality they aren't going to deport 12 million or so illegals...the government has to, must straighten it out....

but not by giving the farm away...they should go thru the proper process an first register their intent and all that don't...pick them up and toss their sorry butts out...

Why not? They are criminals, why do we want people that just ignore our laws? Oh yeah, they are just like our elected bums!!

The idea is to insure marxist voting. It is part of the take over.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hey they can't vote..they are NOT being given citizenship here...just like me, a resident card, except they push them they'll ever do a background check is beyond me? I was put through the wringer for security that is a matter of concern..

They will be jumped ahead of you and everyone else trying to do it right. They are not concerned with security, they are concerned with assuring their majority and power.


Veteran Expediter
It doesn't matter what the frickn' excuses is, deportation is the one thing that should be done on a limited basis but before that building a real border and enforcing the laws is part of our sovereignty and should be taken seriously.

We are and should be a country of laws, not of one of compassion based on the twisted values of the social engineers who think we are an experiment to be played with.

Without our laws, we all suffer and especially the people who invade our country. There is a point where the federal government's role to protect all involved have been forgotten because of the idea that we must be compassionate, compassion sits with allow the person to live and be productive in our society, not be in the shadows.

The right immigration reform would be enforcing our laws and demanding that companies hire invaders become forfeited just as if it was drug assets - no exceptions, from Tyson to the guy who hires Juan's lawn service.

It makes you wonder, when only a few select groups are protesting this issue, who happen to be south of our border, it makes you wonder why isn't the rest of the world acting like that?


Veteran Expediter
At 0800 on Monday the president needs to announce that all illegal aliens have until 1800 Friday to leave the country. anybody found here after that will be finger printed, photoed and placed on a no admittance list if found a second time it's a life sentence to a new New Mexico prison designed by Joe Arpaio.

This is the only accpetable form of amnisty we should consider,we are willing to forget the fact you broke the law in the first place if your willing to leave and start the imagration prosses prior to your return, doing it by the book.


Veteran Expediter
should but won't happen....a deal will be made and some won't be happy about it...that is life...

And that would be totally wrong and very unfair to the upstanding Americans like yourself who have jumped threw all the hoops working on getting their citizenship.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You are right..from my vantage it wouldn't appear to be fair...but it is not about me...its about getting these people legal resident status ASAP and having them be contributors to our society as opposed to detractors and users of our resources...

Great, more criminals. They have NO business here. They have already proven that they have zero respect for our laws. They need to all deported. First fingerprint them and never allow in a person that came in illegally.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Deporting them all would only hurt ourselves even more so...the fruit and vegetable farmers would suffer, crops would rot in the fields...The real criminals are the Americans that hire them and give them a reason to stay

Those who hire illegals are criminals. Those who enter illegally are criminals. It is not the job of the government to provide cheap labor for any industry. No reason for the crops to go rotten, there are lots of unemployed out there and let us not forget the welfare rangers. Don't want that job? No welfare. No food stamps no nuthin!!! I am tired of supporting bums.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Ya know in Ontario, the welfare have to shovel out bus stops, hospital walks for their check.They get paid minimum rate and it is deducted from their check..if they refuse they get a reduced rate...:D

I seem to remember reading that Obama eliminated all work requirements for welfare rangers. I am right on that?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I wouldn't have a clue on that..but it seems to me to be wrong...
I am of mind if they are able bodied and there is a shortage of work..there is plenty of city projects they could contribute to....defray the cost to the taxpayers.

In Northern Ontario they still "draft" the unemployed to help support the firefighters of the forests...To refuse is jail time and fines...

I don't know about using untrained people on the fire line. Maybe in support roles only. Having been on several forest fire crews and fought many forest fires I can assure you that it is NO place for untrained rookies!! That is how I started and I don't think I was a effective as I could have been and made far too many mistakes. The training is tough, intense and needed.


Veteran Expediter
Those who enter illegally are criminals.

No they are invaders.

Just like the soviets invading Finland

Just like Germany invading Poland

They are committing serious crimes and in many ways I would think it is every citizens duty to help stop them invade the country.

But instead we are acting like France capitulating in 1940.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
No they are invaders.

Just like the soviets invading Finland

Just like Germany invading Poland

They are committing serious crimes and in many ways I would think it is every citizens duty to help stop them invade the country.

But instead we are acting like France capitulating in 1940.

If a citizen, like your or I, did anything to get them out of the country we would be arrested and treated like criminals. Only we would be convicted and not given amnesty. We are not allowed to defend our Country or our Constitution. It is a crime to do so. :mad:


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well maybe yeah...lets see...we have invasive species of fish the harm our waters and wetlands...
Then there is invasive plants that attack our native species as well...

and then there is the invasive Mexicans that take away from our economy and drain our resources...and lower the quality of life for everyone else...

Correct on all points.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'd say he's finally getting it but don't think that's the case. It seems that on a 1-10 political scale, where most seem to hover in the same 1-1.5 point segment of the scale, that OVM spans about 6-7 points on the scale. Maybe it's just my interpretation of various posts but that's what it seems like. I think the above posts aren't agreement but facetious agreement but maybe not.