Could Oprah backing Obama backfire?


Seasoned Expediter
Could she turn this election into a black and white thing?
Makes you think doesn't it. We all know there is prejudice in our country. Not as open as it used to be but in the southern states still a very strong presence. I guess she has enough money not to worry about her career. But if I were the Democratic party I would worry that this may hand it too the Republicans in a hand basket. Just my question and opinion. Hope it doesn't stir the pot.


Veteran Expediter
By all means it should stir the pot. If Oprah is endorsing Obama because he's black, then it's no different than DC reelecting Marion Barry, Detroit reelecting Qwami the Swami and Coleman Young, etc. If blacks vote for blacks because they are black, that's no different than whites voting white because they're white... except that in the latter case they'd be called racist.

If the shoe fits, Oprah! One could only hope she's endorsing Obama because she knows what Hillary is. One could only hope tho.

-A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. - Henry Ford


Veteran Expediter
I heard all this, this morning and then it was followed up by two rather odd comments - he is the only candidate for the black race who will finally bring us together as a whole race and the second one was how much he has done in the US Senate and deserves Oprah's backing.

I am with T-hawk on this one, if it is a race thing, then it is racist and bigoted for the endorsement, but if it is the better candidate, then it is alright. Kinda of odd when you think about it, she has said she will not involve herself in politics but all of a sudden here she is endorsing someone who just happens to be black and without a track record of real success.


Veteran Expediter
That's the difference between libs and cons. Libs want to bring ppl together within the group, but keep them seperate from other groups. Cons want to bring AMERICANS together for AMERICA'S sake.

-A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it. - Henry Ford