
Apparently you've never laid over in Dallas, Little Rock, and then Memphis? It's getting harder not to do any bitching, with all the new recruits coming in every week. You're telling me you are averaging $1500 a week in a van or $3750 in a "d" unit. Maybe earlier this year but NOT NOW.


I'm in a van and we are averaging 1345.78 for the year. I run team with my wife. We still took 3 weeks off in July. I like conway


Still sounds to me like a Conway recruiter,,What percentage deadhead are you guys running,I have friends in Ohio with a b unit leased to Conway and they say deadhead is about 50%..Way to much for me..


My average is $1325 in "B" unit single and I am home almost every weekend, but most of the bigger weeks were from earlier in the year!
ConWay is ok, but I do a lot of deadhead. Going home every weekend dosen't help the deadhead, but it helps keep my sanity!


When I refer to singles, I am not talking about singles
in a B unit, but singles in a D unit. I admit that I don't
know much about the earnings of B units, but everything is moving
more and more to D units and E units in the epedite freight industry. Better get on board!


While I partly agree that there are more D units on the road, I feel that there will all ways be a place for the b vans in this business. I say this because no shipper wants to see his 3 boxes, gross weight 136 lbs, go out the door on a straight truck. He wants to know that his freight will be going direct, not all over the place while the dispatcher tries to find other jobs to load up that big empty 24 foot box. Jim Bunting..


I understand where you are coming from and I agree that you are
correct IF you are with a company that double loads; CONWAY Now
does not double load. One shipper can have multible drops, but
NO DUAL SHIPPERS. If a shipper sends one skid on a D or E truck,
it is a dedicated run. So many times it now happens because they
must have a dock high truck at one end or the other.


Please go back and re-read the example I used. 3 boxes at 136 lbs does not warrant a D unit, and I can certainly put them on a dock by my self. I feel that a shipper wants to see an appropriate vehicle for the load in question. He also does not want to pay for "Too much truck". In my opinion, the B van has a valuable place in most expedite fleets, and will for the forseeable future. They are capable of handling a wide variety of goods, and can get in to any location to deliver, unlike the D's which are restricted to truck routes, and have trouble getting into narrow laneways, in downtown areas of old cities. The fact that B vans are essentially unregulated, and do not have to "scale' gives them the advantage on a long run, where they are able to maintain a higher average speed, within the speed limit, than a bigger, heavier D unit, which also has Hours of Service limits. All in all the B van can still be very useful in this business, and of course, the costs are lower to buy and maintain them. Comments, anyone? Jim Bunting..


I agree with your example. With small packages you are correct.
Vans do have a valuable place. I used to run in one with my wife
team driving. But what I am talking about is the many loads such
as one skid too heavy to load or unload by hand and either
the shipper or consignee is requiring a dock high truck. Not all
companies can drive a fork lift out to your van, and many even
if they could, refuse to do so and are satisfied paying the higher rate. The advantage of the larger truck is that you can haul ANY
LOAD and make money even if it is at a B rate.



I think B units days are numbered anyway. D units are to versatile.



Guys I can assure you Mr. Housworth is not a recruiter,as for his dollar figures in a D unit with a team I can also assure you he is right on the money and a little low on that figure. After being with another company and now been out with Con-Way for the past 2 almost 3 weeks my deadhead was lower the deadhead pay at least paid for 80% of my fuel but my unit gets great mpg's. If you want information that is straight and brutaly honest about the buisiness
in general give Mr. Houswoth a call.


Veteran Expediter
Well I guess we could talk about some recent stuff with Conway. I've been seeing Conway Truckload Tractors pulling CFI trailers and CFI tractors pulling COnway Truckload trailers. When I was in West Memphis at Christmas time I noticed some Conway Truckload equipment on the CFI yard. I wonder who bought out who?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
And I thought it was a one-sided conversation left brain talking to the right brain.
Didn't Conway-Now get sold to Panther2, or was that only what Conway had at that time?