Canada Canadian Expediter Nearly Strangled....


Veteran Expediter
No, not really, at least not yet anyway. Is it just me or are Canadians extremely rude and obnoxious??? Three times now in the past 2 months I have had to wait for receiving to open (In the U.S. but not always the same place).As usual a line of trucks begins to develop through the night waiting to get unloaded. In each of the three instances I have mentioned, just about the hour it is time for the gates to open, a Canadian comes flying in from who knows where, flys in the gate ahead of everyone else, and when confronted either says "I didn't see anybody waiting" or "too bad". This really fries my a..... well you know what I mean. On top of everthing else I don't think some of these people ever shower or bathe! Does this ever happen to anyone else? If so What do you do in this situation??


Veteran Expediter
We're all expediters. Every one of us has had that cocky feeling of "Oh boy! I get to unload before the big trucks who've been waiting for hours and pizz them off!" LOL

With the Canadian drivers having to wait at the bridge all the time, I don't know if I could blame them for wanting to pass up everyone. Tho my guess on your story is it's more about being an expediter than being Canadian. I've done the same thing he has, cause I thought I was carrying the customer's life blood in my truck. And, more often than not, I was right.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I don't really consider that to be the line. A lot of times many of those waiting aren't even awake when the gate opens. If the gate opens and I'm ready to go, I go. If I see someone ahead of me that looks like their almost ready to go, I'll stop and see if they want to go. Usually they just wave me on.

I don't find Canadians to be any different than anyone else. Many of our fellow Americans could stand some hot water and soap.


Expert Expediter
I've peved off so many people before getting allowed to unload 1st. Once in Dallas there was a 15hour waiting list to unload and they pulled a truck out of a dock so I could get in - all it takes is the word "Expediter" and there ussally is no line that you have to wait in except for customs.


Veteran Expediter

I am wondering what you meant when you said; "With the Canadian drivers having to wait at the bridge all the time, I don't know if I could blame them for wanting to pass up everyone."

Well I have waited in line at the bridge, I can't see the difference between me and them so I don't find the reasoning to make any sense, lol.

simon says

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I agree with Highway Star and T-Hawk. Canadians are generally far more courteous, safe, (clean) and talkative than our scrubs/ "steering wheel holders". Just because you ran into one rude one, don't throw out the whole batch. Point of fact is, if my CB is on all the time, it usually is in ON. It goes off at truck stops, or sooner, in the US...
If you report in and your freight is hot enough, they will bring you in. If some driver wants a wake-up to be up to deliver his freight, that's his tough luck. I follow that protocol, and rarely have problems...


Expert Expediter
I always mention "Expedite Load" when talking to recieving. Seems to get me moving sooner most times, or a blank look and "So what?"


Veteran Expediter
Greg... the Canadian drivers cross the bridge more, I'm assuming. Shouldn't have even added that. It was a useless statement on my part. ;)

Simon... I have to admit Canadians are more apt to use F--- on the cb than we do. Other than that, they are generally more helpful and courteous.

"If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don't know." - Kansas


Seasoned Expediter
>No, not really, at least not yet anyway. Is it just me or
>are Canadians extremely rude and obnoxious??? Three times
>now in the past 2 months I have had to wait for receiving to
>open (In the U.S. but not always the same place).As usual a
>line of trucks begins to develop through the night waiting
>to get unloaded. In each of the three instances I have
>mentioned, just about the hour it is time for the gates to
>open, a Canadian comes flying in from who knows where, flys
>in the gate ahead of everyone else, and when confronted
>either says "I didn't see anybody waiting" or "too bad".
>This really fries my a..... well you know what I mean. On
>top of everthing else I don't think some of these people
>ever shower or bathe! Does this ever happen to anyone else?
>If so What do you do in this situation??

Whether the driver was Canadian or not is irrelevant, that this person was rude and obnoxious is relevant.

As far as I'm concerned, no nation has and it's citizens have the exclusive rights on those particular attributes. :)


Veteran Expediter
I didn't mean to say that only Canadians are rude, only that in these specific instances the obnoxious individuals happened to be Canadians. God knows I run into obnoxious people of all nationalities all the time.